Entertaining Children

Chapter 1150: Wedding date

   Chapter 1150

The MVP who won the game with a triple-double performance, a midfield performance and a marriage proposal, deliberately tying the game's personal data into a series of numbers for confession, no matter from which point of view, Xiao Yao is the celebrity game. Well-deserved protagonist.

  After the end of the celebrity game, various related reports have been released.

  Because this celebrity match is a grand event of cultural and sports union, there are both sports media and entertainment media who pay attention to and report on this celebrity match.

   was originally a news that could be called a breaking point. Two media from different industries reported together. Under the influence of each other, the popularity even more than doubled. So after this celebrity match, Xiao Yao's actions in this celebrity match quickly became known to the public and became a hot topic on the Internet.

To be honest, for Xiao Yao’s team winning the game, Xiao Yao’s triple-double data, MVP, and even Xiao Yao’s performance during the intermission and singing new songs, many people are already No wonder. To be more serious, some people may feel a little aesthetic fatigue. However, Xiao Yao proposed to marry him on the spot during the intermission, and he confessed his love with the figures of his personal data during the game, which still surprised many people. Regarding these two points, netizens also had extremely heated discussions.

  Use personal data figures to express love? This idea alone is creative enough. Xiao Yao not only thought of this idea ingeniously, but also achieved it, which shocked many netizens. Judging from Xiao Yao's various performances since his debut and his life, it seems that this kind of thing can only be imagined and done by his evil evildoer, and no one thinks that this is an idea given to Xiao Yao by others. Netizens marveled at Xiao Yao's creativity and ability. At the same time, some girls admired Xiao Yao's romantic mind. As the commentator Zhou Qun expected, they expressed their strong envy and jealousy of Sun Tingting.

  Netizens have seen a lot of things like on-site marriage proposal. Fans proposing marriage at star concerts, celebrities proposing marriage at their own concerts, and celebrities proposing marriage on TV shows have all been seen in news reports. Even a few years ago, there was a Chinese diving athlete who proposed to his teammates at the award ceremony of the Olympic Games. It also caused a domestic sensation and made people talk about it for a long time.

  However, it was the first time that China’s netizens saw an entertainer who proposed to his girlfriend during the intermission of a sports game. When everyone saw this news, the excitement and freshness in their hearts were no less than when they heard the news that the athletes of the diving national team proposed marriage in foreign Olympic competitions.

  After the celebrity match, the media was almost all news of Xiao Yao, and all the discussions on various social media networks were all Xiao Yao. Relatively speaking, the presence of other star players who participated in the celebrity game is very low.

  Xiao Yao proposed on the spot. After the game, the meaning of the numbers of personal data was revealed on the big screen. Obviously, the organizer made special arrangements to cooperate with him. As a result, it is inevitable that some fans of star players who also participated in the celebrity game will feel dissatisfied.

"Xiao Yao is the son of the China Basketball Association! This celebrity match is simply held for Xiao Yao, and other people will serve as a foil if they go! This kind of activity, our family’s **** will not go after the game!" After the game, Some fans of star actors made comments on the Internet.

Previously, gossip media broke the news that Xiao Yao and Chen Yang had a very good personal relationship, so the China Basketball Association asked Xiao Yao to take promotional photos for the men’s basketball team. Later, Xiao Yao took promotional photos for the women’s national basketball team and China Professional. The theme song and promotion song of the basketball league were also due to the relationship between Chen Yang, then the vice chairman of the Basketball Association and the current chairman of the Basketball Association. So some netizens joked that Xiao Yao was a “professional” of the China Basketball Association in the entertainment circle. son".

But firstly, Xiao Yao is an acting star, not a professional athlete. It is impossible for him to unfairly benefit from issues such as official league matches and national team selection. Secondly, Xiao Yao took photos and wrote songs. The past has worked well, and it is beneficial to the national team, the league and the individual athletes. It also contributes to China's basketball career. This kind of "pro-son" argument is not a big deal for the Basketball Association or Xiao Yao, and it is not a big deal at all.

