Entertaining Children

Chapter 1191: Easy to do

   Chapter 1191


  Hearing Xiao Yao say "waste", Sun Qifei remembered the failure of the interview. The grievance and loss in her heart instantly overwhelmed the surprise of seeing Xiao Yao, and she lowered her head again, covering her face and crying.

   "Xiao Yao, what are you doing?" Chen Qiuyue glared at Xiao Yao dissatisfiedly, "It was hard to persuade me! What are you talking nonsense? Why is it a waste?"

   "I didn't say this, she said it herself!" Xiao Yao spread her hands, "It doesn't make sense that she can say it, others can't say it, right?"

   "Yes, I said it myself!" Sun Qifei cried, "Then a simple character can't be taken down. What is it that is not a waste?"

   "Huh? Have you ever said this?" Chen Qiuyue asked in surprise.

   "No, how did you know?" Chen Qiuyue looked at Xiao Yao.

   "I saw it in the observation room just now!" Xiao Yao said.

  "When did I come out?" Chen Qiuyue asked.

   "No, before you came out." Xiao Yao shook his head and said, "She said before crying, and she started crying after she said. You didn't pay attention to her until she started crying."

   "But I didn't hear it either!" Chen Qiuyue said.

  Although the three display screens in the observation room are simultaneously showing a dozen different shots, only one sound is emitted. Otherwise, the voices of a dozen or twenty people are mixed together, and no one can hear clearly.

   "I didn't hear it, I saw it!" Xiao Yao said.

   "See?" Chen Qiuyue asked puzzledly.

   "I can read lips!" Xiao Yao said.

  "Do you still read lips?" Chen Qiuyue asked in surprise, "It really is a treasure boy, is there anything else you can't do?"

  "Senior sister, are you paying attention to the wrong object?" Xiao Yao pointed at Sun Qifei, "This one is still crying!"

"Oh, yes!" Chen Qiuyue patted her forehead, turned her head and said to Sun Qifei, "I'm sorry, I was taken away by this guy. What am I going to say? Yes, a character has no face, not... "

   "Sister, you continue, I'm going back!" Seeing Chen Qiuyue continue to comfort Sun Qifei, Xiao Yao greeted and prepared to leave.

   "Hey~ wait! Are you leaving now? You are all out, help persuade!" Chen Qiuyue grabbed Xiao Yao and said.

   "May I persuade you?" Xiao Yao asked with a smile.

   "Well," Chen Qiuyue nodded, "You are here, help out!"

   "Okay! I'm here, look at me!" Xiao Yao smiled, and suddenly yelled to Sun Qifei, "Don't cry!"

   "Huh?" Sun Qifei was startled, and subconsciously stopped crying.

   "Oh my god, scare me!" Chen Qiuyue was also taken aback, clutching her chest and smiled, "Are you scared like this?"

"Of course not by scaring! This is to make her listen to me!" Xiao Yao smiled at Chen Qiuyue, then turned to Sun Qifei, "I ask you, you are crying now because you didn't get the role you wanted. Or is it because there is no role?"

   "Both!" Sun Qifei said, "I didn't get the role I wanted, and I didn't have the opportunity to play other roles!"

"If it is the former, there is no way!" Xiao Yao said, "No matter who it is, it is not that you can play any role you want to play. If it is the latter, there is no need to cry. Six scripts, thirty. Six roles, thirty-six of you, how can anyone not play?"

"But the interview time for the three roles I applied for coincides. The program team said I can only choose one!" Sun Qifei said, "Now the one I went to was not selected, and the program team said that I can't interview other roles anymore! "

"The interview time overlaps, and you must make a choice between roles. This is a problem you will encounter in the future. It is not unreasonable for the program group to arrange this way." Xiao Yao nodded, "But you just don't have the opportunity to interview, it doesn't mean You have no roles to play!"

   "But there is no interview..." Sun Qifei said.

"Is there an absolute relationship between no interview and no role?" Xiao Yao said, "If some of you are not selected for a role, there is bound to be a role without an actor. You really will not have the opportunity to interview again, but those vacancies The role of the actor will still be given to you."

