Entertaining Children

Chapter 1158: Free knife

   Chapter 1158

  Xiao Yao ran up to the campsite on the top of the mountain and took out the same ingredients in the bag and put them on the table under the straw shed.

   Yan Junlin also carried a bag of ingredients in his hand, and followed Xiao Yao up to the camp. After coming up, he did not follow Xiao Yao to go into the straw shed to put the ingredients, but was first attracted by the earthen stove outside the shed.

   "Senior Xiao Yao, is this your stove?" Yan Junlin looked around, then turned to ask Xiao Yao in the shed.

   "Yeah, what do you think?" Xiao Yao turned his head and smiled.

"It looks much better than the stove we built in the field in previous issues." Yan Junlin carried the bag into the shed, and smiled while holding the ingredients out of the bag. It's a stone, and you are still muddy!"

"The main reason is that the base of my stove is a bit high, and the mud is stable. In addition, it is red clay, which is sticky. You can mix it with water." Xiao Yao laughed, "If the stove is not that high, it won't It must be done like this. Also, the environment of your previous installments is also different from here. For example, in the seaside period, there was sand all around. Where can I find soil to paste the stove?"

   "Oh!" Yan Junlin nodded, "Knowledge!"

  The two took out all the ingredients and put them on the table. Yan Junlin looked at the things on the table and asked Xiao Yao with some embarrassment: "What are we doing now? Do you know how to deal with these ingredients for Sister Ling? Do you know how to do it?"

   "It's nothing more than washing and cutting." Xiao Yao said, "But the chef Jang hasn't come back yet. I don't know how she is going to make these things. It's not easy to mess around."

   "Then let's wash these things first?" Yan Junlin suggested, "No matter how you do it, you have to wash it first!"

"That's right," Xiao Yao said with a smile, "but washing vegetables is better left to two girls. We are boys, we should do some physical work! This stove is still empty, let's find Chai He !"

   "Okay!" Yan Junlin nodded, then looked around and said, "Where can I find it?"

   "Follow me!" Xiao Yao took the lead out of the shed.

   When looking for the stone base stove just now, Xiao Yao found a place with many thick and thin branches. Those branches are on the ground, you don't even need to cut them down, just pick them up and bring them back. There are some trees growing in that area, but judging from the growth situation, there should not be so many broken branches. Most of them are prepared by the program team in advance.

"It's fine to pick up a little bit more thinly, and more thick ones. The thick ones are resistant to burning. You can take as much as you can!" Xiao Yao took Yan Junlin to the edge of a forest and pointed to the branches on the ground. "There is a piece of corn over there. Land, I'll go over there!"

"Corn field? There is corn?" Yan Junlin was excited for a moment, and then hesitated. "But the corn should be grown by the local villagers. The program team didn't say that we should break the corn, so let's get it. Isn’t that great?"

"It's not the season for corn to mature!" Xiao Yao said, "There are no corn cobs in the corn field over there, only some withered leaves and stems. Dead leaves are the material for ignition. Corn leaves are bigger than leaves and are more likely to attract fire. Okay. I'm going to pull some withered corn leaves, it will have no effect on the villagers, don't let me know!"

   "Oh!" Yan Junlin nodded again.

   After busying for a while, Xiao Yao and Yan Junlin each returned to the camp on the top of the mountain with a pile of firewood and dead leaves. After throwing the fuel at the stove, Xiao Yao ran to the direction of the tea forest and took a look. Seeing that Wang Yuan and others were already walking back, he turned to Yan Junlin and said, "They are back, let’s take a look. The fire rises."

   "Okay!" Yan Junlin nodded.

   "You come to me?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Huh?" Junlin Yan was stunned, "Why are you here for me?"

  "Make a fire!" Xiao Yao laughed.

   "It's up to you!" Yan Junlin hesitated, and said to Xiao Yao, "Lighting a fire is also technical work, I will study!"

   "Well," Xiao Yao nodded, and said to the filming director next to him, "Director, do you have gasoline or kerosene?"

  Yan Junlin was speechless for a while, and said in his heart: "If you use gasoline to make a fire, what kind of fire technique do you show? But how do you know that the program crew has gasoline?"

  Although this is an outdoor reality show, it is a variety show after all, and it is not really going to test the survivability of the celebrities in the wild, so the program team will also give some help appropriately. To be honest, in the previous episodes, when the guests started a fire in the wild, they did use gasoline, which was poured on wood and burned.

