Entertaining Children

Chapter 1178: How do you know that I am helping her?

   Chapter 1178 How do you know that I am helping her?

  The five people chatted for a while, Xiao Yao looked at the time on the phone, got up and said to the four people: "I should almost go to practice with the band, teachers?"

   "Should we also go to the studio to watch Xiao Yao rehearse?" Lian Yiling suggested.

   "Okay!" Rong Jun nodded, "Anyway, Xiao Yao should resume recording after rehearsing. We always have to go back to the studio. We have nothing to do now, so it's better to go right now."

  "Is it convenient to see you rehearse?" Liang Xueying asked Xiao Yao.

   "What's the inconvenience of this?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Then let's go together!"

  Since Xiao Yao agreed, the five people left Xiao Yao’s lounge together and went to the studio where the band was.

   Xiao Yao, who was walking in the front, gently pushed open the door of the studio. A staff member standing at the door looked back and saw Xiao Yao and others, and immediately said: "Xiao Yao...Ah! All the teachers are here?"

   "It's okay, teachers, come and see me rehearse!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Li Shiyu is still practicing?" Xiao Yao raised his head and looked at the stage.

  He faintly heard music when he was outside the door, so he opened the door lightly.

   "It's okay, she can stop at any time!" The staff member said immediately, "I'll go to Teacher Wang Yue and tell them to stop."

   "No, let them finish the training this time. Not bad for these few minutes! Let's listen to how she sings by the way. Doesn't this violate the program regulations?" Xiao Yao stopped the staff member with a smile.

   "Of course it does not violate!" The staff waved their hands and made a request, "Teachers please!"

  The five people did not sneak up to the auditorium, but went directly to their tutor's seat. Li Shiyu, who was rehearsing on the stage, saw them and showed a surprised expression.

  Before Li Shiyu stopped, Xiao Yao smiled and gestured to her to continue. Li Shiyu nodded on the stage and continued to sing the song halfway through.

   "Her song is jazzy!" Liang Xueying looked at the stage Li Shiyu and said, "The little girl sings really well!"

  After the five instructors walked to the instructor seat, they did not sit in their respective seats, but gathered in front of a seat in the middle to talk about Li Shiyu who was rehearsing on the stage.

   "It's pretty good!" Ling Chengjie nodded, "Her voice is quite suitable for this jazz style!"

   "What do you think?" Rong Jun smiled and looked at Xiao Yao aside.

   "The singing is good, the sound and music style are suitable, but in terms of the overall stage performance, it is not the best!" Xiao Yao touched his chin.

   "Oh? Don't you have the confidence to win again, right?" Lian Yiling looked at Xiao Yao and smiled.

"I don't think it's the best, which means it can be better, but it's not bad! She's already pretty good like this!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Besides, it's not my final say who wins or wins. !"

  After singing this time, Li Shiyu bowed to the teachers of the band and said hard work, and then walked to the tutor seat.

  Li Shiyu knew that Xiao Yao must have come in to practice with the band at this time. He came, which meant that his rehearsal time was over. Xiao Yao was already very good at letting her finish this exercise, and she naturally wouldn't have been on the stage holding the band and practicing non-stop. But now that she saw that several instructors were coming, she was going to come over and say hello to them before leaving.

"Hello teachers!" Li Shiyu greeted a few people first, and then said to Xiao Yao alone, "Sorry, I didn't pay attention to the time in this practice. Maybe it's overtime? Thank you for letting me sing this time. Finish! I'm finished practicing, go and practice with the band teachers!"

   "It's okay, just a few minutes, it's okay!" Xiao Yao smiled and waved his hand.

   "Shiyu, sing well!" Liang Xueying smiled and said to Li Shiyu.

   "Thank you teacher!" Li Shiyu smiled and thanked.

   "But some people say that your performance could be better!" Lian Yiling smiled.

   "Huh?" Li Shiyu followed Lian Yiling's gaze and looked at Xiao Yao.

   Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, and asked Li Shiyu: "Do you still want to hear suggestions?"

   "Of course!" Li Shiyu nodded repeatedly.

"First of all, when you went to my lounge just now, those red high-heeled shoes were good. Why have you changed to such a pair of black lace-up low-heeled shoes now? It doesn't go well with your red dress!" Xiao Yao lowered his head Looking at the shoes on her feet.

"Uh~ the heels of those high-heeled shoes are too thin. I feel uncomfortable. I am afraid that there will be problems on the stage. So I asked the stylist to change my shoes." Li Shiyu looked down at the shoes on his feet and said. I rarely wear high heels, because I am afraid of getting my feet!"

   "Then change your boots!" Xiao Yao said, "It doesn't matter if the heel is a little thicker. The important thing is that the heel should not be too short, otherwise it won't match your long skirt!"

   "Oh!" Li Shiyu nodded.

