Entertaining Children

Chapter 1138: Dog abuse again

  Chapter 1138 Dog abuse again

Sun Tingting has held concerts, played accompaniment to Xiao Yao’s live performances, and appeared as a dancer in Xiao Yao’s song MV, but she has never sung in public, and the name Sun Tingting is not considered in China. What is a rare name? If you see this song in the song library of a music website, just from the information displayed on the song name and singer, it may not make people think that Sun Tingting is related to Xiao Yao That Sun Tingting.

   But when Sun Tingting’s song was launched on the music website, several music websites put a recommendation advertisement for the song on the homepage recommendation positions of their websites, clients and mobile apps.

The recommended position is not only the title of the song and the singer information, but also a picture of the cover photo of the single made with a close-up photo of Sun Tingting’s profile. It also adds "Xiao Yao Creates Sun Tingting’s First Single" to the picture. , The two text introduction information of the movie "The Donkey Gets Water" Theme Song.

  The two names of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting are put together, and there is no possibility of a misunderstanding of the same name. So after the song was launched, it was quickly noticed by a large number of fans and netizens.

  "Doer can sing in my house?"

   "Xiao Yao finally wrote a song for his girlfriend?"

  "The theme song of the movie "Donkey Gets Water"? Is that the movie starring Sun Tingting?"

   "Xiao Yao is the director, Sun Tingting is the heroine, Xiao Yao writes the theme song of the movie, and Sun Tingting sings. As expected, Xiao Yao is the hardest thing to pick up his girlfriend!"

  With all kinds of thoughts, many fans and netizens clicked the link on the recommended position at the first time.

  Although the MV of this song is also recommended in the MV category, the link on the recommended image points to this song. However, because this song has an MV, there is a click button to play the MV on the song's page, which can be directly linked to the song's MV interface. Since the recommendation position on the homepage also wrote the introduction of "the theme song of the movie "Donkey Deshui", everyone guessed that this "Donkey Deshui" was the movie starring Xiao Yao's director Sun Tingting. Many people were too late to listen to the song. I clicked on the link of the MV and went to watch the MV directly.

  This is a MV that looks like a trailer or a trailer, but it is not an official trailer after all, but a MV. There are some movie scenes interspersed in the MV, but not all movie scenes from beginning to end.

The scene at the beginning of the   MV is very simple.

  Sun Tingting, wearing a gray and white wide knitted dress, sits closer to the front of the camera, holding her arms to sing. Behind her, Xiao Yao in a gray T-shirt plays a dark red acoustic guitar to accompany him. The colors of the clothes on the two of them are monochromatic, and the colors are not bright. Except for the two of them, the other spaces on the screen are pure dark gray backgrounds. The whole picture looks a little simple and monotonous.

Both Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting only have busts in the picture, but due to their different front and back positions, Sun Tingting at the front is almost 1.5 times the size of Xiao Yao, and the focus of the lens is obviously on Sun Tingting in front. Xiao Yao at the back looked a little fuzzy. Coupled with the simple and slightly monotonous scenes, it is easy for people to focus on Sun Tingting.

  From the opening scene alone, it seems that the protagonist of this MV is Sun Tingting, which makes people feel that although Xiao Yao appeared on the scene, his sense of existence is very weak. In fact, this MV is indeed the case.

  The video scene of this MV consists of two parts: singers and guitarists singing in a simple monochrome background and movie scenes. In this regard, Xiao Yao adopted the original MV of the previous life, but the selection of pictures is somewhat different from the original.

In the movie scenes, Xiao Yao chose Sun Tingting’s gentle and beautiful shots, such as Zhang Yiman played by Sun Tingting sitting on a bench peeling garlic, lifting garlic skins when it snows, and dancing alone under the lights on the playground at night, Smile on the road and so on. However, Xiao Yao chose all the photos of Sun Tingting in the movie when he had long hair. Not only did he not use the original footage of Zhang Yiman's tears when he just cut his hair, but he didn't even use the picture of running on the grass with a flower in his short hair Cut it in.

