Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 54 - Becoming a Tour Guide

In all honesty, I didn't want to come into contact with the existences that were Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri until I actually entered Kouh Highschool. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me, it wasn't that I hated them or anything just that with them comes a whole lot of problems.

Rias with her major goal of stepping out of her family's shadow as well as her engagement with Riser Pheonix and Sona with her hopes of creating a school. Actually, with my current power, I could solve some of their problems right now but I just didn't want to.

Besides their own personal problems, one must also take into account their sis-con siblings. I have no clue on what they're capable of but I know that Sirzechs if serious can intimidate a god with just his aura. That isn't something I'm capable of doing yet so unless I can help it I'd hope to hold off on interacting with their little sisters.

Sadly that ain't going to happen since I decided to come to a very packed and popular coffee shop that just so happened to be the same shop that the 2 heiresses also decided to come to. Originally I planned to move to a different table but when I did I saw that the whole place was packed to the brim and the only seats were the six seats in front of me.

So after a quick exchange of words, we decided to share the table considering there were no others available.

Yu - [I gotta say though they are pretty hot.]

From what I could see when I scanned their faces all of them were pretty attractive in their own ways. It almost made me want to solve their problems just so they can have a favorable impression on me, but that would expose me and take away their chances of growth. Only by living through their problems will they mȧturė.

Yu - [Though... I'm not too sure about Rias.]

With the whole fiance thing that'll happen next year and the fact that her future power has dropped since I took Shirone as my own I feel like stuff is going to get tough for her.

Yu - [Oh! and maybe Asia too, if she asks for my help that is.]

Now that I actually think about it I might have f***ed things up for Rias and then considering the fact that if I let him my brother might join her side in the future..... I don't even want to think about that now so I'll only wait and see what happens and only intervene if I if see fit.

While I was having that small conversation inside my mind, on the outside I was calmly having breakfast in the coffee shop with Kunou. Things were going fine but right as I was taking a sip of my coffee I heard Akeno say something that caused me to spit it back into the cup.

Akeno - Hey Sona so what happened with that Hyoudou guy who was peeping at the girl's locker room on the 3rd floor.

Yu - *spitting* *Cough* *Cough*

Sona was going to reply but since what I did cause a small scene Kunou and the other looked my way with weird gazes.

Yu - *Cough* Excuse me *Cough* but did you just say some guy by the name Hyoudou was caught peeping inside a girls locker room.

Ignoring their gazes I cleaned up the mess I made with some paper towels while also asking them a question.

Sona - Yes but what does that have to do with you.

Yu - Does he have brown hair and eye, friends with a bald dude and a nerd with glasses, and is his full name Issei Hyoudou?

Sona - Ya.....

Yu - [I knew he was going to end up a pervert the moment he became friends with Matsuda and Motohama but still. Hearing about the perverted deeds of your younger brother is very stressful.]

Sona - Excuse me but who are you? and why do you know so much about the students of our school?

Yu - Huh?

Opening my eyes I turned my sights towards Sona who sat diagonally from me. She seemed to be asking me a simple question but I saw vigilance in her eyes. Letting out a small sigh I took out my phone opened my photo album and showed her a picture.

Yu - My name is Yu Hyoudou and I'm the older brother of the idiot you just mentioned.

The picture I showed them was a selfie of me, Issei, and little Tsukihime-chan when our family went camping 3 months ago. In the background, you could even see our parents by the campfire roasting marshmallows.

Rias - Really your brothers but you look nothing alike?

Yu - Well I'm adopted.

After that, I asked Sona about what other kinds of trouble Issei's been up to at school only to have a major migraine since the amount of trouble wasn't little. To my surprise, however, my small inquiry about my brother's school life lead to me and the girls having an hour-long talk.

It wasn't anything important just small talk. They told me they were on a school trip, and I told them I was a student in one of the schools in Kyoto. I even learned that Sona had just become Student Council President a few days ago.

