Entertaining Children

Chapter 1184: Live play

   Chapter 1184 Live Play

  Just as the audience on the main stage and the players in the waiting area were cheering, the music changed again.

  "SummerInTheHills, ThoseHazyDaysIDoRemember.WeWereRunningStill, HadTheWholeWorldAtOurFeet.WatchingSeasonsChange, OurRoadsWereLinedWithAdventure.MountainsInTheWay, Couldn\'tKeepUsFromTheSea."

  The electric tone stopped suddenly, the string music became the main body of the soundtrack again, and Ai Jun's singing sounded again.

  From the brainwashed electronic melody to strings and Ai Jun’s singing, the audience and the players in the waiting area also experienced a emotional change. But at this time, no one expressed dissatisfaction with Ai Jun's singing at this time, because Ai Jun's singing was ethereal and dreamy, as if it suddenly pushed the artistic conception of the whole song to a climax.

  "HereWeStandOpenArms, ThisIsHomeWhereWeAre, EverStrongInTheWorldThatWeMade~IStillhearYouInTheBreeze, SeeYourShadowsInTheTrees, Holdingon, MemoriesNeverChange~"

   Ai Jun’s second vocal segment is divided into two segments. The latter segment repeats the beginning of the previous segment, forming a beginning and end echo.

  After Ai Jun’s singing fell, another violent drumbeat sounded, and then the electronic melody that had already been familiar to the audience and the players rang again. The audience and the players jumped up excitedly again.

  After an electric melody, the string music is added to the electric melody again, and finally the whole song is finished with a relatively rich and atmospheric overall soundtrack.

   "Wow~" When Xiao Yao stopped all his movements and raised his hands high, the live music stopped completely, the audience on the main stage all cheered excitedly.

  "Bull B!"

   "Worthy of being a great god!"

   "This must be another divine comedy!"

  In the waiting area, the players also screamed excitedly, talking to the people around them.

  "Thank you! Thank you YS for bringing you the stage premiere of his new electronic music "Monody"!" A narration suddenly sounded from the live speakers.

   "Oh oh~" I heard that it was Xiao Yao's new work. The audience and the players applauded and screamed.

   "Thank you everyone!" Xiao Yao took a microphone beside the console, turned on the switch, did not remove the mask on his face, just said through the mask.

  After finishing speaking, Xiao Yao, Ai Jun and other musicians on the stage bowed to the audience. After getting up, Xiao Yao put down the microphone and was about to turn around and leave.


   "One more song!"

   Seeing Xiao Yao put down the microphone and seemed to be leaving the scene, someone in the audience suddenly shouted.

   "Ha~ there are still people shouting Encore, is it a concert?" A player in the waiting area laughed.

"Encore? This is a recorded show, not a concert. How can there be any encore?" Many people in the audience looked at the audience who shouted "Encore" and "One more song" in confusion, but It didn't take long for more and more people to shout together.

   “It’s just recording a show anyway, and there is no strict time limit. What are you afraid of shouting? What if he wants to perform another song?” Many viewers thought to themselves.


  "Great God, come one more song!"

   Hearing the voice of the blockbuster audience on the main stage from the stereo, many players in the waiting area also yelled. Although their voices can't reach the main stage or Xiao Yao's ears, they have a lot of cameras here. If they shout, maybe there will be a few more shots in the later stage. And to be honest, they really want to hear Xiao Yao perform another song, whether Xiao Yao can hear it or not, this is also showing their attitude.

  Xiao Yao made the second backup song in front of the program group, and the program group certainly didn’t want to waste it. Although Xiao Yao said "what if" the audience listened to it, and felt that one song was not enough, and he would only perform the second song when he called Encore to ask him to do another song, and he did not necessarily perform two songs. But Xiao Yao's remarks were equivalent to giving an extremely obvious signal to the program group.

  With Xiao Yao’s skills, the program team does not worry that the live audience will be unhappy when listening to Xiao Yao’s opening performance. What’s not sure is whether the live audience will shout Encore and ask Xiao Yao to perform another song. This is a very easy solution for the program group. Just find a few viewers to ventilate in advance, tell them that Xiao Yao has prepared two songs, and after Xiao Yao has performed the first one, he will bring everyone to shout encore and ask him. Just one more song.

  Hearing the shouts of the audience, Xiao Yao really stopped and turned back to face the audience under the front stage.

Xiao Yao could guess that the first few live audiences who called encore were mostly arranged by the program group or were instructed by the program group. However, in order to avoid discussing music with the three teachers, he said that and put the second song. After the tune was made, Xiao Yao expected that the program crew would not let off his second tune, and he was psychologically prepared for this situation.