   "Really?" Sun Qifei said.

   "How did you know? Did the director team tell you the following arrangements?" Chen Qiuyue asked.

   "No," Xiao Yao shook his head. "You and Mr. Ke Wenbo are the permanent guests of this show. You don't know the arrangement behind, how can the director team tell me a newcomer?"

"But the variety show, isn't it just these routines?" Xiao Yao smiled, "I can't just leave them behind and look for other actors to perform, or pick someone from the 24 previously screened out to come back to perform. Right? Neither the cost nor the content of the program can be justified!"

   "Heh~" Chen Qiuyue laughed, "Why didn't I think about it?"

   "But I only guessed that you will have a role," Xiao Yao looked at Sun Qifei and said, "The roles of the vacant actors will be given to you in the end, but in what way, I can't guess, I'm not sure!"

"I guess it might be randomly assigned roles," Xiao Yao continued, "Let your actors who have no roles draw lots or choose randomly in other ways. This is not ideal for you. You may encounter a complete The role that is not suitable for you. A slightly better way than this is to let the crew who lack actors select people in a certain order among you actors who do not have roles. Of course, there will be no interviews at this time, it can only be They use their usual knowledge of you to pick people. But this is already a more reliable method."

"So," Xiao Yao said at last, "If I were you, I would now go to the corridor of the interview area to look at the casts outside the interview room, and see which characters have no actors yet, because those are likely to fall into the room. The characters on my head. Then I will look at the script and try to get familiar with those characters so that no matter which character falls on my head in the future, I can perform as well as possible without slowing down the rehearsal of the whole crew. schedule!"

"It makes a lot of sense!" Sun Qifei thought for a while, nodded, wiped her tears with her sleeve, stood up, and bowed to Xiao Yao: "Thank you, senior! I will go to the interview area to see the cast !"

   "You're welcome!" Xiao Yao smiled and waved his hand.

   "By the way, senior, the program team invited you to come here. Isn't it just for you to come here and tell us this?" Sun Qifei stopped suddenly and said to Xiao Yao again, "Is this too big and underwhelming?"

   "Everyone said that I guessed the program group routine!" Xiao Yao smiled, "As for what I am doing in this program, I won't tell you now, you will know in the future!"

  "Cut~Don't tell me to pull it down!" Sun Qifei curled her lips and ran away holding the script.

   "Okay! You still have a way!" Chen Qiuyue smiled and patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder, "It's done in a few words!"

   "This is the difference between variety cafes and actors!" Xiao Yao laughed.

   "You mean the two of us?" Chen Qiuyue asked with a smile, "Then who of us is an actor and a variety show?"

  "You are so stupid, you don't know how to guess the routines of the program group, of course I am a variety celebrity!" Xiao Yao laughed, "Isn't there such a little self-knowledge?"

   "Xiao Yao!" Chen Qiuyue said angrily.

Since Class A students can ask actors from the same crew to help in the interview, and there is no limit to the number of people who can help, after determining the actors of the role, the students of Class A basically leave them in the interview room to help with the interviews of the following roles. . Until now, there are not many people in the waiting area.

  There are two kinds of students who stay in the waiting area at this time. One is that the interview has not yet been completed and the interview time has not yet arrived. These are basically reading scripts and studying roles to prepare for interviews. The other is that Sun Qifei's interviews are all over, and no role is selected. Among these people, several female students were crying, and they were very depressed without crying and were not sensitive to the outside world.

Sun Qifei sat next to the entrance of the waiting area. Xiao Yao, who came to deliver the clothes, did not go deep into the waiting area. Sun Qifei sat with his back against the wall, and Xiao Yao was facing the direction of the waiting area. Their voices have not been loud, so Xiao Yao has been in for so long and has not been noticed by other students in the waiting area.

  Now Chen Qiuyue's voice is a bit loud, and Xiao Yao can't hide it anymore.

  "Xiao Yao?" Everyone in the waiting area looked over, and even the two female students who were comforting Ke Jun and Jin Wenbo stopped crying temporarily.

