Entering The World Of High School DxD

Chapter 81 - Revealing the Truth (Sort of): Part 2

{Yu's POV}

"Did you give yourself a way out too Aniki?"

"I'll take that as a yes for my question," I said ignoring my little brother's question as I continued to walk forward


Not too pleased that I ignored his question Issei grabbed my shoulder causing me to stop. When I looked back Issei looked straight into my eyes as if demanding an answer.

"Why does it even matter if I had an escape plan or not," I sigh, "I was so young then I didn't even know the consequences of entering the supernatural world."

"What do you mean?" Issei said confused by my words

"Think of it like this Issei," I said, "You know how sometimes certain species do certain activities out of instinct."

"Ya doesn't it have something to do with genetics or something like that," He replied wondering where I was going with this

"Well from what I could understand ever since I was a child my body acted out of instinct, and my body by itself cultivated mana and other special abilities without my complete knowledge," I said revealing one of my "secrets" to Issei, "So even if you ask me if I prepared a way out for myself, by the time I knew my left from right I had already reached the point where turning back wasn't an option. Plus at the time I didn't even know of the dangers of the supernatural world. All I did was act out of instinct and slowly grow my strength until reality hit me like a truck."


Looking at the once again shocked Issei I knew he was having trouble digesting this new knowledge as well as the rest of the knowledge he received today.

"It would honestly be great if he just believed me with just my words themself." I thought in my head.

I told Issei these things because, to be honest, it gave me a good excuse for how I got all the knowledge of skills and other abilities I have. Rather than revealing the existence of the system saying that all the knowledge I have was granted by my bloodline made things a little easier on my part. Sure it might cause people to hunt me down for my blood but even if they got it my blood evaporates once the distance from my body is more than a meter or if ten minutes have passed.

"Hey Aniki!" Issei called out bringing me back to reality, "Does that mean you have some strong bloodline like in those web novels online?!"

"Uh ya," I said

"But don't things like bloodlines take years to form as well carry a lot of strong abilities," He asked as if forgetting the entire conversation we had just a few minutes ago

"I guess," I said shrugging my shoulders, "I am strong and my abilities are useful but I had to work hard to get them to be what they are today. Now let's drop this subject okay."

Sadly he did stop and instead started asking me questions about the things I could do. Can I use really strong magic, do I have a transformation ability like in dragon ball, can I flatten mountains with one punch, etc.

Although his questions came out faster than machine gun bullets I did my best to answer most of them within reason. Along with answering Issei's questions, I used one of my separate thought processes to communicate with Ddraig since Issei was fanboying so much he didn't even remember the purpose of our talk.

"What's your take on this Ddraig," I called out through thought transmission, "You can read his thoughts and have spent more time with him than me recently so I'm sure you got a better understanding of him than I do."

"He should be fine," Ddraig's answered, "He might be simple-minded at times but he isn't the idiot people make him out to be. He may be a huge pervert but he's considerate when it counts. It's shocking how different his actions and thoughts differ."

"I know what you mean," I replied thinking of the past when Issei wasn't so perverted

"But anyway," Ddraig continued, "I'm sure if you're backing him up he'll be fine, I mean I have yet to see you like the cold-hearted type of person that'd abandon your brother just because they're weak."

"Oh? Why do you say that?" I questioned

"Because no cold-hearted man would plan such an elaborate plan just to prepare their siblings for the unknown."

"I can think of two worse examples," I said thinking of two really powerful sis-con Devil Kings

"They must be crazy then," Ddraig said before his tone dialed down, "but it looks like I won't be getting a new body anytime soon. It seems I going to be seeing you a lot more in the future."

"Cheer up," I said remembering the deal we had a few months ago, "Now that Issei knows about me (or at least what I want him to know) I'll do my best to raise his strength to the point where you don't need to be in the Boosted Gear anymore."

"Let's hope that day comes soon," He replied

After that, I stopped using my second thought process and turned towards Issei who was still asking questions only this time I didn't continue answering them. Instead, gave him a light finger flick that was faster than he could perceive causing him to stumble backward three steps.

"That's enough about abilities for now," I said before he could complain, "Instead to make up for it let me show you something."

"Is it a flying nimbus," He asked without thinking

"No (I don't need that). But in my opinion, it's nicer than a flying nimbus," I said grabbing onto his shoulder, "For now keep your mouth closed and try not to scream."

"What do you meAAAAAAHH!!" He asked before I started moving at an inhuman level of speed while still holding onto Issei

"You okay?" I asked while using some healing magic to ease his nausea

"*Groan* I'm fine," He said wiping his mouth, "but damn you're fast Aniki… Where did you take me anyway?"

"Look down there," I said pointing my finger

The place I pointed at was a giant golden floating fortress stationed atop a large wall with people coming in and out of the gates. Engraved on the wall and sewn on the flags hanging on the fortress's outer walls was the Wings of Freedom Insignia. Inside the walls was a lively city with a mixture of modern and ancient architecture giving the city a unique sense of beauty. Adding to that all the smiling and lively faces of the citizens inside only added to the City's beauty.

"What is this place?" Issei asked after some time had passed

"This Issei is Haven, you can call it my second home outside of Kouh," I said smiling as I saw my Kingdom flourish, "It's also the capital of the faction I am part of while also being the home of millions of people supernatural and human alike."

"When did you join this faction?" He asked not looking away from the city

"Haven was formed while I was away in Kyoto," I said, "At the time Haven was only a small faction comprised of lower than a hundred members. It wasn't until some fortunate encounters was Haven able to grow to what it is now."

"So you're someone near the top of the hierarchy here Aniki," He said

"Hahaha ya you could say that," I said keeping my Faction Leader status hidden

"...But why did you join this faction?" He asked taking his eyes off of the city

"Not everyone can survive by themselves," I said, "There will be times when help is needed in order to survive in the supernatural world. I didn't become part of Haven for protection but more for having the ability to protect our family. After gaining a reputation and subordinates I had some strong members protect the family from the shadows in case anything ever happened while I was away."

"Must've been tough having to worry about everyone back home?"

"A little bit that's the past now all we have to do is set our sights on the future," I said while cringing a little in my mind for saying such a cheesy line,

"The future huh?"

"For now Issei if you need help or even a place to train think of Haven as your second home," I said handing him a talisman which merged with his hand, "Whenever you want to come over just pour your mana into this talisman and you find yourself here."

"So does this mean I'm part of Haven now?" He asked

"Do you not want to?" I said

"Hell ya I want to join," He said keeping his hand out of my sight before asking me a question, "Do you think I'll be able to bring everyone else over?"

"Are you going to be the one to explain the whole supernatural world concept to them?" I asked since I felt like push that job off to him

"Err….Can you do it?" He asked

"I don't want to."


Hey, guys sorry for missing last week's chapter I was a little preoccupied with midterms studying but now I'm back. So for now here's this week's chapter.

On another note, I wanted to ask you guys on some possible plot I could create for this fanfic. Not going to lie I'm going through a little bit of a writer's block on what to do further along in the story. I have some stuff that connects with the canon but I want to add something besides canon. If you got something shot me a comment and maybe it'll get me out of my writer's block, but if you can't that's fine too.

- The Lost Writer

P.S: I'm writing this on my phone since my computers dead and my schools going through a power outage at the moment so there probably isn't going to be another chapter this week????

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