  In addition, Xiao Yao also removed all the appearances of the "Bronzesmith" characters in the original MV. The fixed makeup photo of the movie character has not been released yet, and even if it is sent out, the fixed makeup photo is a photo of the coppersmith in the state of being a coppersmith. Xiao Yao does not want to reveal the image of the coppersmith pretending to be a teacher.

  In the part where singers and guitarists sing in the studio, Xiao Yao also removed the individual footage of the guitarist and the close-up footage of playing the guitar in the original version. Except for Xiao Yao's somewhat vague or very vague picture of the two people behind Sun Tingting at the same time, only the single close-up picture of Sun Tingting singing.

  After watching the entire MV, Sun Tingting was very impressive.

From the fragmentary movie scenes, the audience can't see what the story of the whole movie is like, but they can feel the gentleness and charm of Sun Tingting, especially the one who looks up at the flying garlic peel after sprinkling garlic peels and looking up at the snow. The picture makes many viewers feel amazing when they see it.

  In those parts of singing in the studio, Sun Tingting's expressions and movements also seem to make people feel very comfortable. Even if it is short hair, it does not make people feel a sense of disobedience.

   But when it comes to short hair, many viewers who have recalled from this song and this MV also found a strange place.

  Sun Tingting posted a photo of her short hair on Weibo almost two months ago. Sun Tingting has already held concerts in China, and the relationship with Xiao Yao has been maintained for so many years, and her popularity in China has long been not low. However, whether it is to accompany Xiao Yao on the stage or her own concert, or even the TV show she participated in when she was more than five years old or as a child, Sun Tingting always used a long hair to show people, that kind of The image of the goddess of long hair has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The short hair photo of Sun Tingting really scared many netizens and fans.

Since Sun Tingting sent the photo with a sentence Xiao Yao brought over from his previous life, "Wife abuse, chase wife crematorium", there was a lively discussion on the Internet at that time. Many netizens guessed that Sun Tingting was talking about Xiao Yao. Helped Sun Tingting scold Xiao Yao online.

Not long after Sun Tingting posted this Weibo, before the Internet wave of helping Sun Tingting scold "unscrupulous boyfriend" was completely formed, an actress named "Guan Jing" came forward and posted on Weibo to explain that Sun Tingting's hair was because of When making a movie, the characters in the plot need to be cut off.

  At that time, the movie hadn't even started publicity, Xiao Yao didn't even announce the list of actors, and everyone didn't know who this man named Guan Jing was. However, judging from the content of her Weibo, it seems that she is also a member of the crew. Another look at her personal information on Weibo shows that she is a student of the Acting Department of Huaxia Academy of Drama, and she has followed Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, so she is basically sure After this speculation, I also understood the real reason why Sun Tingting's hair became shorter.

However, when "Guan Jing" explained this, he also revealed that the screenwriter of this movie was also Xiao Yao, and he wrote the script. So the culprit of Sun Tingting's short haircut is indeed Xiao Yao, and Sun Tingting is not wrong in saying that. . After knowing the real reason for Sun Tingting’s short hair, the netizens did not stop diss Xiao Yao’s actions, but paid a little attention to the language. They were basically jokes of joy, and there were few real personal attacks. .

  After the network-wide “diss” Xiao Yao incident two months ago, many people knew that Sun Tingting had cut a wig for that Xiao Yao movie. It’s still easy to distinguish between the movie clips in the MV and the later studio shots, but after watching the entire MV, all the movie clips are the image of Sun Tingting’s long hair, and she has not seen her short hair at all, so many people are very surprised. How exactly did Sun Tingting sacrifice her hair for this movie?

  This doubt of netizens is a suspense deliberately created by Xiao Yao. Among the several official movie trailers that Xiao Yao and the editor cut together, the scene of Sun Tingting's short hair will not appear in the second trailer, and the scene of cutting her hair is in the last one. Only in the trailer. This is another reason why Xiao Yao did not include the short hair image in the Sun Tingting movie in the MV in addition to showing the charm and beauty of Sun Tingting.

  In addition to paying attention to the picture of this MV, netizens are also very interested in the song itself.

  "I Want You" is a slow lyrical song, with a clean and simple melody, without too strong emotions and excessive pitch changes. This song sounds soft and soft, and Sun Tingting sings so softly and softly that many people almost ignore this song as background music when watching the MV.

