Entertaining Children

Chapter 1175: Paper airplane

   Chapter 1175 Paper Plane

   "Xiao Yao, can I ask, how did you develop your super long breath?" Ling Chengjie looked at Xiao Yao and asked.

   "Hmm~" Xiao Yao thought for a while, smiled and said, "I can dive, maybe there will be some help!"

  "Diving to practice lung capacity?" Ling Chengjie immediately said, "When this section is finished, I will learn to dive!"

   "Let's go together!" Rong Jun smiled and patted Ling Chengjie next to him.

   "I knew this a long time ago," Xiao Yao scratched his hair and said with an annoyed expression, "Before participating in this show, I should first accept the endorsement of a diving equipment or diving training organization!"

   "Uh~" Ling Chengjie and Rong Jun stared.

  "Ha~" Many on-site audiences were amused by Xiao Yao's expressions and words.

   "The profiteer side of this guy has been exposed again!" Liang Xueying pointed at Xiao Yao and smiled.

  Hearing Liang Xueying’s words, the laughter at the scene was even louder.

   "Okay," After laughing, Chen Nan grabbed the rhythm back and asked the instructors sitting on the instructor's seat, "How do the instructors feel about the two performances just now?"

   "Agudamu's performance is still great!" Ling Chengjie straightened his face and said first, "but Xiao Yao's performance is really amazing."

"Yes!" Rong Jun then nodded, "The performances of the two are very wonderful. The performance of Agudamu makes people feel the vastness of Mongolian grassland, and Xiao Yao's super long tone seems to be with We flew in the sky for exactly twenty-nine seconds. Speaking of the vastness, what can compare to the feeling of flying in the sky for twenty-nine seconds?"

After Ling Chengjie and Rong Jun, Liang Xueying and Lian Yiling followed up to make comments. The basic meaning is that although both of them are very good, the super long voice of Xiao Yao is too amazing.

   "Where are you Xiao Yao?" Chen Nan finally asked Xiao Yao who was standing on the stage.

"Agudamu can sing very well, and his words are good." Xiao Yao smiled, "but personally, I suggest that he should fill in the lyrics in Chinese better, at least it should be half of Mongolian and half of Chinese. Although we often say that music knows no borders, and some songs do not understand the lyrics and do not affect the listener’s appreciation and feelings, but this is not pure music after all. On this stage like singing, the audience can’t understand the lyrics at all. Some are at a disadvantage."

  "Do you want to say that you have suffered that loss yourself?" Liang Xueying asked Xiao Yao with a smile. She remembered that the only time Xiao Yao won the last place in "Singer" was when he sang an English song.

   "At least some people can understand English, but Mongolian," Xiao Yao smiled, "Apart from Agudamu and your band, I may be the only one who can understand here!"

   "Thank Xiao Yao, teacher!" Agudamu bowed to Xiao Yao.

   "Okay, let's listen to the opinions of the dream team." Chen Nan turned to look at the dream team next to her.

  The songs sang by the two are similar in style, and they are all magnificent and spacious songs. In contrast, Xiao Yao's super long voice made his performance far beyond Agudamu in terms of momentum and feeling. The people of Dream Zhuan Group couldn't even say that each had their own wonderful scenes, and they all appreciated Xiao Yao's performance even more in their words.

  Finally announced the result. Without much suspense, Agudamu got a failure to ask Xiao Yao for advice, and the road to ask for advice on the show came to an abrupt end.

   Xiao Yao returned to the instructor seat, Agudamu exited, and then it was the turn of the fourth singer to appear.

  The fourth soliciting singer is another girl. After self-introduction, the process of choosing a mentor for advice began. Since Xiao Yao had already appeared on the stage, several instructors did not recommend Xiao Yao again this time, but concentrated on Liang Chengjie and Lian Yiling who had not yet appeared on the stage. In the end, the fourth soliciting singer chose Lian Yiling, who is also a female.

  The two performances in this round have nothing to do with Xiao Yao. Before the performance began, I asked the singer to choose Ling Chengjie. During the performance, he sat quietly in the instructor's seat and watched the performance of the two. After the performance, it was very relaxed to say some positive comments.

