Entertaining Children

Chapter 1141: team leader

   Chapter 1141 Captain

   "I brought a handful of things, can I take a look first?" Zhu Zitong, who was beside Zhao Rui, tilted his body, looked at the location of Zhao Rui's pocket, and asked in a low voice with excitement.

  Nina Ayiguli did not speak, but she also looked at Xiao Yao expectantly.

"You can't let Duo'er find out in advance!" Before Xiao Yao spoke, Zhao Rui said to Zhu Zitong, "The red carpet where Duo'er and Xiao Yao walked together may come in at any time. In case, she just came in and saw it when you watched it. What to do? When the game is over, you can find Duo'er to come over and look at it. She definitely won't be reluctant to even give you a look."

"I can't help being curious," Zhu Zitong glared at Zhao Rui. "Even if she comes in, she has to walk for a while to come to us. You help me stare at the entrance and see her coming in, remind me that we will hide right away. It's too late!"

"This~" Zhao Rui looked up at Xiao Yao hesitantly, but saw a live reporter holding a microphone with the Haiyan video logo and a cameraman walking towards them, turning his head to Zhu Zitong, "Reporter Here it is! This is a live broadcast, and it is not good to be seen by them."

  It turned out that the reporter on Haiyan Video saw Xiao Yao walking next to Zhao Rui and the others, he hesitated a bit, and followed with the cameraman.

  Although Zhao Rui and others are not team members or performers, they are not arranged to walk on the red carpet, but they are also star audiences sitting in the second row, and they can also be the subjects of reporters’ on-site interviews. The relationship between Zhao Rui and others and Xiao Yao has long been well known. When they appeared in the audience, they must have come to cheer for Xiao Yao, so interviewing them is also a good choice.

  Zhu Zitong saw the reporter coming, immediately put on an excited expression, raised his fist and smiled and said to Xiao Yao, cheering, and stopped talking about the topic just now.

   Xiao Yao turned his back to the reporter. After listening to Zhao Rui and Zhu Zitong, he also knew that the reporter had come. He didn't rush to leave the court to warm up, but raised his fist and bumped them one by one.

   "Hello, can I interview you?" When the reporter walked up to them, he saw Xiao Yao interacting with them, and asked with a smile.

   "Of course!" Xiao Yao turned around and nodded with a smile.

"I just pulled Xiao Yao for an interview, but he told me to wait. I thought he had something important? It turned out to be to come over to say hello to you first. It seems that your relationship is really good!" A reporter at the scene did not rush to interview Xiao Yao, but first smiled at Zhao Rui and others.

   "That is!" Zhao Rui smiled and nodded, "We must have nothing to say about our relationship!"

  If it is normal, Zhao Rui has to tease Xiao Yao a few words, but now that reporters can’t let the reporter know the real reason, Zhao Rui can only play a “fraternal love” drama very rarely.

   "Then what do you think Xiao Yao can perform in this competition? Do you have any requirements or expectations for him?" The reporter asked Zhao Rui and others.

  On this occasion, the questions asked by the reporters on the spot basically did not exceed the expectations of Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and others, which means that the following questions are quite "official".

  The on-site reporter had not finished the interview with Xiao Yao. Sun Tingting, who changed into light casual clothes, also came to the audience. The on-site reporter naturally included Sun Tingting in the scope of her interview.

  When Sun Tingting came over, Xiao Yao got up and gave her seat to Sun Tingting, shook her hand, and went to the court to warm up first. Before Sun Tingting came, Xiao Yao also answered several questions from reporters. It is not the first time for these people to face reporters. There is no problem in dealing with reporters by themselves, and Xiao Yao does not need to be with him.

Xiao Yao went down to the court and walked to the half of the court where his team was. After greeted a few teammates who arrived first, he took out a basketball from the basket on the side of the court and started shooting practice on the court. Waiting for the game to officially start.

  After a while, the players all arrived. The coaches of both sides rushed all the players to the court and officially started the warm-up before the game.

  At this time, the audience has almost arrived. Seeing the performance of the players on both sides during the warm-up, there were bursts of cheers and screams on the scene.

  After the warm-up, it is the appearance ceremony of the players from both sides.

  The players from both sides all returned to the bench under the reminder of the staff. The staff quickly took away the warm-up basketballs that bounced around on the court and cleared the court.

  The China Pro League All-Star Celebrity Tournament is based on the NBA’s celebrity game process. When the players came out, they walked from the benches of both sides to the center of the court, instead of coming out of the player channel like the charity game that year. The staff arranged two short red carpets on the court, and a group of cheerleaders ran up and stood on both sides of the red carpet.

