Entertaining Children

Chapter 1154: Eating spiders

   Chapter 1154

  After recording the two weekly broadcasts of Shonan Satellite TV, Xiao Yao’s next itinerary is Shonan Satellite TV’s wild reality show "Wild Kitchen".

  "Wild Kitchen" is a program that runs around outside, goes to the wild to find ingredients, and even cooks in the wild. The filming range is very wide. Although the filming location of the program that Xiao Yao is going to participate in is located in the Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province in the southwest, it is also very warm in this winter day in January, which is a very good place in terms of temperature. It's a wild food show. Judging from the content of the previous issues, God knows what mess to eat, so Xiao Yao didn't bring Sun Tingting with him. He went there alone.

  After recording "Everyday Upward", Xiao Yao bid farewell to Sun Tingting and others, and took a rest in southern Hunan alone for a day, and then flew to Xishuangbanna in Yunnan Province with Wang Yuan.

  Field shooting is more difficult, and a program basically takes a whole day to shoot, so Xiao Yao and Wang Yuan both arrived the day before the official shooting. The filming location of this episode was in Jinuo Township under Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture. After getting off the plane, both of them were arranged by the program team to drive directly to the urban area of ​​Jinghong City.

  After the two arrived in the urban area of ​​Jinghong City, the program team had already arranged a hotel room for them. Since there was no filming mission, Xiao Yao and Wang Yuan also strolled around the urban area of ​​Jinghong City together to get a taste of the Southwestern style.

  When returning to the hotel in the evening, Xiao Yao heard that the other two resident MCs in the show had also arrived. Of course, these two resident MCs are also stars, but Xiao Yao only met on TV and haven’t met in private. I originally wanted Wang Yuan to introduce them to him first, but Wang Yuan and the staff of the program group said that. The two did not know that Xiao Yao was the flying guest of this episode. They wanted to maintain a sense of mystery and opposed Xiao Yao's meeting with them in advance, so Xiao Yao gave up.

  In addition to Xiao Yao, there will be another flying guest in this program tomorrow, which has not arrived yet. Before, Wang Yuan and the program team did not tell Xiao Yao who the other flying guest was. Since the program team and Wang Yuan did not even let Xiao Yao meet with the two resident MCs in advance, Xiao Yao didn’t bother to pay attention to the other flying guest. The news, went back to the room early to rest.

  In this program, the flying guests do not show up at the beginning and appear with the main MC, but need to "encounter" on the road. So although Xiao Yao came to Yunnan Province with Wang Yuan and Jinghong City together, Xiao Yao said goodbye to Wang Yuan and several other program guests who arrived at the meeting yesterday, early in the early morning of the official shooting. Under the leadership of the program group, they set off first.

  The program group arranged for Xiao Yao to meet several resident MCs in an open-air market in Jinuo Township. Since Xiao Yao started early, and it was still early for Wang Yuan and the others to arrive, Xiao Yao walked around by himself first.

It was almost nine o'clock in the morning when the staff of the program team informed Wang Yuan and others that they were coming soon. Xiao Yao put on recording equipment such as lavalier microphones, raised a sign and stood by the side of the road to wait for Wang Yuan and others. .

  A few minutes later, a red pickup truck drove towards him, and Xiao Yao quickly raised the wooden sign and shook it.

  The pickup truck stopped next to Xiao Yao. Wang Yuan in the driving seat looked at Xiao Yao with a "surprise look", and the co-pilot and the other resident MC in the back seat couldn't help but screamed.

  The other two resident MCs are a man and a woman. One of them is Jiang Yan, thirty-two years old, and an actress with a long debut time. Another named Yan Junlin, a young idol boy group member, only debuted through a group idol program called idol trainees on Qiqu.com the year before.

Jiang Yan has a long debut time and has participated in many film and television works, but he has not won any significant awards. Xiao Yao has never cooperated with her, and has not even encountered variety shows and awards shows. This is the first time we have met. As for another boy group idol, Yan Junlin, he didn't have a long debut time, and he had no intersection with Xiao Yao. But at first sight of Xiao Yao, both of them were very excited.

Let alone Xiao Yao’s fame, both of them are very interested in Xiao Yao.

  Jiang Yang is a film and television actor, his debut time is not short, and he has many acquaintances and friends in the film and television circle. Although she has never met Xiao Yao, it is not uncommon for friends or people in the circle who have cooperated with Xiao Yao or have a good relationship. In addition to media reports, she had heard many stories about Xiao Yao from her peers in the circle. At this time, seeing Xiao Yao felt like "finally seeing the real person", so she was naturally very excited.

  Yan Junlin is a member of the men's group. The show that debuted is similar to "Creation 101", basically the difference between the men's and women's versions, so Yan Junlin is also more concerned about the women's group show and the movement of the women's group later. Although Xiao Yao has not participated in the male version of the puppet show, his performance in the women's group show and subsequent interaction and cooperation with the 101 women's group have made him very topical in the idol group circle, and Yan Junlin is naturally also knew.