   "Thank you everyone!" Xiao Yao simply pulled down his face mask this time, revealing his appearance, and then picked up the microphone on the console, pressing down with one hand and raising the microphone with one hand.

  The action of Xiao Yao came out, and the audience below quickly calmed down.

"First of all, thank you singer Ai Jun and my musicians." Xiao Yao pointed at Ai Jun and the musicians in front of the stage. "The next song does not require their cooperation. We applaud and thank them first, please They go back to rest first!"

   "Oh oh~" When Xiao Yao said "the next song", the audience below cheered and clapped excitedly.

  Ai Jun and the musicians bowed again to the applause of the audience, greeted the audience, and then turned to the back of the stage and walked towards the passageway to the backstage.

   "Duoer!" When the musicians walked back one after another, an audience member standing in the first row on the side of the stage suddenly shouted, "Is that you?"

   "This friend," Xiao Yao looked at the audience and asked with a smile, "If this violinist is not Sun Tingting, wouldn't you embarrass her?"

  "Ha~" There was a burst of laughter in the audience below, and then many audience members shouted Sun Tingting's nickname.

  Everyone originally thought that the violinist was Sun Tingting, but now that Xiao Yao said that, they even felt that the violinist was Sun Tingting.

  Sun Tingting does not like to "mood" the audience like Xiao Yao. Hearing the shouts of the audience, Sun Tingting stopped. Ai Jun, who was walking beside Sun Tingting, also stopped, and passed the singing microphone to Sun Tingting.

  "It's me!" Sun Tingting put the piano bow in her left hand holding the violin, freed her right hand to pull off her mask and sweater hat, took the microphone from Ai Jun, and replied with a smile.

  Speaking, Sun Tingting once again bowed slightly to greet the audience.

   "Oh oh~" There was a round of applause and cheers on the scene again.

   "Xiao Yao is too much, even his fiancee is covered so tightly!" Shang Jie in the observation room laughed.

  During the afternoon rehearsal, Xiao Yao and the others were dressed in casual dress rehearsals. Several celebrity managers did not know that Xiao Yao and the others would dress like this before. When Xiao Yao dressed up just now, everyone immediately thought of the appearance of Xiao Yao's previous electronic music works, and did not express too much surprise or surprise. It's just that their attention just now was on Xiao Yao's performance, ignoring that there is a special character like Sun Tingting in Xiao Yao's music team. Now that the audience is so upset, they think of it.

"It's okay? All the musicians, including Xiao Yao himself, are dressed in this style. Only Ai Jun who sings does not wear a mask because he wants to sing. Sun Tingting is not special!" Xin Yi touched his headset and said .

  "Can the fiancee be the same as other musicians? This should be treated specially, specializing!" Wei Dazhang looked at Xin Yi with a wry smile.

   "Huh?" Xin Yi was taken aback.

"Forget it!" Wei Dazhang waved his hand, "It doesn't matter whether Xiao Yao specializes or not! Sun Tingting herself is also very popular, since she was brought by Xiao Yao, even if Xiao Yao wants to hide, the show crew will not let it go. !"

  "Do you like Sun Tingting so much? Then let Sun Tingting perform for you!" Xiao Yao held the microphone and said, "We welcome Miss Sun Tingting to give you a solo violin!" Xiao Yao took the lead and clapped.

  "Oh oh~" The audience below clapped and cheered.

  "Don't make trouble!" Sun Tingting looked back at Xiao Yao.

   Xiao Yao immediately stopped applauding and put on a serious expression.

  The audience below "Ha~" laughed.

   "This is an electronic music program. This is the electronic music stage. The performance should be electronic music." Sun Tingting turned back to the audience and said, "So, everyone should listen to Xiao Yao performing electronic music works for you!"

   "Cooperate!" an audience shouted below.

"The following song was just made by Xiao Yao this afternoon." Sun Tingting shook her head, "Because there is no time for rehearsal and rehearsal, this song is performed by Xiao Yao independently. All the instrument sounds are sampled by Xiao Yao himself. And the synthesized one, there is no violin sound in it, and we haven’t rehearsed, so we can’t perform together!"

   "No matter! Cooperation!" The audience below shouted regardless.

  "Cooperation! Cooperation!" Many audience members shouted.

   "Let me go! Are the audiences here today CP fans of the two of them?" Wei Dazhang in the observation room looked at the scene of the main stage and said with a smile.

"The shouts for the two of them to perform together are louder than the voice that made Xiao Yao encore just now." Shang Jie smiled, "Xiao Yao agreed just now. If he doesn't agree now, wouldn't it be bad? Now Xiao Yao It may be difficult to deal with the program group."

