Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 58 - Kuoh Highschool and Possible Awakening

5 Days passed since I moved back in with my family in Kuoh and those days should have been peaceful and they were for the first day but after that, it was nothing but trouble. Originally the plan was to wait until school started back up so I can start a normal-ish school life, but because of a mistake on my part, I ruined all chances of that happening.

The next morning during breakfast Mom and Dad both pestered me about my girlfriend, and wouldn't stop until I finished my breakfast and left the kitchen. This went on for 5 days and only stopped after I showed them a picture of me and Shirone at the top of Kyoto Tower.

Since they got what they wanted they stopped pestering me and only said to bring her home sometime. Seeing this I wondered why I didn't do that earlier but later ignored it because what's done is done.


Mom - Issei! Yu! Wake up you two you're going to be late for school!!

Yu/Issei - 5 more minutes...

Mom - Get up!! Both of you!!

Yu - *Groan~* fine I'm up...

Issei - ...*Snore~*

Mom - Issei!

Seeing that Issei wasn't getting up Mom pulled out a rag from her apron and started hitting Issei in the face with it causing him to wake up startled. To this, I couldn't help myself from laughing. As Mom said both Issei and I had school today, but last night Issei came to my room asking me to help him with some homework he forgot to do only to crash out on my desk at midnight.

As for me, my night didn't stop at midnight, right when I was going to bed I got a call from one of my friends. Basically, he just bought a house in Kuoh and was calling cause he was having housewarming party with some of his other friends. He tried calling me earlier but since I was tutoring Issei I had my phone off.

When I got this small bit of information I had 2 thoughts in mind, to either go to bed and prepare for school tomorrow, or have a nice night out with friends. Honestly, that thought entered my mind for a millisecond before I immediately used space magic to teleport out of the house.

Ever since coming to this world I only really went to school to relax from my king duties, or to have a change of scenery. I never really thought of it as a place to learn since anything I tried to learn will be mastered after 2 or 3 hours of studying. Because of this, I needed almost no effort in maintaining my grades even if I didn't listen in class.

In short last night, I snuck out of the house to a party, had fun, drank a little, and then snuck back into my room at 5:30, 1.5 hours before Mom would usually come to wake Issei and me up.

After mom came to wake us up, both of us got dressed and did the basic morning routine we went downstairs.

Mom - Hurry up you're going to be late, eat on your way there!

Saying this Mom handed both of use a piece of toast and a lunchbox pushing us out the door. After that, we started running while eating our toast since school started in 11 minutes and the journey from home to school was around 8.


Issei - *Exhausted breathing* W-woohoo...we made it!

Yu - Ya with 5 minutes to spare come on.

Since we were in a rush both of use sprinted towards school and by the time we got there we were earlier than expected but, Issei was exhausted was trying to catch his breath. Since I didn't know how long it would take for his to recover I simply dragged him into the school and left his with Motohama and Matsuda who also bȧrėly made it on time.

Once I dropped off Issei I made my way towards the teacher's lounge and handed in the necessary paperwork needed to complete my transfer.

Yu - Excuse me.

Walking into the teacher's lounge I found that it was almost empty with only one 50-year-old teacher sitting at his desk.

Teacher - Hello young man who might you be?

Yu - My names Yu Hyoudou I'm the new transfer student from Kyoto.

Teacher - I see give me a minute.

Saying this he walked over to one of the shelves on the wall and started looking through some papers until he found the one he wanted.

Teacher - Ah! I see Yu Hyoudou class 1-C you were transferred here over the break so not many teachers know about you yet. I hope you can understand.

Yu - It's fine.

Teacher - Well then here's your schedule and let me take you towards your homeroom class.

Following him out of the teacher's lounge he gave me a quick rundown on the layout of the school until we arrived at my classroom. He told me to wait a while, while he went inside to inform my new teacher. After a few short minutes, he came back outside and left after welcoming me to Kuoh high school. Following that I heard my teacher welcoming me into the classroom, there I saw a middle-aged man in a suit standing before a class of 25 students.

Teacher - Care to introduce yourself.

Yu - Oh um my name is Yu Hyoudou I just moved back home from Kyoto, I'll be in your care for the year.

After introducing myself I was pointed towards my seat which was in the back near the door, and on my way there I was looked upon by everyone. The girls showed expressions of intrigue and affection, while the boys looked at me like I was their enemy. Ignoring the gazes of the crowd I sat down in my seat, but as I sat down I saw an abnormality in the corner of my eye.

Directly diagonal from me was a blond guy, he didn't give me death stares like the other guys, rather he had a calm air around him. He was good looking and from what I could see was well built, but that wasn't what caught my attention. Although it was faint there was a small amount of mana coming out of his body.

Yu - [To think that the first devil I see in school would be Kiba.]

That thought entered my mind before it immediately vanished from my mind as I returned focus towards the teacher who resumed his lecture.


After that other than getting swarmed by a group of girls which was honestly annoying the rest of the day was okay. I meet up with Issei and the others at lunch, beat them up when they tried to enter the girl's locker room before gym class, participated in class, pick up Tsukihime from daycare, and then eat dinner with my family.

A completely normal day is what I'd call today, however, later that night as I was talking to Shirone on my phone when I felt a small burst of energy coming from Issei's room.

Yu - Shirone... I'll have to call you back something just happened.

Hanging up my phone I used space magic to take a peek at what was going on. There I saw Issei sleeping in his bed while drooling, but if you looked at his hand it was glowing emerald green.

Yu - [Could it be Ddraig is walking up earlier than expected.]

Originally in the Canon Ddraig was supposed to communicate with Issei in his second year of high school, but right now he was only in his first year. There was still 5 months from then and now. Unsure of what to make of this development I continued to see what Issei's reaction would be but sadly nothing happened and eventually the emerald glow faded away.

A few minutes after the glow disappeared I teleported into Issei's room and tried to find any changes in Issei's body. After a quick diagnostic, I found a faint mana signature coming from Issei's left arm. However, compared to human mana this mana signature was similar to dragon mana the dragons in Haven use to perform magic. The only difference was that this aura was faint yet you could sense the power it contained.

Yu - [Ddraig really deserves to have his Heavenly Dragon title even though this is only a piece of his soul it still allows its user to use amazing power...but this power comes at a cost. Right now if I left this unattended Issei could be in danger. The most I can do now is hide this aura.]

Forming a suppression rune out of magic I placed it on Issei's head and the mana signature coming from Issei vanished. What I did was rather than sealing Issei's sacred gear I instead put a high-level suppression rune on him which will hide his mana as well as Ddraig's from being detected by anyone besides me.

This way it allows Ddraig to continue communicating with Issei. I also hope that Ddraig will try to help Issei get stronger if he chooses to walk down the path similar to the one in the anime. If he does I might invite him into Haven or let him do his own thing after all it'll be his choice in the end.

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