Entertaining Children

Chapter 1130: Theme song singer

  Chapter 1130 Theme Song Singer

  "You wrote a theme song for Teacher Hong Wei to sing in order not to perform on stage at the premiere?" Zhu Zitong looked at Xiao Yao and said, "Why don't you wait to see us in this movie?"

"It's not that he doesn't wait to see your movie. He is lazy and cancerous and he is out of help!" Lin Qisan said, "For your movie, he is still willing to write songs and ask Teacher Hong Wei to sing, our TV series. He didn’t make any music, let alone find a well-known singer to sing the theme song. The songs in our TV series were written by others and sung by students majoring in musical theatre in our school!"

   "Isn't that because our Yandian does not have a musical theater major?" Zhu Zitong said.

Although   Yandian, Huaxi and Shenxi are the three most famous film and television academies in China, the departments and majors of these schools are different. Both Hua Opera and Shen Opera are called the Academy of Drama, and both have professional settings such as musical theatre and opera performance that take into account singing aspects. Yandian is called the Academy of Film and does not have such a major.

  Many schools will separate some secondary colleges in the school according to the department and major. Although Shenxi did not set up an acting college like Yandian, the acting department is a large department, and Shenxi's acting department does not belong to any secondary college in the school, but is on the same level as the secondary college in the school. Shen Opera's musical theatre major belongs to the musical theatre center and is not in the same secondary college as the acting department. However, since the major of musical theatre also involves a lot of content on stage performances, some of the courses of the two majors are the same, and sometimes they will take classes together, so they are more familiar with each other.

  When Xiao Yao and the others set up these two projects, their purpose was to support the graduates in the school as much as possible. Students majoring in musical theatre are also quite skilled in singing popular songs. Since Shen Opera has a musical theater major, Xiao Yao and Lin Qisan handed over the theme song episodes of the series to the musical theater majors to sing. Yandian does not have a major in musicals and operas, so Zhao Rui will find Xiao Yao's song as the theme song of the movie, and rush to Xiao Yao to ask for the copyright of the song.

"This movie of yours is a project of our company, and we all know that I am one of the producers of this movie." Xiao Yao said, "The theme song of the movie uses my song. Let me sing it. Isn't it popular among many people? As expected? Let's ask Teacher Hong to sing the theme song of the movie. Is it more interesting? I do this better for this movie. You still consider whether I am lazy and would you like to be on stage for what?"

   "Okay," Zhao Rui said, "Since you have said so, then Mr. Hong Wei, you go and fix it!"

"I write a song for Teacher Hong Wei, I will definitely come forward." Xiao Yao said, "But in the final analysis, the most important thing is to ask Teacher Hong to be the singer of the theme song of this movie. I'm just the producer, no matter what. You, the main producer, have to come forward with me to cooperate with publicity matters, and you have to talk to her!"

   "It's okay to go together!" Zhao Rui nodded, "As long as you don't write a song and throw it out to me, let me go to Teacher Hong by myself!"

"It's better to talk about this kind of thing in person." Xiao Yao took out his cell phone and said, "I am calling Teacher Hong Wei to ask her about her itinerary. If she is free, we will go back to Yanjing to find her tomorrow. !"

  Hong Wei's home and record company headquarters are both in Yanjing. Under normal circumstances, Hong Wei should be in Yanjing.

"Wait, tomorrow?" Zhao Rui said, "Even if you are a talented musician, no matter how good your relationship with Teacher Hong is, Teacher Hong will have to read your stuff to decide whether to agree or not, right? You haven't written any songs yet. , What can I find him tomorrow?"

"Isn't it just a youth theme song? One night is enough!" Xiao Yao said, "I can write the lyrics and music tonight. Teacher Hong's record company also has a recording studio. Arrangements and scores will be directly at that time. Teacher Hong’s recording studio is set up with Teacher Hong! I have all gone to Yanjing, so it’s hard to ask Teacher Hong to come back to Shencheng to record with me."

  Song production, Xiao Yao himself must be involved, but Xiao Yao dare not support Hong Wei like Azi. And Xiao Yao hasn't been home for a long time, and he wants to take this opportunity to return to Yanjing to be with his family.

  Zhao Rui had no comments, Xiao Yao took out his mobile phone and called Hong Wei. Hong Wei happened to be relatively empty during this time. Hearing that Xiao Yao had something to look for, he made an appointment with Xiao Yao to meet at her record company tomorrow afternoon.

  After making an appointment with Hong Wei, a few people began to book air tickets. Shencheng and Yanjing are the super first-tier cities in China, and there are many flights between them. If you don't consider the price and class of these factors, even if it is a few hours in advance, you will not worry about not being able to book a ticket, even more so that one night in advance. Xiao Yao and the others, naturally, didn't need to consider the price of the air ticket, so they quickly booked a ticket to fly back to Yanjing the next morning.

