Entertaining Children

Chapter 1170: Mystery tutor appears

   Chapter 1170 Mysterious Teacher Appears

  Xiao Yao agreed to come on stage to accompany Liang Xueying on the piano. Naturally, he needs to practice. To practice, you naturally need scores. The adaptation of Liang Xueying's designated song is basically completed, but it hasn't been completed yet, and it's almost finished. Xiao Yao only agreed to accompany him, but he didn't agree to arrange for them. Taking advantage of their time to perfect the last bit of adaptation work, Xiao Yao went to the other three resident celebrity tutors for a tour.

   Xiao Yao and the three people only met in private for the first time today, and the relationship with them is obviously far worse than Liang Xueying. Xiao Yao just went to say hello in the past, and met each other again. It was a courtesy visit. Naturally, such a visit cannot last long. When Xiao Yao turned around from the three lounges and returned to Liang Xueying's lounge, Liang Xueying's arrangements were all set.

  After returning to Liang Xueying’s lounge, Xiao Yao tried his best to help Liang Xueying prepare her performance songs. After listening to Sandy and Liang Xueying explaining in detail their adaptation of Liang Xueying’s designated song in this issue, Xiao Yao replaced Sandy on the electronic keyboard in the lounge and practiced Liang Xueying’s singing with only piano accompaniment. , Cultivated a tacit understanding, and then went to the live band of the show to practice with the band.

  After Liang Xueying’s band practice was completed, it was late. The two rested for a while, and when it was time to go to the studio to rehearse twice, these six hours of preparation time were almost exhausted.

  The program group arranged dinner for the celebrity tutors, and then let everyone take a break. The recording of the stage performance of the show is about to officially start.

In the studio of the   program, all the live audience, members of the Dream Building Group and four resident celebrity tutors were all seated. After hearing the countdown count of the live director in the earphones, the host of the show, Chen Nan, stood in the audience very special and spoke the opening remarks: "Good evening, everyone, you are now watching the exclusive title broadcast by Lexiang mobile phone. The second season of "The Voice of Dreams" was released!"

  The audience cheered and gave a round of applause.

  "First of all, let us introduce our four dream mentors! They are..." Chen Nan introduced the four resident guests in the show according to the normal procedure of the show. Every time one was introduced, the audience sent a burst of enthusiastic cheers and applause.

  "Then, our dream building group members tonight have..." After introducing the four permanent celebrity tutors, Chen Nan introduced the dream building group members who were sitting in the front area of ​​the audience in the show as usual.

Among the members of these dream-building groups, there are singers, senior creators, and music critics, but these people are either singers with low qualifications, or behind-the-scenes work, not as well-known as the four celebrity tutors, plus The functions and positioning in the program are different, and the audience's reaction was not as enthusiastic as when they introduced the four star mentors.

"In addition to the four dream mentors and dream building group members, tonight we also invited a mysterious mentor to join our show." After introducing the star mentor and dream building group, Chen Nan said lastly, "Now, let us have one Get up and listen to the voice of his dreams! Please!"

   "Ah~" The audience cheered excitedly.

  After the audience's voice was slightly lowered, the sound of music rang out in the studio.

   "Oh oh~" with the sound of music, not only the audience, but the four star tutors sitting in the tutor's seat also yelled excitedly.

  The stage part of the studio is divided into upper and lower levels, which are connected by a liftable passage. When the mystery tutor and the students who asked for advice appeared, they all appeared from the upper stage, but there were some differences in the way of appearance between the two.

  Behind the upper stage is an electronic curtain wall that can be raised and lowered. When the mysterious instructor appeared, the electronic curtain wall was slowly raised, and the mysterious instructor stood behind the electronic curtain wall to sing. After the electronic curtain wall was fully raised, the mysterious tutor walked out of the space behind the curtain wall and appeared on the stage. The trainees who were asking for advice rose from the floor of the upper stage through a lift.

  After the intro music sounded, the electronic curtain wall behind the upper stage began to rise slowly. When a pair of legs of the mysterious instructor was exposed behind the electronic curtain wall, the mysterious instructor’s singing sounded:

  "Where is the world full of flowers? If it really exists then I will definitely go. I think the highest mountain stands there, I don’t care if it is a cliff or not~"

  "Xiao Yao~" As soon as Xiao Yao's singing came out, the cheers on the scene increased a lot.