  The reaction of the audience below was somewhat beyond the expectations of the program group. Fang Kun, the chief director of the show, stepped onto the stage, first made a gesture of peace and quiet to the audience, and then took Xiao Yao and walked to Sun Tingting to discuss: "The audience's reaction is so strong below, or change the first. The performance of the song, you two should perform together, right?"

   "What tune to change?" Xiao Yao asked.

"I remember that you two are a group, and you have released a music album under the name of the group." Fang Kun said, "The album of your group has a song called "PianoBeat", there is a piano, a violin and electronic drums. It allows the two of you to work together and has the elements of electronic sound, which is suitable for this show and this stage. This is your previous work, and with your tacit understanding, it should be possible to perform directly without rehearsal?"

  "This~" Xiao Yao hesitated.

  This song is indeed a choice.

   "Not good!" Sun Tingting directly shook his head, "Let's not say whether we need rehearsal or not. It's not good to just change the music that he wrote so hard in the afternoon? We can't just do what the audience shouts, right?"

Xiao Yao smiled and glanced at Sun Tingting, then turned around and said to the other side Kun: "If you don’t change the tune, I just want to rely on your show as a publicity platform for the first release of my new song, so that I can save publicity expenses when I release the official version in the future. Change it? It doesn't matter on the audience side, we just need to make some adjustments!"

   "How to adjust?" Fang Kun and Sun Tingting looked at Xiao Yao together.

   "The audience just wants to see our cooperation, I just change the arrangement of that song!" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Adapted music? Now temporarily?" Fang Kun asked.

"The audience depends on our cooperation, but not on our cooperation from beginning to end." Xiao Yao said, "The violin in the song Doer doesn't run through from beginning to end, so we just change a paragraph. No need to change everything from start to finish!"

   "If you change a paragraph, you can also change it," Fang Kun said, "Then how long will it take you?"

   "No need, let's come directly!" Xiao Yao said.

   "Huh? Come directly?" Fang Kun and Sun Tingting looked at Xiao Yao in surprise.

"When you wrote this song in the afternoon, you have been listening to it all the time. You should be familiar with it?" Xiao Yao looked at Sun Tingting, "We don't move the front and back electronic music part. The part I sang in the middle is the soundtrack. There are almost no electro-sound elements in it. Adding a violin here has the least impact on the whole song. You know the melody of this song, you can play it freely, and it’s good to be worthy of my singing. I believe you With this ability! If I sing with your violin accompaniment, you should be able to fully satisfy the audience's desire to see our cooperation!"

   "Okay, I can do this!" Sun Tingting nodded.

  She listened to Xiao Yao making this song in the afternoon, and she was very familiar with the melody of the whole song. To add a section of violin accompaniment to Xiao Yao's singing section is completely a piece of cake for her, and she can go directly without rehearsal and rehearsal.

   "Are you sure you can do it?" Fang Kun said as he looked at the two.

   "Yes!" Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting nodded together.

   "Okay, since you all think it's ok, then do it!" Fang Kun said. Anyway, it's the recorded show, so if it doesn't work, cut out the following show. As for the live audience and the waiting players, you will see that if the performance of the two is not good, the two professional musicians' own signs will be destroyed.

   "Come and tell the audience yourself!" Fang Kun exhorted Xiao Yao and left the stage.

  At this time, the other musicians and Ai Jun have already left the stage and went back to the backstage. After Fang Kun left, only Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting were left on the stage.

  Xiao Yao took Sun Tingting’s hand and walked to the back of the DJ console, then raised the microphone and said to the audience: “In order to satisfy your wishes, we decided to play it live!”

  "Play live?" The audience felt a little puzzled.

"The soundtrack of the following song originally didn't have a violin. I'm going to play it live and add a paragraph temporarily." Sun Tingting raised the microphone and laughed, "Since everyone wants to watch Xiao Yao get embarrassed, then I will use the violin. Make trouble for him!"



  The audience let out a burst of laughter and boos.

  "How do you feel that the two are spreading dog food again?" Some viewers murmured in their hearts.

   "No? These two people want to play live?" Xin Yi in the observation room was surprised.

  "They really dare to play!" Shang Jie exclaimed.

   "These two are really awesome!" Wei Dazhang also gave a thumbs up to the two on the screen.

  In the afternoon, the three of them also watched the creation of Xiao Yao's second song. They knew that there was no violin part in the soundtrack, and they did not see Sun Tingting and Xiao Yao practicing together. They don't think that Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting have adapted the song again at the time of dinner. Even if the time for dinner and Xiao Yao's creative talent made this possible, Fang Kun's behavior on the stage to discuss it completely overthrew this possibility in their hearts.

  (End of this chapter)

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