Entertaining Children

Chapter 1146: You are the girl I want most

   Chapter 1146 You Are The Girl I Want Most

  "Honest?" The girls looked at Xiao Yao strangely.

None of the girls in the girl group have ever contacted Sun Tingting privately, but Xiao Yao’s relationship with Sun Tingting has been public for so long. They know who Xiao Yao’s girlfriend is, and they also know that Sun Tingting is today’s midtime performance guest. I will definitely be there today. But they also know Xiao Yao's character and experience. It seems that Xiao Yao has never stopped contacting the opposite **** because of a girlfriend.

  Xiao Yao has even been to Eva’s swimsuit special. They are just a female idol group. Can they be compared to a group of supermodel beauties who only wear swimsuits? Speaking of the scene, when Xiao Yao went to the American celebrity game, his girlfriend was also there. Xiao Yao also met the American beauty anchor on the bench and whispered, they just wanted Xiao Yao to go up and teach them. Just shooting, can it be more intimate than that?

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao pointed at Ai Jun with a smile, and reminded, "Da Jun is still waiting for you, don't you hurry back to the court? It won't be good to let the host urge you!"

  Seeing Xiao Yao's words, the girls returned to the court with a look of surprise and disappointment.

  The eleven girls all wore a headset when they appeared on the stage. Lai Zhaodi, Lin Yunan, Ai Jun, and Wei Yunjing were still on the court when they were talking to the host. The live director broadcasted their voices, but Xiao Yao didn’t have a microphone. When Xiao Yao was in Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao's words might not be able to be received through their headsets. The unilateral words came out and it sounded strange. The live director turned off the headphones of several girls after they walked in front of Xiao Yao. By the way, create a little suspense for the audience.

As a result, the audience on the scene and in front of the TV could only see a few girls running to the bench of the Northern Celebrity Team and saying something to Xiao Yao and Zhao Tingxiao next to him, and then walking back to the stadium with disappointed expressions. .

  "Jobs, why didn't the senior come up?" Ai Jun asked curiously when he saw that Xiao Yao hadn't got up, only a few sisters had come back.

   "The senior said that he will perform later, so he won't come up to join in the fun," Lai Zhaodi walked towards and said, "But he taught us some tricks, I will teach you!"

After    came back, the live director turned on their head microphones. When the audience heard the call, first someone exclaimed, and then cheers rang out.

   "What? Senior wants to perform? But he is not on the performance list!" Ai Jun asked strangely.

   "Oh, it's not the senior who wants to perform," Lai Zhaodi said, "It's the senior's girlfriend who wants to perform, and he wants to help her girlfriend to accompany him!"

  The big screen on the scene quickly cut a shot of the auditorium. During the first half of the game, the big screen on the scene was shot by Sun Tingting, Zhao Rui and others in the audience, but this time, the audience only saw Zhao Rui and others. The place next to Zhao Rui should have been Sun Tingting. It is empty.

  This scene obviously tells the audience that Sun Tingting is going to prepare for the performance.

  Some audience members who understood the meaning of the scene cheered, but more audience sighed with disappointment.

  The MV of Sun Tingting’s song released two days ago was Xiao Yao behind to help her play the guitar. Although there is no description on the pre-announced list of midfield performances, some people have guessed that Xiao Yao will probably play accompaniment during Sun Tingting's performance. This is not a particularly surprising news. Of course, it is good news to have confirmed this from Zhaodi's mouth, but after all, it is not as good as Xiao Yao's next performance.

   Ai Jun is not very old, hasn't made her debut for a long time, and doesn't have so much thought. Hearing that, he didn't say anything, but he said to Lai Di: "Then tell me, how did the senior teach you!"

  Lai Zhaodi had a serious eye this time. He held the microphone next to his ear with his hand, moved to the other ear of Ai Jun's head, and whispered the tricks Xiao Yao taught.

After finishing talking, Lai Zhaodi returned to the waiting team, and then Ai Jun moved from the front of the hoop to the side of the hoop, and threw the basketball against the vertical line of the box on the backboard.


  The basketball bounced on the backboard and fell into the hoop accurately. Ai Jun happily raised his arm and jumped, cheering, and the audience on the scene also sent a burst of warm applause and cheers.

  "Good shot!" The host also smiled and praised, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to Ai Jun for hitting a goal and winning 10,000 yuan in scholarships for the children in poor mountainous areas!"

  A round of applause broke out on the scene again.

   Ai Jun happily bowed to the audience.

   "It seems that someone has taught it to be different!" The host smiled and added another sentence.