   "Live hard and love hard, even if the liver and brain are smeared, don't ask anyone to be satisfied as long as you are worthy of yourself. I never choose to give up about my ideals, even in the desperate days!"

  When Xiao Yao sang the second paragraph, the electronic curtain wall had all been raised, and Xiao Yao also walked out from behind the electronic curtain wall and appeared in front of everyone on the scene.

  "Maybe I am not talented, but I have the naivety of dreams. I will use my life to prove it. Maybe my hands are stupid, but I am willing to keep exploring and give all my youth without regrets~"

  When Xiao Yao sang to the third section, the passage between the upper and lower stages was erected. While singing the third part of the song, Xiao Yao walked through the passage to the lower main stage.

  As Xiao Yao gets closer and closer to the audience and tutors, the cheers on the spot are getting louder and louder.

   "Run forward ~ facing cold eyes and ridicule! How can we feel the vastness of life without suffering. Destiny cannot make us kneel and beg for mercy, even if the blood is full of arms~"

When    came to the chorus, Xiao Yao roared, and the first three characters were broken again. The audience felt scalp numb when they heard it. Some audience members simply stood up from their seats with their arms raised.

Although according to the flow of the show, the mysterious guest will have to sing an entire song when they appear, but the program team also told Xiao Yao in advance that due to the limitation of the length of the show, this link will not be complete when the show is broadcast. It only takes a few tens of seconds to release the entire song. In the previous episodes that Xiao Yao watched, it was indeed the same. Despite this, Xiao Yao performed the entire song very seriously and brilliantly. So when Xiao Yao was performing this song, the atmosphere of the whole scene was completely uplifted, and it was considered to have reached a climax at the beginning of the show.

"Thank you Xiao Yao for your wonderful performance." After Xiao Yao sang and the audience calmed down a bit, Chen Nan stepped onto the main stage and stood beside Xiao Yao and asked, "What is the song you just sang? "

   Xiao Yao smiled and stretched out the microphone in his hand to the audience.

   "Chasing dreams and heart!" Many audience members shouted loudly.

"Yes! Chasing dreams with a heart!" Chen Nan nodded, "and our show is called "The Stage of Dreams"! It is all about pursuing dreams, so I think your song and you are very suitable for us. Show!"

   "Huh? Ah!" Xiao Yao first looked at Chen Nan with a confused expression, then nodded and asked tentatively, "Thank you?"

   "Haha~" Many people laughed at the scene.

   "You're welcome!" Chen Nan smiled awkwardly.

   "I haven't seen you for a long time, what have you been up to lately?" Chen Nan continued to ask.

   "Busy movie promotion!" Xiao Yao laughed, "I have a movie "Donkey Deshui" is currently being released..."

  Half of speaking, Xiao Yao turned to the audience and said, "I said this to the audience in front of the TV when it was broadcast. The movie has not yet been released, and the movie’s release date is February 28th..."

"Hello!" Chen Nan interrupted Xiao Yao, "First, the recording time is different from the broadcast time, and the live audience participating in the recorded program basically knows it. Second, even if you want to explain and remind, it should be me as the host. Come, please don’t take my job! Even if you take it, you won’t be given more appearance fees!"

  The audience laughed again.

   "There is no need to increase the appearance fee, I just want to tell the audience about the movie's release time." Xiao Yao smiled, "Let me tell you, I'm afraid I will not talk about the movie's release time."

   "Ha!" The audience was happy again.

"Okay, card!" Xiao Yao stretched his arms up and down, and made a banter gesture. "I have a movie "Donkey Gets Water" being released recently. I went to the show everywhere, wanting to show my face more. Say a few words, I hope you can come to the theater and support!" Xiao Yao bowed to the audience as he said.

   "Hey, you did this to facilitate editing by our later teacher, and you gave yourself a board?" Chen Nan smiled.

  "The later teacher, please look at me for being so considerate, and be merciful, don't cut my advertisement for this advertisement!" Xiao Yao bowed to the camera lens of the master station again.