  The only thing that made Xiao Yao feel a little surprised is that the fourth round of asking for advice was a little different from what he personally thought. Xiao Yao didn't think that the fourth soliciting singer performed particularly well, but it turned out that the fourth soliciting singer finally succeeded in seeking advice.

  According to the program rules, successful singers can continue to choose other tutors for advice. However, this continued consultation is not necessarily carried out on the spot. You can immediately ask for the next time in the current program, or you can go back to make some preparations, and come back to continue to ask other mentors in the next issue or even the next next issue.

  The fourth singer who succeeded in asking for advice chose to go back to make some preparations, and to continue to ask for advice in the next issue, then the fifth soliciting singer will appear.

  The fifth soliciting singer is still a girl. This girl seems to be young, but in fact she is indeed not that old. When she introduced herself, she said she was only 21 years old. She is the youngest of all the singers to ask for today. She is also the only one on stage today who is younger than Xiao Yao. Little singer.

  "Which one did the instructors recommend our Li Shiyu choose as the instructor?" After the instructor introduced herself, Chen Nan asked several instructors on the instructor's bench.

   "Are there any other options?" Liang Xueying smiled and raised the phone in her hand.

  The other teachers also smiled and raised their mobile phones.

  The show is recorded here, and it seems that there is no choice. Four of the five mentors tonight have already appeared, and only Ling Chengjie has not been asked for advice. Therefore, the five instructors, including Ling Chengjie himself, all held up photos of Ling Chengjie on the screens of their phones.

   "That's not necessarily the case," Chen Nan smiled, "Should I not choose Teacher CJ anytime Yuyu?"

   "How is it possible?" Rong Jun waved his hand and smiled.

  In this program, there has never been a situation where a tutor was asked twice in a single program. Because each of their tutors only has one designated song per issue, this situation seems impossible.

  "The teacher I want to ask for is..." The girl named Li Shiyu dragged her voice.

   "Come on!" Ling Chengjie smiled and narrowed his eyes and opened his hands.

   "Teacher Xiao Yao!" Li Shiyu bowed to Xiao Yao.

   "What?" Ling Chengjie opened his eyes sharply.

  The audience and several tutors, including Chen Nan, all showed surprised expressions.

  "Do you want to choose Xiao Yao?" Chen Nan looked at Li Shiyu and confirmed.

   "Yes!" Li Shiyu nodded vigorously.

   "Brother Nan, is this all right?" Xiao Yao asked Chen Nan.

"According to the program rules, it is absolutely possible!" Chen Nan laughed. "The program regulations do not say that two requesting singers in the same program are not allowed to ask for advice from the same tutor. It only stipulates that the tutor who is being asked has no right to refuse to ask for advice from the singer. "

   "It's been two seasons," Chen Nan exclaimed excitedly, clenching his fist, "It's finally the first time we saw a tutor who is going to sing two songs one night!"

   "What the **** is this?" Xiao Yao said, slumping in his chair.

  "Ha~" The appearance of Xiao Yao's collapse did not attract the slightest sympathy, but only caused excited laughter from the audience. Several instructors also smiled and turned to look at Xiao Yao's excitement.

"Student Li Shiyu," Xiao Yao sat up and looked at the soliciting singer on the stage, "Ms. CJ prepared for his song for six hours this afternoon. You are the last one tonight. Ask the singer, if you don't choose him, he won't be able to perform on stage. Isn't this wasting his six hours of effort? You will hurt his heart very much!"

   "It's okay, I have no opinion!" Ling Chengjie smiled and waved his hand again and again, "It doesn't matter if I don't sing tonight, you don't need to listen to him!"

   "I insist on my choice!" Li Shiyu said.

  "But the problem is, I only have one designated song, and I have already sung it!" Xiao Yao could only turn his head and look at Chen Nan with a wry smile, "If she asks me again, what should I sing?"

   "Yes!" The other tutors also looked at Chen Nan in confusion.

   "This is indeed a problem!" Chen Nan frowned and nodded.

"Why don't I decide what to sing?" Xiao Yao suggested with a smile, "Anyway, you can't give me another six hours to prepare. It's better for me to sing a song I'm familiar with to perform, so there is no need to rehearse It takes too long!"