  As the live music and the host’s voice sounded, the players from both sides began to play.

  The head coaches of both sides will play first. Both head coaches of the NBA Celebrity Game that Xiao Yao participated in were beautiful anchors. There are also beauty anchors in China's current basketball game broadcasts, but there is no such professional beauty anchors as the United States who serve as game commentators. Instead, they are responsible for reading advertisements, fan messages, and interacting with fans during the pause time. China has not yet had a beauty anchor who can serve as the head coach of the Masters, so the head coaches of both sides of the Masters are well-known expert commentators, and they are all men.

  After the head coach, the second players on both sides are retired former professional players. These two former professional players have not been officially named as assistant coaches, but in any case, the former professional players are former professional players. They are the most professional of all players. In the team, they must be second only to the head coach. The right to speak, so it was arranged to appear in the second place.

  Afterwards, non-professional players appeared one by one. Basically, the identities of players in the same order of appearance on both sides are also corresponding. For example, actors vs. actors, singers vs. singers, athletes in other sports vs. athletes in other sports, and women players vs. women players. This point is consistent with the NBA Masters. The only difference is that the age span of these players is not that big, there are no children, no old people, and they are basically young and middle-aged.

  The finale is the captain of both sides and the star who seems the most popular. The Celebrity Team in the North is naturally Xiao Yao, and the one in the South Team is a treasure island artist named Zheng Zhebin.

  Zheng Zhebin is 36 years old this year. He made his debut as a singer at the age of 18. His debut album was a blockbuster, and within a few years he was known as the king of music, and his subsequent albums have also achieved outstanding results. In the nearly two decades since his debut, he is not only in the treasure island area, but also has a great influence in the mainland. It can be said that he is one of the iconic figures of an era in the entertainment industry.

Speaking of which, Zheng Zhebin and Xiao Yao have many similarities. First of all, Zheng Zhebin is also a singer-songwriter. Not only is all his songs basically original, he also wrote songs for others. Secondly, he was relatively young when he debuted, and he was a juvenile fame. There is also that he is not only a singer and musician, but also later transformed into film and television development, he is also an actor, screenwriter and director. Not only has he starred in movies, but he also wrote and directed and acted in movies. In addition, he is also involved in the fashion industry, with his own fashion brand, including clothing and shoes.

  In view of the similarity between the two in various aspects, some media have compared the two together, saying that Xiao Yao is the "little Zheng Zhebin" in the mainland. However, most of the mainland media and the public, especially Xiao Yao's fans, did not approve of this statement.

  First of all, the origin and family background of the two are different. Zheng Zhebin was born in a single family, and his mother was an ordinary person. Although Xiao Yao also experienced a single family for a period of time, it only lasted less than five years. More importantly, Xiao Yao’s grandfather and stepmother were well-known The actor, his father is a singer-songwriter, and his family background is much stronger than Zheng Zhebin. The difference in background and growth environment also determines how imaginative the development path of the two people is.

In terms of academic qualifications, Zheng Zhebin dropped out of high school to focus on music, while Xiao Yao was a double-ranked champion in the mainland college entrance examination and art examination. He was born in the performance department of a film and television school. I heard that he is still studying as a graduate student under a professor in Yandian. In this regard, two People are definitely incomparable.

In terms of qualifications, Xiao Yao is definitely inferior to Zheng Zhebin. In terms of sales of music works, number of music awards, and number of film and television works, Xiao Yao is not as good as Zheng Zhebin, but it is all because of the difference in age and debut time between the two. .

  On the creative talents in music, the two are not too good to say who must be better than whom, but Xiao Yao's music style is much richer than Zheng Zhebin. Zheng Zhebin’s music king is the RNB little king. Although he has sung some other types of songs, the style and impression of the album is still an RNB singer. On the other hand, Xiao Yao's style is a bit mixed, including folk songs, pop, rock, electronic music and even Beijing rhyme. From the perspective of Xiao Yao’s singing skills in those works, many people believe that although Xiao Yao is younger than Zheng Zhebin, he is better than Zheng Zhebin in singing.

  In terms of film and television, although Zheng Zhebin also won two best new actor awards for his film work, there was only one film that won the award for so many years. Since then, he has never met with various awards. Xiao Yao has acted in a drama since he was eight years old. The first TV series won the best newcomer actor award for a TV series as a supporting role, and the first movie won the best newcomer actor award for a movie as a protagonist. The skills shown in programs like "Sound on the Scene" are definitely far better than Zheng Zhebin in terms of acting skills.

