Entertaining Children

Chapter 1128: Finish

   Chapter 1128

   "Such a straightforward song title, it sounds almost as vigorous as the phrase "I want to convince you"!" Lin Qisan laughed.

"Fuck!" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes. "You have all listened to this song for more than a minute, and the lyrics have been heard almost. How can there be any "violent" things? Two old men full of dirt Driver! Why don't you learn girls and look at beautiful things more?" Then, Xiao Yao pointed his finger at Zhu Zitong and Nina Aiguli.

  Zhu Zitong and Nina Aiguli also heard the song sung by Sun Tingting, and they also thought it was very good. But compared to the song, they were even more moved by the scene behind Sun Tingting throwing garlic peels while it was snowing. After the filming of the scene, they did not bother Xiao Yao asking about the song, but ran next to Sun Tingting in the shooting scene.

  At the end of the scene, Sun Tingting returned to the house with the garlic basket. After the filming, Sun Tingting came out with the basket, ready to hand it back to the props crew. Zhu Zitong and Nina Aiguli stopped her.

  In the basket in Sun Tingting's hand, there is still more than half of the basket of garlic peel. After asking the staff who came to organize the props and knew that the garlic and garlic skins were no longer needed in the following scenes, Zhu Zitong and Nina asked for the basket and took turns learning that Sun Tingting grabbed the garlic in the basket. Pi tossed into the air, standing inside and feeling the feeling of Sun Tingting in the scene just now.

  The next scene didn't have Sun Tingting's role. Sun Tingting didn't need to make any preparations for the time being, so she played with the two of them, and took pictures of their appearance in the colorful colors of garlic peel with their mobile phones.

   "Don't say it, this picture is really beautiful!" Zhao Rui and Lin Qisan looked in the direction that Xiao Yao was pointing, and they couldn't help but nod and sigh as they watched the three girls dancing in the garlic peel.

  After the day’s filming was over, Zhao Rui and the four others left as they said last night.

  Since the four of Zhao Rui left, the crew has not welcomed anyone to visit the crew, and even the parents of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting have not visited the crew. Xiao Yao's parents have long been accustomed to the "wild stocking" and "ignorant" to Xiao Yao, but Sun Tingting's parents did not come, it was Sun Tingting's request.

  Day by day, the filming of the crew is also going on. No outsiders were bothered, and the filming of the crew went smoothly.

  At the filming scene of the film crew, the director is the one with the most power. There are many things to worry about, and the most stressful one. Many directors have bad tempers, and many directors are even called tyrants on the set. Fortunately for the people in this crew, Xiao Yao is not.

  It’s not that Xiao Yao is young, and it is the first time he has directed independently. He lacks prestige in front of a group of seniors. When someone made a mistake in the crew, Xiao Yao would say that even when the performance of an old artist like Yang Zhiqing did not meet his requirements, he would dare to let the elderly perform more than a dozen back and forth.

  It’s just that Xiao Yao looks quite confident most of the time, and he does have the ability. Whether someone made a mistake or had a disagreement with someone, Xiao Yao can always persuade others calmly and never show his director's authority by yelling, and the pressure on the crew is relatively less.

  In the shooting work, Xiao Yao's performance is strict and mature, and outside the shooting time, Xiao Yao occasionally appears lively in line with his age.

  For example, after filming a night scene where four teachers danced at the entrance of the school, Xiao Yao did not rush to stop work. Instead, he called on all members of the crew to leave the scene with a rare outdoor lighting scene and held a party for the crew.

  Many people in the crew know that Xiao Yao can dance, and almost everyone knows Xiao Yao's achievements in music. Whether it was the people in the crew making Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting dance, or making Xiao Yao sing for everyone, Xiao Yao did not hesitate to meet everyone's requirements. Of course, after Xiao Yao finished his performance, he didn't let go of coaxing him or the talented person he knew. Even people like He Ying and Yang Zhiqing had to come out and perform for everyone when Xiao Yao and the entire crew shouted together.