   "No!" shook his head firmly with the director of the production team, "Our program team doesn't have this kind of thing!"

   "Zhou PD, we..." Yan Junlin said.

"Our cars burn gasoline, and there is gasoline in the car's fuel tank!" The filming director interrupted Yan Junlin and continued with a smile, "If you really need gasoline to raise the fire, you can let You go to the car below to get a little bit out, but you have to do this yourself. You can tell Teacher Wang Yuan by yourself. Also, this time..."

   "Forget it, this one is too troublesome, I'll just do it!" Xiao Yao waved his hand, sat on the stone next to the stove, and picked up dried corn leaves into the stove.

   "Zhou PD, we obviously have gasoline, you?" Yan Junlin approached the filming director and whispered, "Is it not so good for us to embarrass the flying guests like this?"

   "Don't worry!" The filming director surnamed Zhou laughed, "Xiao Yao is a good hand at making fires. He can definitely raise the fire without gasoline. He asks us for gasoline, but he is lazy, trying to save trouble!"

   "Huh? How do you know?" Yan Junlin said.

   "I've seen it!" The filming director smiled, "To be honest, we really didn't bring gasoline up this time!"

  The producer and chief director of this show is Luo Chongwen, and the filming team is from the production company under the name of Luo Chongwen. Although Luo Chongwen, the chief director, did not come with them to film this episode, this production team is the production team of another reality show "Longing for Life" by Luo Chongwen and Ke Jun.

Xiao Yao participated in the program of "Longing for Life" the year before, staying in the yard the day before, after chopping wood, grinding the kitchen knife and axe, and repairing the yard door. Water boiled on the stove. Xiao Yao didn't use gasoline or kerosene when he started the fire. He started the fire once, and he saw the whole process with the people in the filming crew.

  The current follow-up director is one of the follow-up directors who Xiao Yao went to film the episode of "The Longing for Life". He also happened to follow Xiao Yao, so he naturally knows Xiao Yao's ability. In this episode, their program team really didn't bring up the petrol used to make fires to the camp.

  Yan Junlin saw that the filming director had said so, so he had nothing to say, so he turned to the stove to watch Xiao Yao make a fire, and began to observe and learn seriously.

Xiao Yao piled some dead leaves on the bottom, then put some small branches on top, took a lighter to light the dead leaves, waited for the small branches to slowly burn, and then carefully added some thicker branches, not too big for a while , The fire in the stove ignited.

   "It's on!" Yan Junlin exclaimed excitedly, and looked up at Xiao Yao, "You are amazing! Is there anything else you can't do?"

   "I can't have children!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Although I read a news some time ago that men can also have children now, I will definitely not try!"

   "Ha!" Yan Junlin laughed, then shook his head and exclaimed, "You are really not a human!"

   "What?" Xiao Yao looked at Yan Junlin strangely.

"No, I mean, you're really not an ordinary person!" Yan Junlin, who realized that his words are prone to misunderstanding, explained quickly, "I have never seen someone like you who is so good at everything! It's completely beyond me to humans. Awareness of ability!"

   "Isn't it just making a fire? Is it such an exaggeration?" Xiao Yao smiled.

"Of course it's not just to make a fire!" Yan Junlin said, holding his fingers, "Singing and singing, choreographing, dancing, acting, directing, screenwriting, college entrance examination art exams all won the first prize, invented musical instruments, invented lighting costumes, I heard you still I know photography, calligraphy, painting and martial arts, and you’re only in your twenties. I really don’t know how you did it! Even if you are a genius, I feel a little bit beyond the limits of human beings."

"At best, I might be smarter than ordinary people. How can I be so non-human?" Xiao Yao smiled. "In fact, everything you say is related to my growth experience and can be explained. Yes, you just don’t know how I came over the first ten years of my life."

   "Really? Then can you tell me how you spent the previous ten years? Explain to me how you learned these skills?" Yan Junlin squatted beside Xiao Yao.

  "This~" Xiao Yao was a little embarrassed.

  This is recording a show. Xiao Yao just didn't want to make him a monster because of Yan Junlin's words, but he didn't want to tell Yan Junlin in detail about his life in the past ten years. Yan Junlin is not very familiar with him.

   Just when Xiao Yao felt a little embarrassed, the rescuer came.

   "Oh, the stove is burning!" A familiar voice came from behind Xiao Yao.

  Xiao Yao and Yan Junlin turned around and found that Wang Yuan and others had returned.