Of course, this kind of ignorance does not mean that the song is not good or that it sounds unfeeling, but that when netizens are watching the MV, they are easily brought into the song by the song's emotions. And the atmosphere. When I watched the MV, I didn't seem to feel the existence of the song, but after watching it, I was immediately awakened by the soundness of the song.

  The netizens who chose to watch the MV first felt this way, while those who chose to listen to the music first were moved by the song earlier.

  In the past few years, Xiao Yao has become the top musician among the younger generation in the Chinese music scene, and he has a taste of golden signature. The relationship between Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting is well known. This is the first song Xiao Yao composed for Sun Tingting, and it is also Sun Tingting's first solo single. It is very topical in itself. Even a relatively ordinary song does not lack attention, not to mention. This is indeed a good song that can refresh one's heart and soul.

   Soon after the song went live, it quickly climbed to the top of the new song charts and hot song charts of various music websites, and became popular on the Internet.

Just two days before the start of this year’s China Basketball Professional Basketball League All-Star Weekend, which is the day after Sun Tingting’s "I Want You" was launched, the official website of China Basketball Professional League announced the guest performers for this All-Star Weekend. In the list and performances, Sun Tingting's name is impressively listed. The songs she wants to perform are listed above. It is this "I Want You" that has just started to hit the line.

  In fact, the information about the All-Star Weekend of the China Basketball Professional Basketball League began to be announced long ago.

  The starting player list for the All-Star Game was voted by the fans. The voting started as early as December, and the results have already been released. As for the players in the Masters, Rookie, Skills Challenge, Three-Point Contest and Dunk Contest, all players have been announced. Only in the area of ​​performers, although some news has been revealed one after another, the complete list of performers and the program list are not finally announced until this time.

  Because the guest performers list for the All-Star Weekend only involves the names of singers and songs, even if Xiao Yao will help Sun Tingting play the guitar accompaniment live, there is no name for Xiao Yao on this list. In addition, Xiao Yao himself is going to perform at the All-Star Weekend celebrity game, and it is still in the same time period as Sun Tingting, but due to Xiao Yao's special request, this has not been made public, even Sun Tingting does not know.

   "These two are going to abuse dogs publicly again!"

Seeing that Sun Tingting’s name appeared on the performance list of All-Star Weekend, and it was marked that the performance was during the halftime of the celebrity game, even if Xiao Yao’s name did not appear on it, many netizens also posted online lamenting Xiao Yao. The couple with Sun Tingting are going to show their affection and abuse the dog in public.

  Although Xiao Yao is not in the list of performers just announced, Xiao Yao’s name is also listed in the list of players for the Masters announced earlier. Xiao Yao is a member of the Celebrity Tournament, and Sun Tingting is the midfielder of the Celebrity Tournament. These two people will definitely meet at the Celebrity Tournament.

  Of course, even if Sun Tingting is not a guest performer, as Xiao Yao’s girlfriend, Sun Tingting will probably go to the scene to watch the game and cheer for Xiao Yao. But being an audience member is not the same as being a guest performer.

When Xiao Yao participated in the Masters in the United States, it was Valentine’s Day. He ignored the rules in the kisscam session and left behind the foreign beauty anchor teammates in the camera. He rushed to the audience and kissed Sun Tingting. Later, he sang during the intermission. The eye interactions with Sun Tingting during the sweet love song "perfect" were all recorded by the broadcast footage at the time. Fans and fan audiences of China had seen it, and they were relished or fresh in memory.

   Xiao Yao has such a "prior conviction", will Sun Tingting, who is in a similar environment, be indifferent? Listen to the song Sun Tingting is going to perform. You don't even need to listen to the song. Just look at the title of the song. Sun Tingting will never interact with Xiao Yao during the intermission. When the time comes, the camera only needs to catch a few eye-interacting scenes of the two people, which will be enough to cause a lot of harm to the countless single dog spectators on site and in front of the TV.

  Wish everyone a happy new year and everything goes well in the new year! I wish single dogs can find a happy partner in the new year!

  (End of this chapter)

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