Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 45 - Haven's Growth

3 months have passed since Yasaka and I began our annexation of the yokai faction and while there was some dissatisfaction within the yokai community once they entered Haven most began to take back all their previous dissatisfaction. It might have been due to the density of mana and other energies that caused them to agree with the migration. After all, Yokai are a type of spirit so it's a given that they'd prefer a place full of dense mana.

As for those who still couldn't agree with the annexation I stationed them to be part of the supply depot on earth. I also planted some high-quality observation formations all around the outpost in order to keep an eye on them so they don't do anything that could harm Haven.

Other than that I spent a lot of my time in my office managing the migration, and on my break time I'd spend time with either the girls, the guardians, or I'd roam around Kyoto. Speaking of Kyoto my fame as a mangaka has exploded and now my new pen name which was just my real name already outshined my previous pan name [Sakamaki Izayoi].

How was this possible? Well, when I first came to Kyoto I gave Director Nakamura a flash drive full of multiple works that I wanted to release under my new name. Those works while also adding the ones I previously told them to put on hold. Now Scripture Depo has been releasing multiple works under my new name and thus my fame has grown out of proportions.

When my family heard this all of them were shocked but happy for me. I even spent a bit of the money I earned to renovate the house, and now they live in luxury. Then besides family matters, school life was pretty bland, since I was so focused on Haven's development I had paid one of the nekoshou who was proficient in illusion magic take my place. I get a report from her once a week.


Currently, I'm inside my herb garden sitting in a lotus position, while Shirone, Kuroka, Valerie, Yasaka, and Kunou are sitting in the gazebo drinking tea. In order to quell the stress that I've been accumulating while doing office work, I meditate to calm my mind.

Every time I enter a calm state of mind I always feel a small strand of cool energy calm my mind and all the stress I felt suddenly went away and slowly lost my sense of time. By the time an hour would pass the internal timer in my body would kick in and I'd wake up, but today seemed different.

*Ding*[Congradualations Host has accumulated enough source energy needed to form Host's sixth sun.]

Yu - Hm Sixth sun?

Confusion was the first thing I felt for an instant before eventually, excitement took over. Quickly I stood up from where I was sitting and contacted everyone from Haven's governing department. My message was simple.

Yu - Haven is about to go through a growth spurt spread the world. The growth will start in one hour.

Previously I would have instantly begun to form a new sun but now Haven has more than a thousand residents. Kuroka previously told me that last time I formed a sun I caused major changes towards Haven and this spooked most of the residents at that time. Now I have to consider the residents within Haven before I form a sun because it could case mase panic within the region.

--1 Hour Later--

For the past hour, while waiting for the news of Haven's growth to spread, I returned to my meditative state trying to get my mind prepared for its upcoming task. Finally, when I felt the time pass the 1-hour mark I began the process.

In order to form a sun one must nourish the Heavenly World's Core with Source energy and this, in turn, causes the world's energy to flow towards the sky and eventually make a sun. When I first formed a sun when there was only the Nekshou village in Haven I formed an extra half sun in the process.

This half sun wasn't completely considered a sun and thus didn't boost Haven's rank but it did cut the amount of source energy I needed to complete it in half. Now I just need to finish the process and Haven would not only grow in size but the amount of energy the veins in the ground produce will also increase.


{3rd Person POV:}

An hour had passed since the King of Haven had informed the people of Haven's expected growth. Many were skeptical of this news and wanted to see it for themselves, so whether it was those in the city, the mountain, the forest, the ocean, or the desert every starred at the sky wondering what would happen.

Then suddenly the sky began to fade into darkness and the only light in the sky came from the cluster of suns which gave off a dull gold light. This disappointed some since they thought that that was all that would happen but they would soon realize they were wrong.

Soon after the sky turned black and the suns turned to gold, the ground began to shake and then it began to move. All around Haven the landscape began to change rapidly. Whether it was mountains, canyons, rivers, or forest they all began to form. And along with the growth small golden particles rose from the ground and soared towards the sky.

Many thought that these particles would eventually fade away as they flew and they were right, but they were also wrong. As the particles faded aways the smallest of the six suns started to grow larger. To a normal person they wouldn't be able to notice this but to those with an enhanced vision, they could see what was happening.

Besides shocking this scene was also beautiful and it caused many to be lost in a daze as the lost themselves looking at the golden lights. Eventually, the scene had come to an end and the sky eventually turned back to its normal shade of blue. Unable to forget what they saw a large majority of people stayed where they were until a sudden pulse of energy came from the sky.


{Yu's POV}

*Ding*[Congradualtions Host's Heavenly World by the name of [Haven] has reached sixth sun rank. Besides the increase in world power, and energy vein production, [Haven's] surface area has increased to 1,000,000km².]

Yu - !!

I knew that eventually, Haven would grow big but now that it has actually happened I couldn't stop myself from being shooked, but I soon collected myself and tried to focus on the changes in Haven.

Currently, there were now floating islands floating around the edges of Haven rather than the center. The mountain ranges now had snow at their peaks, and in the desert beside a massive canyon, 3 volcanos popped up as well. In the ocean in the north beside getting larger, small islands formed creating an archipelago. And as for the forest beside getting larger in height lushes valleys and meadows could be seen from an ariel view.

Yu - !!!! Ah S***!!

When I saw the condition of the capital I could help myself from cursing. The houses and other city building which were previously within the borders of the wall were now scattered throughout the place. Plantlife retook the area and rather than a city it now looked like the ruins of a city if not for the presence of people.

Yu - I really f***ed up this time.

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