"Chen Nan!" shouted Liang Xueying, who was sitting on the mentor's seat, "stop telling Xiao Yao about the movie! This is a music show, can you not let him repeatedly emphasize in front of us that he is still an actor! "

   "Teacher Xueying, I can tell you that the producer, director, and screenwriter of this movie are also Xiao Yao! He has more career than you, but not just an actor!" Chen Nan smiled to Liang Xueying.

   "Wow~" When Chen Nan and Xiao Yao were talking, the audience's laughter remained almost unbroken. However, after Chen Nan's remarks, there were more exclamations at the scene.

   "Awesome!" The other three dream mentors all showed surprised expressions and applauded.

   "Hey!" Liang Xueying exclaimed dissatisfied.

"But Mr. Xueying also makes a lot of sense," Chen Nan immediately turned to Xiao Yao, "This is a music program, so it's not bad that you can advertise a movie. Let's not talk about movies anymore. ."

   "Okay! Thank you!" Xiao Yao said very formally.

   Xiao Yao’s "thank you" at this time is in sharp contrast with the tentative and questioning "thank you" before. Some audience members on the scene can't help but laugh.

   "You're welcome!" Chen Nan also habitually followed up.

"Since you are so polite, then I will remind you a little bit." Chen Nan pointed to the four dream mentors and said to Xiao Yao, "In the previous episodes, new mysterious mentors were usually bullied by them. of!"

   "I know," Xiao Yao nodded, "I have watched previous episodes. When singers came on stage to ask for advice, they would say, find newcomers. There is indeed a feeling of bullying newcomers!"

"Chen Nan, in fact, we have considered this issue." Ling Chengjie said, "We have thought about whether we should treat new tutors better and don't bully them. But today's mysterious tutor, we definitely won't Let him go easily!"

   "Oh? Why?" Chen Nan asked very interested.

   "The mysterious tutor who was bullied in the previous episodes, I have avenged you!" Xiao Yao clenched his fist and said.

   "Huh? Goodness! What happened between you?" Chen Nan said in surprise.

"Well, I know it when the program is broadcast." Xiao Yao smiled, "At this time, the audience in front of the TV should already know it. As for the audience, remember to watch TV when this program is broadcast. Oh!"

   "Okay, then I won't ask!" Chen Nan waved his hand and gestured to please, "Our inquiry will begin soon, Xiao Yao, please take a seat!"

   Amidst the applause of the audience, Xiao Yao left the main stage and sat on the leftmost vacant seat in the tutor's seat.

   "Now, the consultation begins!" Chen Nan announced and left the main stage.

  The lights on the scene flickered for a while, and five cylinders rose from the floor of the upper stage. In the middle of the elevators of each cylinder, there is a vocalist with a microphone in hand.

  Music sounded at the scene, and five instructive singers took turns to sing songs and walked out of the cylinder elevator and performed on the main stage. However, unlike Xiao Yao, these five singers did not sing a whole song in this stage of the debut, but stringed the five songs together in the form of a suite, and each person only sings for more than a minute. a little.

  In addition to letting the five singers appear on the stage, another purpose of this session is to determine the order of appearance of the five ask singers when they ask for advice individually.

  The audience at the scene is wearing finger cots with lights, and there is also a button on the table in front of each dream tutor. When every asking singer comes to the main stage to sing, the machine will collect the speed and frequency of the audience applause to judge the audience's reaction to the asking singer. At the same time, every dream tutor can also press the button in front to show the asking singer. Recognition. After the five soliciting singers appeared on the show, the program group integrated the dream tutor's button and the audience's reaction to determine the order in which the soliciting singers came to the stage.

  After the performance of the five instructive suites, they returned to the cylindrical elevator standing on the upper stage and descended under the stage with the elevator.

"Next, please let the first soliciting singer appear on stage!" The program team quickly determined the order of the five soliciting singers tonight. Chen Nan returned to the main stage on the lower level and looked sideways to the upper stage. Upper stage.

  Amid the applause of the audience, one of the five lifts rose again, and a young man who appeared to be in his twenties among the five asking singers appeared again on the upper stage.

  The young man took the microphone, walked to the lower main stage, and stood beside Chen Nan.

  "Please introduce yourself first!" Chen Nan said to the young man.

  (End of this chapter)

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