   Ai Jun turned to Xiao Yao again and bowed, "Thank you, senior!"

   Xiao Yao sat on the bench seat and waved his hands with a smile.

  After Ai Jun finished his shot, he returned to his teammates and replaced him with a girl to shoot.

Of the remaining seven girls, six of them all stood on the side of the basket and shot the basket like Ai Jun. Only the last one, Vanda, who claimed to have played basketball, stood confidently on the free throw line and performed a penalty. basket. Out of the seven girls, five made a field goal, which means that six of the eleven made it, which is exactly half of them. Overall, it is considered a good result.

  After the live host announced the result, this game session was over.

  After the girls bowed and exited, the host introduced the next show.

  The performance link does not require the presence of the host. After the host introduced the program, he withdrew from the stadium. The lights above the court dimmed, and several staff members quickly went to the court to set up.

  There was no extra stage for this performance. The staff just put a microphone stand and two chairs on the court, and it was done quickly.

  Sun Tingting’s costume was the casual outfit she wore when she watched the ball, and she did not change any extra clothes for the performance. But there is still a row of spectators and a bench between where she sits and the stadium. It would be unsightly if she stepped directly from the front. She didn't learn Xiao Yao and stepped over from behind other people's seats regardless. So Sun Tingting left her seat during the game show of the 101st women's team and went to the sidewalk to wait for the show. This is why the scene in the audience just now only had Zhao Rui and others but not her.

  After placing the chair and microphone stand, Sun Tingting came out of the player’s aisle and sat on the chair behind the microphone stand. In comparison, Xiao Yao was much simpler. He got up directly from the bench, took the acoustic guitar handed over by the staff, put it on his back, and sat on another chair next to Sun Tingting. This time, Xiao Yao is no longer sitting behind Sun Tingting as in the MV, but on a horizontal line with Sun Tingting.

The lights above the stadium were on. When the audience saw the two people in the center of the stadium, a burst of violent cheers and screams rang out in the arena, but what made Xiao Yao’s mouth evoked was that he actually escaped from this violent Amid the applause and screams, some boos seemed to be heard.

In the original version of   previous life and the official version produced by Xiao Yao, there is no prelude to this song. However, on the occasion of today’s live performance, Xiao Yao deliberately added a short guitar prelude.

   Xiao Yao plucked the strings, and the sound of the guitar sounded, and the scene immediately became quiet.

   "I want ~ you are by my side,

  I want~ You dress me up.

  Tonight’s wind blows, itchy, my lover~

  I'm in a foreign country, looking at the moon~"

  Sun Tingting’s singing was gentle and pleasant. As soon as her voice rang, the audience gave another round of applause.

  While singing, Sun Tingting unsurprisingly turned to look at Xiao Yao, who was accompaniing him, and Xiao Yao turned to look at Sun Tingting with a smile.

Although many netizens have ridiculed that they were dissatisfied with these two people's abuse of dogs in public, when the big screen and broadcast camera took turns to give close-ups of the two people's expressions, whether it was the live audience or the audience watching the live game in front of the TV computer. , Was still moved by the performance of these two people.

  Many viewers unconsciously held their hands, showing a look of envy and intoxication. On the live page of Haiyan’s video, it was filled with barrage of various blessings from netizens.


  This song is not long. There are only four parts of the song, and the total is only about two and a half minutes. When Sun Tingting ended the song with a humming, both the live audience and the audience watching the game broadcast had some feelings of unfulfilled feelings.

   "Thank you!" After Xiao Yao's last guitar fingerstyle was over, Sun Tingting thanked the microphone, and then stood up from the chair and bowed to the audience.



   There was a burst of warm applause and screams.


  Amid the applause and screams, suddenly an audience shouted.

   "We are already together!" Sun Tingting smiled into the microphone playfully, bending over.

  "Ha~" There was a burst of laughter in the audience.

  Sun Tingting smiled, turned her head and looked at Xiao Yao, who was still sitting on the chair and not getting up, stretched out a hand to Xiao Yao, and signaled Xiao Yao to take her out of the arena together.

   Xiao Yao smiled and got up, stretched out his hand to hold Sun Tingting's outstretched hand, and bowed to the audience again with Sun Tingting. Amidst another round of applause and screaming from the audience, Xiao Yao did not pull Sun Tingting out of the stage, but pulled Sun Tingting to his chair and seated Sun Tingting on the chair he had just sat on.

  Sun Tingting and everyone on the scene were confused by Xiao Yao's behavior, and both showed a puzzled look.