However, during our talk, I still kept my attention on Kunou since today was her day to tour the city but she seemed to be doing fine in the hands of Akeno who was feeding her small sweets. It wasn't until an hour passed did I pay the bill and motion to Kunou that it was time to leave but, Kunou had different plans.

Kunou - Hey me and Yu are going to tour downtown Kyoto do you guys want to come?

Yu - !! Now Kunou they're pretty busy and besides, we've already taken up enough of their time.

Kunou - Please~~

It seems like Kunou has become attached to them since she was giving me those puppy dog eyes. She wasn't really allowed to leave the castle without a guard or one of the girls but since many people in Haven understand the relationship between me and the girls or the fact that the guards can be pretty overbearing citizens tend to keep heir distance when she goes to town. Maybe interacting with Rias and the others was fun for her and I knew she would be a little depressed if I denied her request so, in the end, I could only give in since Kunou was better smiling than sulking.

Yu -...Would you guys like to join us on our visit to Downtown Kyoto?

Akeno - Ara~ are you asking 4 girls out on a date pretty shameless of you, isn't it?

Yu - I won't deny that that is shameless but I have a girlfriend, and also I'll only give you guys a tour if you hang out with Kunou here since she's taken a liking to you guys.

They thought about it for a while and eventually accepted my offer. It was probably due to the fact that I also told them that Kunou was the daughter of a friend of mine and didn't usually get the chance to go out much.

So for most of the day, I became a tour guide to a group of beautiful girls but when I thought of this I didn't whether I should laugh or cry. Who would have thought that me a leader of a faction held in high prestige would become a tour guide, if my enemies saw this they would no doubt laugh at me till they pass out from running out of breath. However, in a way it wasn't so bad Kunou seemed to be having fun, and since that was today's objective I guess I could let it slide for today.

Thus after visiting the coffee shop, I took them to see some local shrines and other popular tourist sights. Though watching the difference in all their reactions when they visited a new site was very amusing on my part. Rias acted like a kid in a candy store along with Kunou, Akeno calmly looked at the sights with a smile, Sona acted uninterested but her eyes would always wander off wherever we went, and as for Tsubaki she honestly was reading a book the entire time.

Yu - You don't really seem interested in visiting Kyoto do you?

Tsubaki -...It's not that I don't care it just I used to live here when I was young so stuff like this doesn't amuse me.

Yu - Wait! If you already know the layout of Kyoto then why am I your guy's tour guide couldn't you guys do it yourself!?

Tsubaki - I have....a bad sense of direction

Though she tried to say it calmly I could hear the subtle bit of embarrassment in her tone causing me to laugh a little.


Remembering Akeno's back story I came to the conclusion that this might have been her home as a child. At first, I wanted to ask her if she was okay since she was really lost in thought but before I could I felt a chill in the air.

Using [World Eye] I scanned the area and found a dimly light figure floating around Akeno, it didn't seem harmful to her so I didn't attack it immediately. Allowing my thoughts to analyze the figure I came to the conclusion that it was a wandering spirit which was basically a person who died but left with deep resentment in the heart.

These things were usually harmless and couldn't leave the place where they died so most people just left them alone. However, if the spirit came into contact related to their resentment they would circle around it without being noticed. The only reason I could feel its presence as well as see the spirit was that my senses were higher than most allowing me to feel it and [World Eye] allowed me to view it.

Yu - [Wait could that be...Nah can't be....well it could be worth a shot I guess.]

Quietly taking out a soul stone I 'borrowed' from an enemy faction I used telekinesis to drag the spirit into the stone. If my hunch was correct that would be awesome if it wasn't at least be able to practice one of my unused abilities.

No one noticed what I did since it was done within seconds so taking this as a chance to leave I pointed the girls in the direction of their hotel and took Kunou home. All in all, she seemed to have fun since when I carried her my back she went to sleep with a smile on her face. I smiled at this as I walked back to my Kyoto apartment but, while I was walking one thought came to mind.

Yu - [Wait! Wasn't I trying to avoid contact with them?!]

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