
??? - Attention passengers the train will be leaving in 5 minutes--

In the background, I could hear the voice of the train workers through the speakers but soon ignored it. Instead, I rested my head against my chair while a small grin appeared my face. The reason for this was because I was remembering last nights union with Yasaka. Sadly besides my memories, the lingering feeling in my palms, and the scratch marks on my back all evidence of what we did was cleaned up by Yasaka.

While I had no problem with people knowing I had sėx with Yasaka last night, Yasaka had to disagree saying things like our love life should be kept private and that other people didn't need to know about it. I thought her words made sense but when I saw her flushed face I couldn't help myself from teasing her say that I would make today a special holiday on Haven's new calendar.

To this Yasaka's movements froze and her face became that of a tomato causing me to laugh. Hearing my laugh caused Yasaka's embarrassment to reach its peak and she ended up punching my ċhėst before running out of the tower while shouting to the top of her lungs that I was an idiot.

The punch hurt a bit but I laughed it off since I got to see the calm and mȧturė Yasaka act like an embarrassed child. After that, my morning was pretty normal, other than taking a bath in the hot spring, I meet up with the others and had breakfast, and went to my study to finish up a few things before I had to leave.

Around the time noon came, I gave all my women a kiss before teleporting out of Haven and into Kyoto only to carry a small bag over my shoulder as I walked towards the train station. Yesterday could be said to have been my last day in Kyoto since a week ago I filed the paperwork necessary for me to transfer back to Kouh.

When I told my family they were happy to hear that I was coming back home and told me they would come to pick me up at the train station. If not for this I might have just teleported to Kouh but going on a train wasn't a problem since I had little to no sleep last night.

When I opened my eyes instead of being inside the train I found myself floating inside a dark void, and while I could only see it faintly there was something in front of me.

Yu - Hm what the?!

Similar to when I first entered this world I could fully control my body. It wasn't that I lost my body since I could still feel my connection to both my body and Haven. This calmed me down a bit before I started to make out what I was looking at.

The object in front of me was a round tile and it had a faint image on it but from the looks of it, it was cracked. The more I focused on the tile the clearer the image on the tile became. After an unknown amount of time what I saw was a person sitting on a thrown.

I couldn't tell the gender since the person had a helmet on, but in his right hand was clad in mist, while his left hand rested upon an elegant sword stabbed into the ground. The person wore plated armor seeing this I could only comment that this guy was an imitation of proto saber from the fate series (A/N: Here's a picture of proto saber - i.pinimg.com/originals/16/aa/91/16aa91790c5e8304dc95737b91892b9b.jpg)

After getting a good look at the tile I tried to comprehend what it means but when I did felt a suction force pulling me away. The last thing I saw before I disappeared was the tile as well as 3 other broken tiles further back.


When my clarity returned I didn't open my eyes since I could already tell from the noises that I was back on the train. Instead I continued to look asleep but in reality, I was talking with my system.

Yu - [System what was that just now? Why was my conscious suddenly transported into the dark void?]

*Ding* [That was not a void that was Host's deep conscious. It is located at the bottom of Host's sea of conscious usually normal people have nothing there but it seems Host has begun to manifest an authority.]

Yu - [Hold up I'm going to need a refresher course on this authority you mentioned since I don't know what it is.]

*Ding* [Auhority is not something the system can grant Host, however, the system can grant skills that Host can turn into authorities. The meaning of the ability called authority is a power that the user has comprehended beyond normal means and turned it into something stronger. Usually, these powers are powered by godly divinity, law comprehension, or even primordial energy but since these type of energy aren't common the amount of people capable of manifesting authorities is low.]

Yu - [But I still haven't unlocked my primordial energy how can I manifest an authority.]

*Ding*[Take is as a sign that Host is close to breaking through into ultimate rank. Through the system's analysis Host has already reached the required physical as well as magical limit need but for some reason Host has not unlocked that last 1 percent of Host's bloodline.]

Yu - [Well I can't say anything there I don't even know how to unlock my bloodline.]

My body isn't the only thing that I trained over these years I also tried to awaken my bloodline using methods I found either in the system or even in the world but all were useless to me. When I knew they wouldn't work I could only reluctantly give up since the answer to awakening my bloodline was a mystery.

Yu - [So do you know what type of authority I have?]

*Ding*[From what the system was able to analyze as well as the knowledge of authorities God has bestowed the system Host's authority is similar to a blessing type authority. It is one of the more simple authorities that one can manifest. An example can be the guardian spirits blessing to their respective races as well as God's divine blessing.]

Yu - [Kinda hoping for a combat-like authority but I guess this is okay too.]

Thinking about it now [King's Authority] does have something similar to a blessing. It was the ability it got from the [Title Grant] skill. Although I haven't put much attention into this ability I do use it instinctively whenever I grant one of my subjects a position of power. When this happens the subject I granted a title to will have a boost in their strength if they are around me, inside my territory, or even if they are fighting in my name.

Usually, whenever I used [King's Authority] it was mostly for the unit management ability and because of this, I neglected the benefits of the title grant ability. But now that I actually focus on it I realized my mistake.

Yu - [Looks like I'll have to start studying all my skills again when I have the time...wait system when I was in my deep subconscious I saw 3 other tiles. Could those also be authorities?]

*Ding*[As of right now they are only a fragment of an authority but it is no doubt that they could be a proper authority if Host can complete them.]

Yu - [Fragments? So does that mean that you can't tell me the type of authority or even its ability?]

*Ding* [Correct but what the system was able to analyze 1 of the fragments is based off of a concept while the other two are still unknown.]

Yu - [Concept huh...Why do I feel like the system is just giving me information on stuff I'm not ready for]

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