   "I'm working, I'll talk about my business later!" Xiao Yao said to Yan Junlin, stood up and turned to meet Wang Yuan and others, "I'm waiting for you to come back and start work!"

   "It looks like I'm hungry!" Wang Yuan smiled and said to everyone, "Then get started!"

   "You have all the ingredients, and my task is completed." The guide sand lane said, "You are busy slowly, I will go back first!"

   "Okay, thank you for your hard work today, thank you!" Wang Yuan slightly bent over and stretched out his hand to the guide sand cart.

  The guide is only responsible for collecting ingredients for the guests, not cooking with them. They start cooking and the work of the guide is over.

   "You're welcome!" Sand Che bent over and shook hands with Wang Yuan.

  Next, several other guests also came to bid farewell to the guide.

When it was Xiao Yao’s turn, Xiao Yao didn’t rush to say goodbye, but instead held the sand cart’s hand and said, “Brother Sand Cart, what you did to collect and sort traditional Jino music is very meaningful. If necessary, I will Willing to help and make a contribution."

   "Help?" Sand Che asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded, "I won't stay here all the time, so I can't help much with the collection, but I have a professional recording studio and distribution channels. If necessary, I can help you for free. Recording albums or records can also be released for you for free, which is a way to help you save and record these music."

   "Really?" Sand Che said happily.

  He collects traditional music of the Jinuo people, mostly for the cultural heritage of the nation. This kind of thing has no market prospects, and recording is a very expensive thing. Someone is willing to help him record these music for free, which is naturally a good thing.

   "Of course it's true!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Let's leave a contact information. When the section list is finished, we can discuss it in detail in private."

   "Good!" Sand Che nodded happily, "This is really great! Thank you! Thank you!"

  "This knife is given to you as a thank you gift!" The sand cart took off a knife and sheath from his body, and handed it to Xiao Yao.

   "Okay, then I'm not welcome! Thank you!" Xiao Yao took it with both hands.

  The knife in the hands of the sand cart is also a traditional thing of the Jino tribe. On the way up the mountain, Xiao Yao saw the sand cart pulled out and used it. Although not comparable to the four famous Chinese knives such as the Husa knife of the Achang nationality, the Tibetan knife of the Tibetan nationality, the waist knife of the Baoan nationality, and the Yingjisha of the Uighur nationality, they are also exceptionally strong and sharp, and have certain national characteristics. Xiao Yao is also I like it very much. Of course, what’s more important is that Xiao Yao took the knife, and even if the matter of recording for him for free was settled, it would make sand carts feel at ease.

   "Let's do this, I won't disturb you cooking. Let's talk about it later!" The knife was sent out, the sand cart was relieved, and he waved goodbye.

   "Senior, you're so amazing, you fooled the guide's knife! I saw the guide use this knife to chop bamboo, but it's sharp!" Lu Mingshuang came over and laughed after the sand cart left.

   "What lie?" Xiao Yao patted Lu Mingshuang on the head, "I really want to help Brother Sand Cart record the record!"

   "Did you record for him yourself?" Lu Mingshuang asked.

"That's not necessarily true. I didn't agree with him just now!" Xiao Yao thought for a while, shook his head, "Don't talk about my schedule problem, my recording studio is in Shencheng, should I let Big Brother Sand Che carry it? The clansman ran all the way to Shanghai? I can ask a professional musician to find the nearest professional recording studio to help him record, but it is a matter of spending money, and I am not short of money if you are a senior!"

   "The cost of asking someone to make a record is more than the value of a knife." Wang Yuan smiled, "Even if there is no shortage of money, not many people are willing to spend it like this. You did a great job with this thing!"

   "I also think Xiao Yao, you did a beautiful job!" Jiang Yan also came over, "So I decided to reward you! Tell me, what do you want to eat? Sister will do it for you!"

   "Don't we just have these ingredients? How can there be any choice?" Xiao Yao smiled.

"Why there is no choice." Jiang Yan smiled, "For example, we have spare ribs here. Do you want to steam it, braise it in brown sauce or make soup? I make it as you like. I also bought some flour, which can be mixed with noodles. Filling dumplings, you can also make hand-rolled noodles or noodle soup, which one would you like to eat?"

   "Ying Ma is really amazing!" Xiao Yao gave a thumbs up, "but it depends on what you want to eat and how to eat, I am not very picky!"

   "Anyone who can eat anything spiders can eat without changing their appearance, what else can't eat? I'm definitely not picky eaters!" Yan Junlin smiled.

  (End of this chapter)

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