   "I decide what to sing? You are so beautiful!" Chen Nan smiled at Xiao Yao.

   "What should I do?" Xiao Yao said with a hand.

"This situation is the first time in two seasons. It is a sudden situation. Therefore, we have to ask the most authoritative person on our show to answer it!" Chen Nan waved his hand, "I have asked the Xu surname of our show. Chief director!"

  Amid the drum noise of the audience, Xu Tao, the chief director with a work card hanging around his neck, walked onto the stage and whispered in Chen Nan's ear.

  "Singing on-site?" Chen Nan asked Xu Tao as confirmation, holding the microphone to his mouth on purpose.

   "Huh?" There was a loud noise at the scene.

   "Shooting the live song is so exciting?" Ling Chengjie laughed a little excitedly.

  After Xu Tao left the stage, Chen Nan raised the microphone and announced: "Just now the chief director said that our program team made a temporary decision and it was up to the audience to decide what song Xiao Yao sang."

"There are so many people in the audience, how do you make a decision?" Xiao Yao asked concerned, "Isn't it just picking an audience from the audience to specify the song for me? Can I choose it myself? "

"Eh~ I found your idea is really a lot!" Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao and smiled before continuing, "But our method is to ask the staff to send a piece of paper and a piece of paper to each audience. With a pen, ask them to write down the name of the song they want you to sing, and then fold the paper with the song title into a paper airplane and fly to our stage. We randomly picked up a paper airplane and opened it. The song name inside is The song you want to sing this round."

   "If you want, I can let you pick it up on the stage!" Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao and added with a smile.

   "What if I get a song that I don't know?" Xiao Yao asked Chen Nan again.

   "Are there any songs you don't know?" Chen Nan smiled, "Don't worry, we will give you a little time to prepare!"

   "A little bit? How long is that?" Xiao Yao asked.

  "About five minutes!" Chen Nan smiled.

   "That's enough to practice with the band once!" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes.

"Audience friends," Xiao Yao stood up and turned to face the audience at the back, "I rarely sing other teachers' songs. Up to now, I have just sang a song by Chen Huan. Blue Sky, it took me six hours to prepare! If you don’t want to hear a car accident tonight, please consider it carefully!"

   "Hey, Xiao Yao, are you asking the audience to write your own songs?" Chen Nan said to Xiao Yao, "You are not allowed to guide the audience!"

   "There is a rule in the program rules that instructors can't talk to the audience and can't guide the audience?" Xiao Yao looked back at Chen Nan.

   "Uh, this does not seem to be true!" Chen Nan smiled awkwardly.

"Then it's over?" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes. "The first time I came, you just played me to death like this. I didn't directly tell the audience to ask them to write a song that would be pretty good! "

   "But," Liang Xueying said with a smile at Xiao Yao who stood up, "In this case, I don't think your **** fan pills will necessarily listen to you. Do you think these audiences will really listen to you?"

   "Oh~" the audience laughed and roared.

   "Sister Xueying, I was on stage to accompany you tonight, did you help you? You want to see me making a fool of yourself?" Xiao Yao looked at Liang Xueying and said, "Don't take you like this!"

   "Okay, okay, I was wrong!" Liang Xueying smiled and sat back.

   Xiao Yao saw that most of the audience was still thinking about it, so he sat back again, held the headset near his ear, and sang softly:

   "The unavailable will always be in a commotion, the favored, there is no fear..."

  "Oh~" Hearing Xiao Yao sitting in his seat and singing, the audience exclaimed and raised their heads. Several instructors also looked at Xiao Yao curiously.

   "Are you singing now?" Rong Jun smiled.

   "Anyway, waiting for the audience to write me the title of the song, I am idle as well as I am idle!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "It sounds good!" an audience member shouted in the audience.

   "It sounds good? Do you want to listen to the full version? If you have a chance!" Xiao Yao stood up and turned his head and smiled.

   "Did you let the audience write your song in this way?" Rong Jun was the first to react.

   "It's too cunning!" Lian Yiling also reacted, pointing to Xiao Yao and smiling.

"But if you sing this song, I am afraid that many audiences will not like it!" Liang Xueying smiled, "Especially for your fans, there are many that you can't get, but you only like one! "

   "Uh~ then change one!" Xiao Yao immediately changed the song.