  In terms of age, Yan Junlin is actually about the same as Xiao Yao, and even Xiao Yao is one year younger than him. For this man who is enough to be their teacher, Yan Junlin also has a feeling of "finally seeing the real person".

  The three people got off the car happily and came to meet Xiao Yao. Naturally, Wang Yuan and Xiao Yao didn't need to say much. Jiang Yan, Yan Junlin and Xiao Yao who met for the first time introduced themselves and exchanged greetings with each other.

   "Xiao Yao, how long have you been here, have you seen our guide?" Wang Yuan asked Xiao Yao after the three people exchanged words.

  Each issue of the program, the program team will arrange a local guide for Wang Yuan and others to help them find ingredients. When they were on the road just now, they called the guide and came to this bazaar to find a guide. After getting to know each other, Wang Yuan, who controls the rhythm of the program flow, returned to the purpose of coming here. Thinking that Xiao Yao was waiting for them here, and many knew what he knew, naturally he asked Xiao Yao.

   "I haven't seen anyone who looks like a guide," Xiao Yao shook his head in confusion, "What does your guide look like?"

   "Of course the guide is a local," Wang Yuan smiled. "We don't know what he looks like. Have you seen a local like you waiting for someone here?"

   "Same as me? Is it the one holding the sign? It must not!" Xiao Yao continued to shake his head.

   "Okay, I'm not asking you!" Wang Yuan waved his hand helplessly, "Let's find it ourselves!"

   "By the way, Brother Yuan, I brought you food!" Xiao Yao suddenly said.

   "Really?" Wang Yuan immediately said happily.

Jiang Yan and Yan Junlin beside    also showed joy.

   "I know, Xiao Yao has always been the most sensible!" Wang Yuan smiled and rubbed his hands, making a drooling expression, "What good food did you bring us?"

  "It's local food!" Xiao Yao turned sideways and opened the cloth bag on his body, "I just bought it here."

   "Bought here?" Jiang Yan and Yan Junlin both showed a trace of alertness, "Isn't it something strange? I heard that it eats bugs!"

"This is called Bao Shao!" Xiao Yao took out a piece of pie wrapped in a plastic bag from the cloth bag he carried, broke off a piece and stuffed it in his mouth, and then handed it to the three of them. "It tastes sweet. !"

  Looking at the piece of cake in front of him, Xiao Yao ate it again by himself. The three of them had all their doubts, and each reached out and broke a piece in his mouth and tasted it.

  "It tastes good!" Wang Yuan first praised.

   "Well, it's really sweet! It's delicious!" Yan Junlin continued.

   "It tastes glutinous!" Jiang Yan also nodded and smiled.

   "Just like it." Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Let's go, let's eat while walking, and we need to find a guide!" Wang Yuan said.

  Wang Yuan took the lead and walked deep into the bazaar, and the other three naturally followed.

  "Here you!" Xiao Yao put the bag in his hand into Yan Junlin's hand, "eat slowly!"

  "Thank you!" Yan Junlin smiled, and first handed it to Wang Yuan and Jiang Yan to let them break the next big piece, and then break the next piece and hand it to Xiao Yao.

   "No need," Xiao Yao waved his hand, "I have eaten a whole just now. You are so thin, you eat more, so I took it for you!"

"The first time I saw Xiao Yao being so good to boys!" Wang Yuan, who was walking in front, smiled, "I watched the previous episodes and found that Junlin has a lot of fans. When this episode is broadcast, At this time, there must be words like "Thank you Xiao Yao for taking care of our Junlin" on the barrage at this time!"

"If you want to say that," Xiao Yao also smiled, "I don't know if there will be "Senior Xiao Yao, please take care of me" and "Senior please don't bully our Junlin" on the barrage when I first appeared. Kind of words!"

  "Don't tell me, it's really possible!" Wang Yuan smiled.

   "Ah~" Jiang Yan looked at Xiao Yao in surprise, "Do you often bully people on the show?"

   "Of course not!" Xiao Yao immediately shook his head with a serious face, "How can my reputation be so bad? I never bully people!"

   "It's not a bully," Wang Yuan said, "It's just that there are a lot of ghost ideas, so it's hard to guard against!"

   "Please take care of me!" Jiang Yan immediately bowed to Xiao Yao, smiled and said, "What's the point, don't say hello to me!"

  "Don't worry!" Wang Yuan said to Jiang Yan, "Generally speaking, this kid is more friendly to girls. It's just that Junlin and I are a bit dangerous, so we need to pay attention."

   "Oh~" Jiang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

"But that's not necessarily!" Wang Yuan continued as if thinking of something, "I just remembered that this kid had just proposed to his girlfriend some time ago. He used to participate in shows that are good for female guests, but now it is If you have a fiancée, it's not certain whether it will treat other girls so well."