  Even after this celebrity game, some celebrity fans mentioned this statement again, but it did not cause any big waves on the Internet. After all, Xiao Yao’s proposal on the spot was during the intermission and did not affect the normal progress of the game. The data showing love was also played out in the rules of the game. The referee did not take care of it, and Xiao Yao also gave it back. Brought the Northern Celebrity Team to victory. Let alone an exhibition game, even in a formal professional game, there is nothing to blame. The sour speeches of a few celebrities were soon overwhelmed by discussions among netizens.

  In addition to Xiao Yao’s performance in the game, netizens are also very interested in one issue, that is, the wedding date of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting. After the marriage proposal, it is natural to get married. Xiao Yao proposed on the spot, and Sun Tingting agreed. Then when the two got married, it became another topic of concern and discussion among many netizens. However, it is a pity that all the news reports about the Masters did not mention the wedding date of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, and everyone could only speculate and discuss.

In fact, at the end of the celebrity game, reporters from the scene rushed to the court to interview Xiao Yao. They also focused on Xiao Yao’s wedding date. Even Sun Tingting sitting in the audience and Zhao Rui and others next to him were also involved. I was asked by the reporter for an interview, which also emphatically asked this question. However, neither Xiao Yao nor Sun Tingting, Zhao Rui and others have given an answer to this question.

  The marriage proposal has just been successful, and depending on Sun Tingting’s performance at the time, this marriage proposal is likely to be a "sudden attack" without Sun Tingting's knowledge, and it is normal that the wedding date has not yet been set. Xiao Yao and others didn't answer, and the reporters couldn't hang on, so naturally there was no answer to this question in those reports.

  The reporter can't get answers from Xiao Yao and others, doesn't mean that others can't get answers from Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting. For example, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting's parents.

  Xiao Yao’s marriage proposal was only told in advance to Zhao Rui and other friends who came to watch with Sun Tingting and the organizer of the game so that they could cooperate with each other, but did not tell the parents of both sides in advance. But Xiao Yao came to play in the exhibition game, and Sun Tingting was the guest performer in the midfield. Although the parents and elders of the two did not come to watch the game, they also watched the game broadcast in front of the TV at home. After the game, the parents and elders of both sides naturally knew about it.

  When Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting broke free from the reporters' encirclement and joined together, when they were on the way back to the hotel, their parents and elders all called.

   Xiao Yao is not surprised about the calls from both parents, nor is he at all anxious. Although the marriage proposal was not told to the parents of both parties in advance, he and Sun Tingting grew up together since childhood and have been together for such a long time. Even if there is no formal "home visit" or something, the two have spent a lot of time with each other's parents. From the attitudes expressed in the words and deeds of the parents of both parties on weekdays, he knew that the parents of both parties definitely had no objection to the marriage of the two, and would certainly not object to their marriage proposal.

  This is indeed the case. Although most of the stars in the show business circle get married late, this does not mean that show stars must get married late. I hope that my children will be happy, get married and have children as soon as possible, and accomplish major events in life. Whether it is an ordinary person or a celebrity family, parents have the same mentality.

  Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting were both parents watching to grow up. They know the temperaments of the two children. The two parents are very satisfied and even a little relieved to be able to get together. The two have been together for such a long time, and even the most difficult three years of long-distance relationship have passed smoothly, so it is natural to finally get married. Of course, the parents of the two will not object.

  But falling in love is a matter for two people, and getting married is a matter for two people. Their purpose of making this call is not to ask the two of them to get a certificate for the wedding right away, but to ask them about their plans for the wedding date. Marriage is a major event in life, but it can't be done simply. They want to know their general plan for the wedding, and they should prepare in advance.

Sun Tingting didn’t know that Xiao Yao would propose during the intermission of the game. He didn’t have any mental preparation at all, so naturally he couldn’t talk about any plans. He simply put the phone number of his parents in front of Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao answered together.

  In fact, Xiao Yao had already thought about this proposal.

  Although his body is only 23 years old, he has no idea that he hasn't played enough at this age, so he doesn't want to get married. As a man of two lives, Xiao Yao has had decades of life experience. He has never been married in his previous life. In fact, he has been single for decades, so he hopes to get married soon. What he scruples about is actually Sun Tingting's thoughts.