   Xiao Yao held the guitar and sat on the chair where Sun Tingting was sitting. He slightly adjusted the height of the microphone stand and smiled into the microphone: "Next, I want to sing a song too!"

   "Oh oh~" When Xiao Yao said this, everyone on the scene cheered and screamed.

   "I'm going, no wonder Xiao Yao was that performance in the first half, so he had to perform himself!" Some audience members and the players of the Northern Celebrity Team also suddenly understood why Xiao Yao was not so active in the first half. Just playing guitar accompaniment and playing guitar accompaniment plus a self-singing performance is different, the latter obviously consumes more energy and energy.

  After cheering, some spectators looked at Sun Tingting on the court strangely.

  If it is a chorus of two people, there is no microphone in front of Sun Tingting. If it is for Sun Tingting to accompany Xiao Yao, Sun Tingting does not have an instrument in her hand. If Xiao Yao plays and sings, what is Sun Tingting doing?

  Sun Tingting smiled and applauded with the audience, and turned her head to look at Xiao Yao very suspiciously.

"This song was sung for a certain person, so I left her on the court as a listener!" Xiao Yao seemed to know what everyone thought, and pointed at Sun Tingting, "I hope you don't mind! "

   "Ah~" Sun Tingting covered her mouth in surprise.

   "Let me go, do you want to be so cruel?"

   "It's too cruel!"

  The audience talked quietly.

  It must be a love song that Xiao Yao sang especially to Sun Tingting. The two took turns to sing love songs to each other, which obviously greatly enhanced the level of showing affection and spreading dog food. However, it is very rare to be able to play this way in public on this occasion. Therefore, even though the audience had a lot of discussions, Xiao Yao still cheered and screamed louder with excitement.

   "Of course, even if everyone minds, I will leave her here to listen to me singing this song!" Xiao Yao added with a smile.

   "Call~" Some audience members booed.

   Xiao Yao smiled, and continued to introduce it dismissively: "A new song, the title of the song is "You are the girl I want the most"!"

"Such a straightforward song title? It really is a confession song, no, they have been together for so long, do you still need to confess? It really is another song of dog food!" After listening to Xiao Yao's introduction, Many viewers said in their hearts.

   Xiao Yao waved his hand and played the prelude. A lively and melodious guitar melody sounded, and the audience soon calmed down again. No matter what you think of Xiao Yao's behavior of showing his affection and spreading dog food, Xiao Yao has released a new song, always listen carefully! Just listen to the melody of the intro, this song should be very nice.

   "The breeze is blowing gently on your loose hair, and I can’t help but want to say what I’m thinking to you~ How many times have courage, and it’s hard to speak, think about your gentleness and always keep your head down~"

  When Xiao Yao sang the first verse, the audience was surprised to find that the lyrics of this song were scrolling synchronously on the big screen above the stadium.

  Even the lyrics are ready. Obviously Xiao Yao didn't make a temporary intention at all. Instead, he had discussed with the organizer a long time ago and deliberately concealed what Xiao Yao was about to perform, and wanted to give everyone a surprise. However, judging from the current situation, it is not easy to say whether Xiao Yao wants to surprise the audience, fans and fans, or to surprise Sun Tingting.

   "I hope that the sky and the sunset will keep burning, always bright and don't fall down~ With your smiling face and slightly closed eyes, I have fallen into a deep fascination~"

  Bright and beautiful melody, clean voice, and slightly poetic lyrics, the audience was quickly brought into a relaxed and sweet mood by Xiao Yao's singing.

  This song by Xiao Yao is obviously a folk song.

  The lyrics of folk songs are very flavorful, but in terms of structure, there are many irregularities. This song is exactly the same. The first two passages sounded like the main song, but the melody was not the same, and after these two passages, there were four repeated eight-bar melody, which did not sound like a chorus.

  "Is there the purest fairy tale? You are the source of my happiness!

   Sad for you, sad for you, you are the girl I want most! "

  Is there the happiest life? You are my sweet possession!

  Pray for you, stay for you, you are the girl I want most!

  Are there the most beautiful pictures? You stand under the setting sun and wave your hands!

   Sad for you, sad for you, you are the girl I want most!

  Is there the happiest life? I would like to accompany you forever!

  Your kindness, your gentleness, you are the girl I want most! "

But even if it’s not like a chorus, this four paragraphs of parallel sentences with the same melody and the same lyrics still deeply moved the audience. The sentence "You are the girl I want the most" is also deeply moved. Printed in everyone's mind.

  (End of this chapter)

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