   "Brother Yuan!" Xiao Yao smiled helplessly, "What kind of logic are you?"

   "Right," Jiang Yan patted his hand and said to Xiao Yao, "I haven't congratulated you yet! When will the wedding be held? Remember to send me a wedding post!"

  "The wedding date hasn't been decided yet!" Xiao Yao laughed, "There is a movie to be released at the end of the month, and then there is a TV series to be filmed later. It is estimated that it will be the second half of the year, and it is still early!"

   "I know the movie, you are going to make TV series again later?" Jiang Yan asked.

  "Since it comes to this, then give you a chance to broadcast!" Wang Yuan smiled, "Don't say we eat your things for nothing, give you five seconds!"

   "On February 28th, the movie "Donkey Gets Water" will be released, I hope everyone will support you!" Xiao Yao immediately put his hands together and bowed to the camera lens.

   "Hey, you are really welcome!" Wang Yuan smiled.

   "Just talk about movies, TV shows?" Jiang Yan reminded.

  "The TV series is just in preparation, and it hasn't started yet. It's too early to stop advertising!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "What kind of TV series, how is the casting process going? Are the actors of the role fixed?" Jiang Yan approached Xiao Yao and asked in a low voice.

"Modern urban dramas are more fashionable," Xiao Yao replied in a low voice. "The casting work is in progress. Currently, only one male and one female are available. Let me introduce you in detail! But let me explain in advance that you must all go through auditions!"

   "Have you brought the script? How about letting you audition directly after filming?" Jiang Yan asked again.

   "This time I'm just a male one, and I'm also involved in the screenwriting, but the director is not me!" Xiao Yao said, "The audition must be seen by the director!"

   "Okay, I understand!" Jiang Yan nodded.

   "Classmate Jiang Yan," Wang Yuan reminded with a smile, "Let's still record the show, help find a guide, you can wait for the evening to go back and talk about it slowly!"

   "Oh!" Jiang Yan stuck out his tongue embarrassedly.

   "Brother Yuan, where do you plan to meet with the guide?" Xiao Yao reminded, "How did you contact? Was it a phone call? Would you like to stop calling and ask where he is?"

   "Okay!" Wang Yuan nodded, and said to Yan Junlin, "Junlin, call!"

  Yan Junlin took out his cell phone and dialed a number, and he quickly picked it up. Yan Junlin adjusted the call status to hands-free, and several people got together and quickly asked where the guide was.

   Xiao Yao walked here for a while before, knowing where the guide said on the phone. After hanging up the phone, Xiao Yao quickly led everyone to find the guide.

  The guide is a male named Sand Cha, from the local Jinuo tribe. He is in his thirties, with a dark complexion and long hair. He looks quite artistic.

  When everyone successfully met with the guide, it was naturally another warm greeting.

  "When we first met, I brought you some of our special betel nuts in southern Hunan, please try it!" After the greeting, Jiang Yan took out a packet of betel nuts, opened the seal, and handed it to the guide.

  "Thank you!" The guide took a face and put it in his mouth.

  Xiao Yao knew that this betel nut brand was the main sponsor of the show, and that Jiang Yan’s behavior at this time was nothing more than an advertisement, but he immediately pretended to be dissatisfied: "Why do the guides eat betel nuts? Why don't I?"

   "Oh, sorry, forgot!" Jiang Yan apologized immediately, handed the betel nut to Xiao Yao and said, "You eat too!"

   "It's okay to eat betel nut, I'll say it again!" Wang Yuan said, "It's not your movie, it's our betel nut's oral broadcast!"

"Then I won't eat it!" Xiao Yao immediately put down the betel nut in his hand. "The flying guests are not obligated to talk about oral broadcast. If you want me to talk about oral broadcast, you will have to pay extra! If you eat a betel nut, you will change your mouth. Broadcast, this betel nut is too expensive, I can't afford it!"

   "Hey~ You want money!" Wang Yuan said dissatisfied.

  "I bought this here, right?" The guide saw what Yan Junlin was holding, "You have all bought food. It seems that you have been shopping for a while?"

   "This Xiao Yao bought this!" Yan Junlin followed the guide's words and turned the subject, and handed the contents to the guide, "He said this is called Bao Shao, would you like to eat it too?"

   "Well," the guide unceremoniously broke off a piece, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and smiled, "This is a spider bun!"

   "What did you say?" Wang Yuan and the three of them looked at the guide together.

  "Spider bag burned!" The guide laughed.

   "You mean, this is made by spiders?" Yan Junlin looked at the guide incredulously, "We just ate spiders?"

   "Yes!" The wizard nodded again!

   "Ah~" All three of them yelled in surprise.

  Wang Yuan’s expression was okay. It was purely an accident. Jiang Yan's face clearly showed an uncomfortable expression. Yan Junlin was the worst, and he started to vomit while holding his neck.

  (End of this chapter)

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