  The earliest thought of this should be the conversation between the two when the movie theme song of Zhao Rui and Yandian came out from Hong Wei’s company last year in the Gregorian calendar. When they talked about Sun Tingting’s short hair taking selfies on Weibo, and Xiao Yao contributed the phrase “It’s a good time to abuse his wife”, they felt that Sun Tingting no longer rejects being his own wife, or that it’s already time. If you can accept it, your heart will become active.

   Another point is that after the release of "Donkey Deshui", he will be making a TV series with Yin Xi, and the two are still acting as lovers. Yin Xi’s age is not too old, and he is still very attractive. Their age difference is not a big deal in the entertainment industry. He is not worried that Sun Tingting will think that he and Yin Xi will be in love with each other because of the drama, but it is difficult to guarantee that when the time comes. If the gossip media came out to make a fuss, they wanted to decide on Sun Tingting's name before the TV series started filming.

  Marriage proposal is a matter of course, without telling the other party in advance. It is impossible to say whether you will agree if I propose to you, nor is it possible to say that I will propose to you someday, so you should be mentally prepared. Naturally, it is impossible for Xiao Yao to ask Sun Tingting, if I propose to you, do you like to be in a private scene where there are no others but only the two of us, or in a public occasion, let a group of people and even people around the world testify.

   Generally speaking, if the time comes, both parties are interested, whether it is private or public, the result should be no different. If you are not sure about the other party's intentions, public occasions are not a good choice, because there will be suspicion of "kidnapping" by others, which will cause disgust.

  However, Xiao Yao knows Sun Tingting’s intentions and doesn’t care about the occasion. Thinking that both of them are acting stars and public figures, there is no need to hide this kind of thing. It is always open. It is better to choose a public occasion.

  Street flash events Xiao Yao has already played with Sun Tingting once, and doesn't want to play it again. Therefore, Xiao Yao simply wanted to make this proposal bigger and put it in a bigger public occasion.

  Before participating in the celebrity game, Xiao Yao also participated in some public activities. But that premiere was for Zhao Rui and the rest of the movie platform. He didn't want to take the lead, and later participated in the New Year's Eve party of Satellite TV. Sun Tingting did not attend. His purpose was to hold a handful of newcomers and classmates. Good time.

  Postponed, it's time for this celebrity game. The celebrity game is part of the All-Star Weekend. The stars of the entertainment industry are here to play. There was no other purpose. Xiao Yao did not have the slightest psychological burden to steal the limelight from others, so he planned this time. propose.

  However, although the proposal has been planned for a long time, Xiao Yao really has no plans for when the wedding will be held. Fortunately, after the proposal is to be married, there is no clear stipulation on how long after the proposal is successful, the marriage must be made. Now the plan is too late.

  "Donkey Gets Water" is scheduled to be released at the end of February. After the movie was released, Sun Tingting had no planned work arrangements, and Xiao Yao had already decided to star in a TV series with Yin Xi. "Donkey Gets Water" will be released at the end of February, so this TV drama project will not start until March at the earliest. It takes months to film a TV series. As the leading actor, Xiao Yao is unlikely to be finished in advance, and almost certainly will be filmed from beginning to end, so it is estimated that it will take a few months.

   is so simple to calculate, it is almost in the second half of the year. In addition to this TV drama project, Xiao Yao has not yet decided on any other jobs, so Xiao Yao plans to set the wedding date in the second half of the year. As for the specific date, the parents of both parties are invited to go to the almanac to agree on a "good day" suitable for marriage. Once the date is set, the two of them will arrange their work for the second half of the year according to the situation at that time.

  Xiao Yao told about his situation and plans to talk to the parents of the two over the phone. Sun Tingting on the side said that he had no objection, and the parents of both sides did not object.

Since Xiao Yao pushed the time range to the second half of the year in one stroke, it is only January, and there are still almost half a year left, so the parents on both sides did not rush to call the two back to Yanjing to discuss the date together, and prepare to pick one. pick. Anyway, now that the technology is advanced, they have a day when they want to ask their relatives and the two parties concerned, and they can also use their mobile phones to conduct three-party or even four-party video conferences at any time.

  (End of this chapter)

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