   "Two little flower dogs~ They like to eat meaty bones, but there is no meat on the bones, and they hope forever..."



  Hearing these two songs by Xiao Yao, some audiences laughed, while others cheered.

   "Walk around the streets of Chengdu with me..."

   Xiao Yao only sang a few words and then changed the song again.

   "Oh~" When Xiao Yao sang "Chengdu", there was another cheering in the audience.

"Xiao Yao, although the program rules do not forbid you to talk to the audience, nor do you forbid you to sing to them at this time," Chen Nan said helplessly on the stage, "but I think if you continue to sing like this, their song name Maybe I can't finish writing this evening!"

   "Then write it all night! I don't care!" Xiao Yao curled his lips and turned to ask the audience, "Do you want to continue listening to me singing?"

   "Yes!" the audience shouted in unison.

   "Want to sing me to you..."


  "She is a thirty-year-old woman who is still unmarried..."


   Xiao Yao kept singing a cappella, but each song only sang one or two sentences, some were the beginning, some were the chorus, as long as the audience reacted slightly, he would immediately change the song.

  "Oh~" Chen Nan on the stage sighed, covered his forehead, and shook his head helplessly.

   "Because of you, by my side, I believe that tears, sometimes also flow for happiness..."

   "You don't want to drag me into the water, do you?" Liang Xueying asked in surprise.

  The official version of "Because of You" was performed by Xiao Yao and Fan Linxuan, but at the original CCTV disaster relief party, Liang Xueying and Xiao Yao performed together.

   "Without this idea, this song can also be sung solo," Xiao Yao shook his head, then turned to ask the audience, "Do you want to listen to the solo version?"

   "Yes!" Many viewers replied with a smile.

  "Draw a moon for the lonely night sky..."

   Xiao Yao did not stop because of this answer, and started singing another song.

   "Okay, I won't ask the audience whether it's finished, I see how long you can sing!" Chen Nan on the stage said viciously.

   "I want ~ you are by my side, I want ~ dressing up for you..."

   Xiao Yao continues unmoved.

   "This is the movie theme song you wrote to Sun Tingting?" Liang Xueying looked at Xiao Yao and said, "This is not the song you originally sang!"

   "I can sing too!" Xiao Yao smiled, turned around and asked the audience, "You want to hear me sing..."

   "Yes!" some viewers couldn't wait to laugh and shout.

"Okay, okay!" Chen Nan heard Xiao Yao shamelessly sing the theme song of the movie, and said helplessly, "It's advertised for the movie again! The audience has written it, right? Please write the song. The famous paper was folded into a paper airplane and flew down."

   "No!" The audience laughed loudly on purpose.

   "I haven't written it for so long?" Chen Nan stared at the audience, "You obviously haven't heard enough!"

   "Yes!" The audience shouted with a smile without embarrassment.

   "Okay, okay," Xiao Yao stopped singing and waved his hands. "Everyone should fly the paper plane down. We can't really record it all night, right?"

   "Sing a little longer!" an audience shouted.

   "Xiao Yao, this is your cause, let's see how you clean up!" Rong Jun smiled and patted Xiao Yao.

"There is still a whole song to sing. Let me keep a little voice to sing, right?" Xiao Yao looked at the audience and said, "Well, let me recite an English poem called "Paper Airplane" for everyone. When I was reciting, everyone flew down the paper airplane with the title of the song, and it was deemed to be a recitation of my poem. Can we complete this link in this way?"

  "An English poem called "Paper Airplane"?" Everyone looked at Xiao Yao in surprise.

  Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao in surprise and said, “You don’t want to write poems on the spot?”

   "No," Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head, "I used to write for fun when I was reading, but now it happens to be available."

   "Agree?" Xiao Yao turned to ask the audience behind him.

   "Agree!" the audience shouted.

"Okay," Xiao Yao nodded, "In case some people really haven't written it yet, now I'll give you one minute to write the song title and origami airplane. One minute later, I will recite it for you. After the recitation, what can I do? Don't do it, just wait for you to fly all the paper airplanes down."

  (End of this chapter)

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