"Also," Xiao Yao continued, "The stage performance just now sounds good, but it looks a little bit average. The jazz style generally gives people a lazy and **** feeling, and your voice is okay. It gives people this feeling, but in the performance of external images and facial expressions, this feeling is worse."

Xiao Yao pointed to a place in the middle of Li Shiyu's right thigh and said: "Open a slit in this part of this skirt, replace the handheld microphone with a microphone stand, hold the microphone to sing on the stand, and sing slightly with the music while singing. Twist, show your thighs a little from time to time, and the **** feeling will come out."

   "Huh?" Li Shiyu blushed and looked at Xiao Yao with some surprise.

   "Xiao Yao, you are really good! Just show your thighs in such a grandiose way?" Rong Jun looked at Xiao Yao and said.

   "What happened to the thighs?" Xiao Yao said, "This is a stage performance! Isn't there a lot of jazz styles like that?"

   "How old is this little girl? You see her face is red!" Ling Chengjie also said.

"Twenty-one, I'm a few years younger than me. I'm an adult. What's the matter?" Xiao Yao replied to Ling Chengjie, then turned to look at Li Shiyu, "Of course, I just suggest that if you think it's inappropriate , Just as if I didn't say anything!"

   "No no, I think it's good!" Li Shiyu said.

"For the skirt slits, ask the costumer of the show team to help you, don't use scissors to cut it by yourself~ No, this is the costume of the show team, I guess you don't dare to cut it yourself!" Xiao Yao said, "In short, safety is also needed. Attention, don't run out!"

   "Also, if you have no problem wearing high-heeled boots, I can also teach you a few expressions and movements when singing!" Xiao Yao said again.

   "Xiao Yao, but to rehearse, what are we talking about here?" Several people were chatting, and suddenly a voice came from behind Li Shiyu.

  Everyone looked up and found that it was the music director of the show, Wang Yue, who came over.

   "It's okay, let's practice!" Xiao Yao said to Wang Yue.

  "Then you go change your shoes and deal with your clothes first!" Xiao Yao looked at the time on the phone in his hand, and said to Li Shiyu, "I should still have a few minutes left for you!"

   "Okay, thank you Xiao Yao, then I will go first! Goodbye teachers!" Li Shiyu bowed to Xiao Yao again, and went out of the studio to look for a costume designer.

   When the recording was suspended just now, even though Xiao Yao spoke to Li Shiyu in a low voice, Chen Nan next to him could also be heard. Now Li Shiyu is talking to several instructors, and there are people from the production crew nearby. The program team should know that these suggestions are all made by Xiao Yao, and Li Shiyu is not worried that the program team will reject her multiple requests for costumes.

   "Change shoes and clothes?" Wang Yue curiously looked at Li Shiyu who was leaving, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, she might have to rehearse again in a while!" Xiao Yao pulled Wang Yue and said, "Let’s hurry up and rehearse first. My adaptation is not big this time. The accompaniment instrument is the same as the original, but I plan to play while playing. Sing, I’ll do the acoustic guitar myself. I need the sound engineer to turn down the sound of your other instruments to highlight my acoustic guitar. By the way, do you have tambourine instruments and musicians?"

"I found out that although we are all called mentors in this show, it seems that only Xiao Yao is the one who really did the mentor's work!" Looking at Xiao Yao, who took Wang Yue to talk and walked to the performance stage together, Rong Jun sighed.

"This is also no way." Ling Chengjie smiled bitterly. "In this show, we are PKing with those asking singers. We can't tell those asking singers how to sing, right? The performances of asking singers are rehearsed one day in advance. Yes, we don’t even know what they sing. Most of our tutors just comment after the performance and give some suggestions. There is no opportunity to guide others on stage at all!"

   "Xiao Yao is a special case!" Lian Yiling nodded, "If it weren't for the program group to let both people choose Xiao Yao and let Xiao Yao sing two songs in one night, this situation would not happen!"

"The main thing is that this guy knows a lot!" Liang Xueying said, "Li Shiyu's singing is not flawless, I don't believe Xiao Yao and you have not heard it. He can give it from the aspect of costume styling even if he doesn't talk about singing. They are guided by them. They are still the design directors of their own fashion brands. We don’t have the skills of this guy in terms of performance styling and the overall design of stage performances!"

"I know," Lian Yiling said, looking at Liang Xueying, "He not only designed you a performance style, but also designed a whole stage performance for you. In the "Singer" you performed the song "The Brightest Sky in the Night". "The Star", the whole performance is indeed amazing!"

"Yes!" Liang Xueying nodded, "If it's someone else, I will definitely ask him to join my private team as my stylist and stage designer after that time. It's a pity that someone like him can't give Join someone else’s team."

"Of course it's impossible," Rong Jun smiled. "Who has a celebrity artist who doesn't do it as a stylist and stage design for others? Not to mention that he has the identity of the company owner, producer, director, and producer. ."