  As the theme song of the movie needs to be changed, the publicity plan will need to be adjusted. Zhao Rui wants to go to Yanjing with Xiao Yao to find Hong Wei, and Zhu Zitong does not need to stay in Shencheng alone. Sun Tingting's home is also in Yanjing, and she plans to go home to rest after the filming. So except for Lin Qisan and Nina, all four of them booked air tickets back to Yanjing.

  The next morning, Xiao Yao and the four others set off from the airport in Shencheng and arrived at Yanjing at noon.

  Hong Wei, Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui can go together. Sun Tingting and Zhu Zitong are not planning to go together. After leaving Yanjing’s airport, the four were temporarily separated. Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong moved on their own, while Xiao Yao sent Sun Tingting home.

  A few years ago, when Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting just determined their relationship, Xiao Yao was afraid to enter Sun Tingting’s house for a while. But since the Spring Festival that year, that situation has ceased to exist. But this time, Xiao Yao only sent Sun Tingting to the door of his house, and ran away without going in to meet Sun Zhihao and his wife. The reason, mainly because Sun Tingting now has very short short hair.

Although Sun Tingting's hair was cut for filming, it was also Sun Tingting's own request for real cuts, but people who have always seen Sun Tingting's long hair, first saw Sun Tingting's short hair, especially this kind of short hair that is close to the inch, will be uncomfortable. , Even very uncomfortable feeling.

  When Zhao Rui and others first saw Sun Tingting yesterday, they were taken aback by Sun Tingting’s short hair. Although they all read the script and knew that Sun Tingting's hair was cut because of the filming, they still gave Xiao Yao a hammer on the sofa regardless. Sun Zhihao and his wife would definitely not act on Xiao Yao like Zhao Rui and others, but Xiao Yao still didn't want to see the eyes and expressions of Sun Zhihao and his wife when they saw Sun Tingting's new image.

After sending Sun Tingting home, Xiao Yao also returned to his home.

  Knowing that his son is coming back, Xiao Siqi and his wife also prepared a sumptuous lunch at home and waited for him to return home. After Xiao Yao ate lunch at home, he did not go out immediately. He stayed at home to talk to his parents about the latest situation. Xiao Yao said goodbye to his parents and went out until almost the time he made an appointment with Hong Wei.

   joined Zhao Rui on the road, and Xiao Yao and Zhao Rui appeared together in Hong Wei's record company. There was an announcement at the front desk, and the two were quickly taken to Hong Wei's office.

  "Come!" Seeing the two, Hong Wei greeted them enthusiastically from behind the desk.

   "Hello Sister Hong, this is my buddy, Zhao Rui!" Xiao Yao asked hello, and then first introduced Zhao Rui to Hong Wei.

   "I know," Hong Wei nodded, "Ms. Zhao Tao's son, your hair child, a very good young actor, a very good young man."

  "Hello, Teacher Hong Wei!" Zhao Rui also politely bent over and said, "You're overwhelmed!"

   "Don't be humble, just call Sister Hong like Xiao Yao!" Hong Wei waved his hand and let the two of them onto the meeting couch, "Sit down!"

  "What are you looking for?" After the assistant brought coffee to the three of them and left, Hong Wei asked Xiao Yao straightforwardly, "I asked you on the phone yesterday, if you didn't tell me, what do you want to do with me?"

  "What is a moth?" Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, and took out two pieces of paper from his body, "I just wrote a new song recently. I would like to ask you to help you see it, give me some advice, and give me some advice!"

  "You are a musical genius writing songs, when do you need someone to give pointers? I'm afraid your dad doesn't have this treatment, do you still need me to give you advice?" Hong Wei glanced at Xiao Yao. But after all, she still took the two pieces of paper in Xiao Yao's hand.

   "People came to me for music works, and they used demos to listen to me, that is, you came with two pieces of paper." After receiving the two pieces of paper, Hong Wei couldn't help adding another sentence.

"Don't you have a high level of professionalism," Xiao Yao smiled. "With the score, you can know what the song looks like. I haven't done the arrangement and soundtrack yet. I haven't had time to do the demo, and I am not going to do it. You I know that the songs I write are usually arranged and produced by myself. If you think it's okay, I'm going to borrow your recording studio to do the arrangement and directly record the official version!"

  Hong Wei knew that Xiao Yao had his own recording studio. When Xiao Yao said this, Hong Wei immediately heard a lot of information from it.

"Record it here? That means you didn't write this song for yourself? I said, why would you listen to my opinion when you write a song!" Hong Wei smiled, "You show me this song, too That means you want to sell me the copyright of this song? Then I have to take a look!"

