Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 75 - Issei's Test

{Yu's PoV}

After having that meeting with the others last night I woke up early the next day and rather than going to school I stood atop one of Kuoh Town's taller buildings. Resting her head on my ŀȧp was Shirone who decided to skip school with me, and behind us was Esau who was wearing a butlers outfit. At the moment I was briefing Esau on how far he could go when testing Issei as well as the time limit I placed on this operation.

Yu - You got everything memorized?

Esau - Yes I have committed everything to memory.

Yu - Then get into position Issei should be on his way to school by now.

Esau - As you wish Master.


Leaving off with those words Esau turned into a grey mist and descended upon Kouh Town. For a while, we just sat there enjoying the morning air, and the first to speak was Shirone.

Shirone - Are you sure it's right to be testing Issei like this? It seems a little excessive, don't you think? Wouldn't it be better to have him spar with some of our soldier instead of fighting against Esau?

Yu - I'll admit that there are other ways to test Issei but I felt that it is the best test if I want to see Issei's potential. Besides if I pinned him again one of my soldiers they might go easy on him since he's my little brother, or they might completely annihilate him with their normal strength. After all the minimum requirement to be a full-fledged soldier is to reach High Rank after all.

Shirone - I don't know why you put such a requirement on soldier recruitment.

Yu - It's so they can survive, the soldiers of Haven are not alone they also have families. The requirement is so they can have the strength to not die so easily on the battlefield. We already have enough war orphans as is, I don't want them to continue to increase if I can help it. Besides compared to the others, Esau is the best candidate for this ȧssignment.

Shirone - Why?

Yu - While his training regiment is a little cynical he's able to bring out good results. While it might be a little annoying he does point out the flaws in a person's actions. Not only does it allow the soldier to learn from his or her mistake it also gives them the chance to reflect on their training after it's done. Besides he knows how to hold back which is more than I can say for the others.

Shirone - Oh~


As we were talking both of us felt a strong pulse of mana coming from the direction of my house. Following that, we could see a small bit of smoke rising in that direction.

Yu - ...That fire is probably from Issei, Esau specializes in dark, wind, and mind magic.


{Issei's POV}

Issei - Shit I'm going to be late.

Ddraig - [It's your fault for staying up late Partner. I just don't get why you find those videos so entertaining.]

Issei - [...]

Since I wasn't able to come up with a proper counter to Ddraig's comment I looked around to see if I can change the subject. However, there was nobody in the streets today, and it was really quiet which made the atmosphere feel off.

Issei - [This kind of reminds me of a scene in an anime.]

Ddraig - [Partner watch out!!!]


Reacting to Ddraig's voice I stopped running but before I could ask what was wrong an arrow had impaled my left shoulder. Overcome with the pain I unconsciously fell to my knees while holding onto my now injured shoulder.

Ddraig - Partner get up!

Issei - *Painful Groan* What's going on!?!?

??? - Minus 30 points, even if you couldn't dodge that your reaction to pain is a little exaggerated... or is that you are not used to pain? Whatever it won't change anything.

Looking up at the man who shot me, all I saw a middle-aged man wearing butlers clothes. He didn't look like he was carrying a weapon but something told me that he was the guy firing the arrow.

Issei - Who are you?!

Gritting my teeth I shouted a question at the man, currently, he was writing something down on a notepad, and it was only after I shouted that he looked at me.

Issei - [Vampire!! Ddraig didn't you say that as long as I still had the seal on me monsters wouldn't be able to find me!?]

Ddraig - [Yes, but as time passes the seal weakens, so it isn't impossible for your aura to leak out, but I'm certain that hasn't happened yet. Whoever this guy is, he isn't someone you should let your guard down around.]

Issei - [Shit! Why now of all times?!]

Esau - Are you and the Welsh Dragon done talking already? I'm kind of on a deadline here.

Issei - Deadline?

Esau - Well until noon today I'm going to hunt you down and see what the current host of the Boosted Gear is capable of. That's all really, though if you die that's fine too.

Issei - Why!? I don't remember having a connection in the supernatural world, so why I'm I being targeted!?!?

Esau - It's not me who wants to test you, but someone I know what's to see how much you have improved in these 4-months.

Issei - 4-months... Was it you that put that seal on me?!

Snapping his fingers I felt a large surge of mana entering the air. As I tried to understand what was going on the sky had turned red before eventually returning to its usual light blue color.

Ddraig - Vampire what is the meaning of this?

Esau - It's just some precautions so you don't run away. Currently, the entirety of Kouh Town in encased in a barrier, as of right now nothing can come inside and nothing can go out either. Now let's begin your test shall we.

Sprouting wings from his back Esau took to the sky, and as he did that many arrows started to appear out of thin air. Then without saying anything else, those arrows start flying my way at breakneck speeds. Barrel rolling to the side I endured the sharp pain in my shoulder, summoned the boosted gear and punch the incoming arrows.

Issei - [Ddraig!]

Ddraig - [Calm down and think rationally, panicking will only mess with your sense of judgment. He can instantly form a magic barrier around the town but takes a few seconds to form magic arrows. Judging from actions he isn't fighting you at full strength, probably his earlier words about killing you were only just to scare you into not being careless.]

Issei - [That arrow earlier seemed pretty lethal I can still feel pain in my shoulder! How can you explain that!?]

Ddraig - [Even if he doesn't plan to kill you, he does have the power to kill you easily. Don't let your guard down.]

Issei - [Tell me something I don't-]

As my train of thought was interrupted by the guy's words what came after was a heavy blow to my gut. The impact sent me flying a few meters but when I looked down I saw another arrow stabbed into my stomach. Forcefully pulling the arrow out, I dodged the next volley of arrows coming my way.

Issei - [Ddraig any ideas?]

Ddraig - [Escape, right now we can't beat this guy and the time limit for balance breaker won't give us enough time to fight evenly. All we can do now is regroup.]

Issei - [Okay.]

Learning from my past mistake I quickly conversed with Ddraig before focusing solely on the battle. In doing this I was able to sense and even dodge the series of ground spikes that started popping out of the ground.

Esau - Hmm~ learning while fighting, interesting plus 10 points.

Ignoring his comment I tried looking for a way to escape but couldn't find any. If I tried to leave through the sky I would be shoot down by his arrows, and if I tried to run away his ground spikes would try to impale me. Looking towards Esau I saw that he was now reading a book in one hand while using the other to constantly fire off magic spells

During our exchange, I tried sending some fireballs towards Esau but they were cut down by a series wind blade, but when that happened I noticed that his attacks momentarily stopped when the wind blades were released. I didn't know if this was a type of ploy he was setting up for me but it was all I got a the moment. So all I could do was act on it, with my right hand I sent a volley of fireballs towards Esau, and with my left hand, I formed a compressed fireball the size of a marble.

Issei - [I hope this doesn't kill me.]

Borrowing the power of the boosted gear I powered up the firepower of the compressed fireball before throwing it towards Esau, and just like the others, he fired a wind blade cutting the compressed fireball in half releasing all the pent up energy inside causing a giant explosion.

Esau - Hmm?

Probably sensing the sudden burst of fire energy in the air Esau looked towards the fireball but it was already too late.


The explosion went off and everything in the surrounding area was engulfed in a sea of flames.

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