  People in the crew have experienced the harassment of Chen Dahan's villains with wooden sticks. Although Xiao Yao made the shot alone in the end, and no one was injured, it can be regarded as a shared adversity. Coupled with this pleasant experience of playing together, the relationship between the people in the crew naturally gets closer and gets along with each other very harmoniously. The atmosphere in the entire crew is very good.

  The people in the crew have a harmonious relationship and a good atmosphere, which naturally promotes work efficiency.

   But even though the relationship between the people in the crew has always been better, it is not always so happy. The shooting plan is basically developed in accordance with the plot of the movie. Due to the impact of the shooting content, the more the film is shot, the overall atmosphere in the crew becomes more and more depressing. Especially when the scene of "hair cutting" that Zhao Rui and others expected to see was filmed, this depressive atmosphere almost reached its climax.

  The scene was about the little coppersmith taking the opportunity of the special commissioner to ask him to act to deceive the Americans and take revenge. The school teacher took turns to verbally insult Zhang Yiman. Later, he even slapped and cut his hair. It can be regarded as one of the most uncomfortable scenes in the whole movie.

  Not only does this scene have many characters, but the conflict is also fierce. Not only is the overall scheduling difficult to film, but it is also difficult to perform a single character. Among all the actors, Sun Tingting's performance is undoubtedly the most difficult. And because of the relationship between Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting in reality, Xiao Yao, who plays the "Little Coppersmith", is also not a small test.

  Although Sun Tingting is not a professional performer, her parents are both senior actors and her father is also a teacher of performance. She grew up in such a family, and she has the urge to live without being mad when acting in a play. The few times she slapped herself were not only real slaps, but also not light. She didn't use a wig for the hair cutting shots, but actually let people cut her long hair. The purpose is to be more real and dedicated when performing.

  Sun Tingting, who grew up in the theater, is no stranger to acting, and may even be no worse than an actor from a professional class. Stimulated by the real experience of slapping and cutting her hair, Sun Tingting acted very enthusiastically and performed quite well. In particular, the shots where the hair was cut, the very smooth one passed.

   Real hair cutting can only happen once in a short period of time. If the first one is not shot well, then when you retake it later, you must either modify the lens or put on a wig and shoot again. Sun Tingting was quite satisfied with her performance without using a wig.

  But Sun Tingting is so good, Xiao Yao is not so good.

  Xiao Yao can do multi-tasking. When he enters the drama through perceptual experience, he can also rationally supervise his performance, grasp and control his performance level. Generally speaking, this kind of ability is very conducive to the performance of actors. It is a rare good thing for actors, even a coveted talent, but it has become a major obstacle to Xiao Yao's performance.

He doesn’t mind if the actor playing Zhou Tienan touches Sun Tingting’s face gently, but when Sun Tingting stares at her own eyes, she slaps herself in the face while walking towards her, when she sees Sun Tingting’s hair being slapped. When he cut off his eyes, it was difficult for Xiao Yao to guarantee that his emotions would not fluctuate.

  Fortunately, although this is a scene, there are many shots.

  The biggest influence on Xiao Yao's psychology is Sun Tingting's actions and expressions, such as slapped herself, had her hair cut, then looked in the mirror, and hid under the table. Except that when Sun Tingting slapped herself in the same frame, the two of them were not only in the same frame, but also closer together, and the close-up shot clearly showed their expressions. Sun Tingting’s subsequent actions were either not in the same frame as Xiao Yao’s character, and not in the same shot. Either Xiao Yao's position is in the distant view, and no expression can be seen.

  Sun Tingting’s subsequent shots had a great influence on Xiao Yao’s psychology, but it had no effect on Xiao Yao’s performance. But just the lens that slapped Xiao Yao when looking at each other at close range, Xiao Yao felt miserable.

   Xiao Yao’s expression is wrong, so I can only retake it. Sun Tingting had to slap herself again after a retake. And for the continuity of the performance, Sun Tingting didn't just fan in that shot. Even though the single shot of walking and fanning when she walked over before was completed, she still did not omit it, and came again sturdily.

  This shot was taken, and most people in the crew did not know how many slaps Sun Tingting slapped herself. With Xiao Yao's memory, he can count clearly, but in his state at the time, how could he have the mind to count how many Sun Tingting slapped herself.