   "Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded and admitted without concealing it.

  Hong Wei took two pieces of paper and looked at it for a while, hummed softly, and then lowered his head for a moment before nodding to Xiao Yao: "The song is good, I like it. If you are willing to sell it, I will definitely buy it."

"But who are you going to let to sing? Azi?" Hong Wei continued with a smile, "It's not because I posted on Weibo and called you some time ago. You got four groups of female idol artists to go to your practice room. Regardless, you really bring a song here to apologize to Azi, right?"

  "Do you think I am that kind of person?" Xiao Yao also smiled, "Azi can indeed sing this song, but I am more inclined to ask you to sing this song."

   "Let me sing?" Hong Wei was a little surprised, "Is this "Youth" suitable for me to sing?"

"What's wrong!" Xiao Yao said, "With your singing skills, what style of songs can't be mastered? You have not had youth, why can't you sing? You don't often say that I have never written a song for you. , Haven’t we worked together? How about this one?"

  Hong Wei did not answer immediately, but looked at it again with the music score in his hand.

"Okay!" Hong Wei thought for a while before raising his head again, "I heard that the song you wrote, at least the singer you originally sang was appointed by you, so I won't be arguing with you on this. It’s not that I can’t sing a song. Since you are willing to give this song to me, then we will use this song together!"

   "Okay," Xiao Yao nodded, then continued, "But I have one more request!"

  "What else is required?" Hong Wei stared at Xiao Yao.

   "Sister Hong, you should know about my film and television company, right?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Of course I do," Hong Wei said with a curled lips, "Although your company did not invite me when it was established, but the online reports are so lively, how could I not know?"

"Sister Hong, when our company was founded, we just celebrated with relatives and friends in our family. We didn't make a big deal, even the media did not invite you. Not only did we not invite you, many people did not invite you!" Xiao Yao said, "You Can't you blame me for this?"

   "Okay, okay," Hong Wei waved his hand, "Don't talk about this, talk about your request, why is it involved in the film and television company."

"It's related to our film and television company!" Xiao Yao said, "You have seen the news reports on the establishment of our film and television company, and it should have been from the news reports that our film and television company has opened two film and television projects. One of the projects is The TV series has already been broadcast. Another project is a movie. Now it’s finished filming, and post-production is almost complete. It will be scheduled for release soon. The song you are holding is the theme song I wrote for that movie. Will be used in movies."

   "What I said, if you write a song specifically for me, why would you write such a song?" Hong Wei said, "It turns out to be for the movie!"

"Even if it is written for the movie, you are still the original sung of the song!" Xiao Yao said, "Our movie theme song must also be sung in this version. You are the singer of the movie theme song, waiting for the movie to promote At the time, we need your cooperation to carry out some promotional activities!"

   "Cooperate with the movie to promote, is this your request?" Hong Wei looked at Xiao Yao and said.

   "Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded.

   "No wonder I am more suitable than Azi," Hong Wei said suddenly, "So you think I am more famous than Azi!"

Xiao Yao has written songs for online singers and girl group idols. He does not look at the reputation of the singer when he chooses a cooperating singer, but for a movie, the reputation of the singer of the theme song and the influence of the reputation are There is still a big difference. As the singer of the theme song, Hong Wei is obviously more influential than the singer of the theme song.

   "I don't deny that there are considerations in this regard." Xiao Yao admitted bachelorfully.

   "Take a song of you, but also to promote your movie!" Hong Wei stared at Xiao Yao, "You kid really is a good calculation!"

"But on the other hand, if the movie is hot, your song will definitely be more popular, and it will not be bad for you!" Xiao Yao said, "At most, I don't want to share the revenue of this song. The version you sing , I want you to buy it out, but I definitely want to keep the cover right!"

   "Forget it, I don't want you to divide it up." Hong Wei said, "It's good to sing a movie theme song. Let's cooperate with the promotion. It is always more important to have a good work."

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao said happily, "Then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

   "Is there a publicity plan? What do I need to do then?" Hong Wei asked.

"This, not yet!" Xiao Yao pointed to Zhao Rui, "Zhao Rui is the producer of this movie. Zhao Ruilai will discuss the promotion with you. I am only responsible for recording this song with you! "

   "So that's what you meant by bringing him here today!" Hong Wei looked at Zhao Rui and said to Xiao Yao.

   "Teacher Hong, Xiao Yao is actually the producer of this movie." Zhao Rui took the opportunity to spit out, "It's just that this guy is lazy. If you can throw things to others, I try not to touch him."

   "I can see it!" Hong Wei nodded, "At first, he introduced Azi to our company. Later, after helping Azi out with a single, he left it alone!"

   Xiao Yao gave a bitter smile, touched his nose, and stopped.

  (End of this chapter)

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