  As a screenwriter and director, Zheng Zhebin has only two films in more than ten years. The ratings of the two films are pretty good, but they haven't won any heavyweight awards. Xiao Yao’s current film works are not many, but the first short film directly won an award at the Clermont Ferrand Short Film International Film Festival, known as "Short Film Cannes." Both the film festival and film awards won the best animated film awards, and more nominations. Although the first live-action film co-directed with others has no trend of winning the best film and best director, there are also reasons for being limited by the subject matter. At least in terms of potential, Xiao Yao looks far better than Zheng Zhebin.

   However, in any case, the two are the most well-known and popular players in their respective teams, and most of them are not very surprised that these two players will play against the finale of their respective teams. When the two appeared on stage, they also received the most enthusiastic cheers and screams from the audience.

  Although Zheng Zhebin is thirty-six years old and has married and had children, his personality is still very lively. After walking to the middle of the court with Xiao Yao, the first time he met, he greeted Xiao Yao enthusiastically in a hip-hop manner.

  In the appearance stage of the celebrity game, the host only interviews the captains of both sides at the end. When the host interviewed the two, Zheng Zhebin, who was still very enthusiastic just now, immediately changed his face and spoke harsh words to Xiao Yao very directly. In comparison, Xiao Yao's speech appeared to be much more gentle, but he smiled and said he wanted to win, and he didn't care much about personal honor. It sounded very official.

After the    appearance ceremony, the players of the two teams returned to the bench. The staff quickly cleared the venue, put on musical instruments and other audio equipment, and prepared for the opening performance.

  There are two groups of guests for the opening performance. One is an emerging rock band that has become popular in the past two years. The scene brought a rock song to everyone, which quickly brought up the atmosphere of the scene. Another group of performers is Xiao Yao’s acquaintance, the 101 girl group.

This girl group selected through variety shows is said to be a limited time girl group. It should be disbanded at the end of last year, but I don’t know if the value of this girl group has not been fully explored. After Haiyan Entertainment discussed with various companies, It was announced that the limited time for this women's group was extended, except that the members of the women's group were allowed to return to their original company to participate in activities, and they could even participate in other groups for two groups in parallel. When they need to appear together, they can still get together to participate in activities.

  Haiyan Video is the network broadcaster of this All-Star Weekend, so naturally this girl group has become a guest performer.

After the 101st women’s team received the announcement of this event, they also contacted Xiao Yao, wanting him to help prepare for the show or something. However, Xiao Yao was a player in the competition and wanted to practice, and told them that they would give it to them during the performance. Sun Tingting also had to practice with the accompaniment. When there was not much time, the women's group members did not bother Xiao Yao any more. So this time before the game, Xiao Yao had no contact with this women's team.

  China’s All-Star Weekend Celebrity, the women’s group would naturally not sing the Korean song that Xiao Yao wrote for them, but instead chose one of their previous inspirational songs. The on-site effect, anyway, from Xiao Yao's perspective, it seems that it fits their identity as a female idol group.

  The pre-match performance ends, and the game officially begins.

  Three referees took a basketball to the court, and the starting players of the two teams also got up and walked onto the court.

  In terms of the starting lineup, both teams have their former professional players and captains on the field. In the kick-off link, the Southern Celebrity Team is standing in the middle circle and preparing to jump the ball is their captain Zheng Zhebin, and the Northern Celebrity Team is an actor named Zhao Tingxiao.

  The jump ball is decided by the previous team. Everyone knows that this kind of game will not allow former professional players to jump the ball. Yi Yang originally wanted Xiao Yao to jump the ball and try to win the first offensive ball. However, Xiao Yao refused and chose a relative among the starting players. Zhao Tingxiao, who has a relatively low sense of existence.

   "Xiao Yao, how about changing you to jump the ball?" Seeing Zheng Zhebin standing opposite, Zhao Tingxiao gestured to the referee and asked the referee to pause and turn back to Xiao Yao.

  Neither team’s starting lineups included any female players on the team. Zhao Tingxiao saw that the opposite party had sent a captain, so he wanted to change Xiao Yao up to face the opponent, which was also a topic.

   "No need!" Xiao Yao smiled and waved his hand, "I believe you, you can definitely win Zheng Zhebin! Remember to dial back, I'll just wait to grab your basketball."

   "Okay!" Seeing that Xiao Yao was unwilling, Zhao Tingxiao looked back at the referee and signaled that he could start.

  The referee standing in the middle circle held up the basketball and threw it into the air. Zheng Zhebin and Zhao Tingxiao immediately raised their arms and jumped up.

  (End of this chapter)

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