After finally taking this shot, Xiao Yao called a timeout in the middle of a scene for the first time. Then he ran out of the studio where he was filming. He didn't know where to vent. When he came back, his black face was a little red, and he called a makeup artist to fix up his makeup before continuing the shooting.

  Such a scene, a total of more than a dozen scenes were shot, and it took a full afternoon to shoot it. After filming this scene, the sun has not yet set. The next scene was shot in the same scene, and there was no need to move the props and scenery. According to past practice, Xiao Yao would continue to take a few shots while the weather was still early, but that afternoon, Xiao Yao announced that he would end work early.

  Although it is a happy thing to stop work in advance, after Xiao Yao’s announcement, no one in the crew cheered. Don't say cheering, not even showing a happy mood. On the one hand, the filming of this afternoon in the afternoon made everyone in the crew very uncomfortable. On the other hand, everyone also saw that the director was in a bad mood. At this time, it must be extremely inappropriate to laugh. Everyone just packed things silently and returned to the station.

After returning to the hotel where the crew stayed, Xiao Yao's mood has not been too high. Xiao Yao's mood is not high. Obviously it is not the kind of state where he can't come out of the role, but a kind of mood that he clearly knows that the acting is fake, or that he is very upset.

Xiao Yao like this has a kind of aura that is difficult to approach invisibly. Except for Sun Tingting, no one else wants to contact Xiao Yao.

  By the next day, Xiao Yao had basically returned to normal. However, he did not ask the crew to start shooting early in the morning and go to the shooting location to continue shooting. Instead, he cancelled the morning shooting plan, put the crew on a half-day break, and went to the shooting location to start shooting in the afternoon.

  According to the shooting plan, the scene to be shot this afternoon is in the same scene as yesterday afternoon, and the plot is also coherent. Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as the same scene. It was only because of the difficulty, the long time, and the many shots that Xiao Yao divided it into two days for shooting. Taking into account the light angle and other reasons, the latter half of the scene was also shot in the afternoon.

  In the original filming plan, this morning was originally going to film some other scenes. But after filming the first half yesterday, Xiao Yao not only felt upset in his heart, but also felt that the mood of the rest of the crew was also affected. However, the people in the crew are different from him. Xiao Yao's discomfort is because of his identity in reality, not the emotions of the characters, while the discomfort of the others in the crew comes from the content that was filmed yesterday afternoon.

Xiao Yao believes that maintaining this mood is beneficial to the shooting of the second half of the scene this afternoon, so he cancelled the shooting of the other scenes in the morning and continued to let everyone carry this mood for the second half of the scene. .

  After lunch, the crew set off and went to the filming location to continue filming.

The latter half of the scene will still make people unhappy, but the point of the unhappy second half is not because of the insult that the character played by Sun Tingting suffered, but from the attitude of Zhou Tienan when facing the gun. Variety.

  When filming the latter half of the scene, it does not involve the personal feelings between the actors, so it is relatively easier. Especially Xiao Yao, in the case of self-directed and self-performed, has returned to the state of being able to switch freely.

  After filming this large and difficult scene for two consecutive days, Xiao Yao once again announced a day off to relax everyone's mind. This time, the people in the crew finally cheered unscrupulously.

  We only stopped work yesterday, and we had another half-day holiday this morning. As a result, we will continue to have another day off tomorrow. Most people have not encountered the director and crew who release this frequently. But thinking about the current shooting progress and the estimated shooting cycle announced by Xiao Yao, everyone feels that there is nothing wrong with Xiao Yao taking such a holiday.

  Only one day off, most of the crew did not choose to go home. They lived in Qingshuihe County in Inner Mongolia, so they ran on the grassland for a day.

  I come back from vacation, and the filming work continues.

  The location of Dahebao Village is relatively to the north. The lowest temperature in the evening of October was below zero, and there was sleet during the night. However, the sleet snow basically melts when it hits the ground, and the sun is out of sight during the day.

  In November, when the grass in Dahebao Village turned yellow and before the real first snow fell, the crew finally succeeded.

  (End of this chapter)

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