"But this guy is playful and doesn't care much about his identity or anything. Although it is impossible to serve someone specifically, if he is lucky, he will be willing to make a move." Liang Xueying said, "Speaking of which, Li Shiyu is just a little girl. Very lucky!"

  Xiao Yao didn't know that several instructors were talking about him, and of course he would not care if he knew it. After talking to Wang Yue about his thoughts on the stage, he took an acoustic guitar from the staff and started training with the band.

  When Xiao Yao practiced together for the third time, Li Shiyu had already returned. After entering the studio, she saw Xiao Yao sing halfway, and she waited quietly under the stage without interrupting.

  I practiced with the band three times, and Xiao Yao was very satisfied with the effect. Seeing Li Shiyu waiting under the stage, he beckoned and called her up.

  Xiao Yao first took a look at Li Shiyu’s appearance, and nodded in satisfaction, then asked the staff to bring up a microphone stand to show Li Shiyu some expressions and movements during the performance.

  These expressions and actions, which are **** or charming or lazy, are of course very seductive for girls, but Xiao Yao, a big boy, will inevitably look a little weird. The four instructors who remained on the instructor's bench saw the facial expressions made by Xiao Yao, and snickered again, and started talking in a low voice happily.

  After guiding Li Shiyu, Xiao Yao talked to Wang Yue and asked the band to play Li Shiyu's jazz version of the "Red Rose" soundtrack again, and then retreated to the side of the stage and watched it. When encountering some things that didn't feel right, Xiao Yao would also stop the band and step forward to give Li Shiyu guidance again.

  At this time, it actually exceeded the originally scheduled one-hour pause recording time, but the program group saw that the two were rehearsing and did not force a stop, allowing them to exceed the time for some time.

  Xiao Yao and the others did not have a long time-out period, but after more than ten minutes, Li Shiyu was already doing very well. After watching Li Shiyu's last rehearsal, the four instructors on the instructor stand also had to admit that after Xiao Yao's guidance, the overall effect and appeal of Li Shiyu's stage performance were indeed much better than before.

  Li Shiyu's rehearsal is complete, and the show can resume recording.

  The audience re-entered the stage, the members of the Dream Building Group and the instructors were seated in their respective seats, and the hosts Chen Nan and Li Shiyu stood on the stage again. With an order from the live director, the show began to be recorded again.

   "Welcome back!" Chen Nan said to the audience and the main camera, "The one-hour preparation time has come. Next, Li Shiyu and Xiao Yao will ask each other for advice."

   "Before the two of you start performing, I want to talk about a strange discovery!" Chen Nan looked at Li Shiyu and said, "I found Shiyu changed his clothes!"

   "Yes!" Li Shiyu smiled and nodded.

   "So beautiful!" Liang Xueying, who was sitting on the mentor seat, shouted with a smile and applauded.

   "Oh oh~" The audience also cheered.

  The audience also discovered that Li Shiyu, who is now in a red dress, looks much more beautiful and **** than the white costume that he wore before the recording was paused.

  "This is something that rarely happens in our program!" Chen Nan asked Li Shiyu, "Can you tell me why, or what happened during this time?"

   "In the hour of preparation time, Xiao Yao gave some guidance to my performance, and then I made some changes to my performance," Li Shiyu said, "So I changed my performance costume!"

   "You mean Xiao Yao guided your performance?" Chen Nan asked in surprise.

   "Huh?" The audience also exclaimed.

   "Xiao Yao, we will give you an hour to prepare your own performance songs!" Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao and said.

   "I'm ready!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Because I have free time, I gave her some small suggestions by the way!"

   "But, did you know that the two of you are direct opponents in this round?" Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao in surprise, "Is there anyone like you to help your opponent?"

   "It doesn't seem to be the first time that he has done this kind of thing!" Liang Xueying smiled.

   "Don't think of me as stupid~ No, so noble!" Xiao Yao smiled, "How do you know that I am helping her, and the advice and guidance given to her are good?"

   "Huh?" Many people at the scene were dumbfounded.

   "Don't you look at what song I picked?" Xiao Yao smiled, "If I don't need any special methods, how can I win this round?"

  "噫~" The audience laughed and booed.

"Xiao Yao's talent is well-known. I am not surprised that he hasn't used up an hour." Chen Nan understood and turned to look at Li Shiyu. "But you dare to ask Xiao Yao to guide you, dare to listen to Xiao Yao's advice, so do I." I admire it very much."

   "Huh?" Li Shiyu's face changed. But soon, she let go of her worry again, but she still deliberately said with a surprised expression, "Are you saying you would deliberately cheat me?"

   "Xiao Yao, you are too unrighteous, right? Your image has always been very sunny!" Chen Nan looked at Xiao Yao with a distressed expression.

  (End of this chapter)

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