   "Hello everyone, this is Xiao Yao!" Xiao Yao looked back and saw everyone staring at him. Knowing that he was exposed, he smiled generously and waved hello.

   "Really Xiao Yao?" Several students ran over immediately and bowed slightly to Xiao Yao, "Good senior!"

   "When you meet, you will be called the senior directly?" Chen Qiuyue smiled, "No wonder Wenbo senior said that the name of our senior senior sister was influenced by you, and your title of senior is really deeply rooted among newcomers!"

  "Hello senior!" The remaining students also came over to greet Xiao Yao.

   "Hey, the senior is here!" Jin Wenbo deliberately said loudly, "Mr. Xiao is not just an actor, but a director! Even if you don't call the teacher, you have to call the director. What is the senior?"

  "Wu Wenbo senior, are you burying me?" Xiao Yao smiled.

"No, he is jealous of you!" Chen Qiuyue smiled, "Originally, he was the only senior in this show, and he has a very good relationship with everyone. Now when you come, he finds that everyone treats you better than him. Enthusiasm, so he is jealous, afraid that you will take his place in everyone's hearts and want to distance you from them."

   "The Wenbo senior is worried that I will take his place?" Xiao Yao smiled, "That shows that the Wenbo senior is not doing very well!"

   "Hey, Xiao Yao!" Jin Wenbo pretended to be angry, "What are you talking about?"

  "Ha~" The trainees laughed, and the tension and disappointment in the waiting area was suddenly wiped out.

   "Senior, no, Xiao Yao, senior," someone among the students asked, "Why did you come to this show? Wouldn't it really be to replace the Wenbo senior?"

"I'm not here to be your senior in this program, let alone to replace the cultural senior!" Xiao Yao raised his hand and said, "I came for your big assessment. I only wait until the end of the big assessment, so I can be regarded as a flying guest. As for what I am doing, I will keep it secret for now!"

   "I saw Qi Fei rushing out, did you tell her something?" Another student asked, "Does your mission for this show have anything to do with this?"

"No," Xiao Yao shook his head, "I shouldn't have appeared in front of you now. Some of you didn't get any role after the interview. Some of them were crying. We saw it in the observation room. Teacher Ke Jun and the senior sister came out to comfort you. The senior sister came out in a hurry and forgot to take the coat, so I sent her the coat."

"Senior sister is comforting Sun Qifei and asking me to help," Xiao Yao continued, "I told Sun Qifei my guess about the follow-up arrangement of the show, and told her that the show team will not let them who are not interviewed for roles have no roles. She Just go to see those crews and those roles who have not chosen good actors. Don’t cry for the other ones who didn’t get the roles. Go and see which roles are unoccupied. If I guess it’s good, In the end, the few of you actors who have no roles will play the roles that are not selected."

   "Huh? Really?" Several students turned their heads to look at Ke Jun at the same time.

   "I don't know either!" Ke Jun understood the meaning of several students and turned to Xiao Yao and said, "How do you know? The program team told you?"

"No, I guessed everything!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "but there are 36 characters in the six scripts, and there are 36 people in total. They are always one person and one role, and they won't fail! Except for this, There is no other possibility, right? At most, there is no face-to-face or no interview. Either a few of them have no roles randomly selected, or the six crews take turns to select people in a certain order."

"Listening to Xiao Yao's words, I think it makes sense! I guess the program group will arrange this way." Ke Jun nodded and said to the students next to him, "In fact, there is really nothing good besides this. It's arranged. So you guys, don't cry, listen to Xiao Yao, and see which characters are still unoccupied!"

   "Okay, thank you senior! Thank you Teacher Ke!" Several students said to Xiao Yao and Ke Jun happily.

"You, the director, have a way!" Jin Wenbo said to Xiao Yao with a light sigh, "We have been here for a long time to persuade, but as soon as you, the director, you can get it done easily, just let them in a few words. With tears breaking into laughter, I am refreshed!"

"Director?" One of the students suddenly clapped his hands. "Our stage play has six scripts and thirty-six roles, exactly one for each, and there is no need for star seniors to assist in the performance. The Wenbo senior mentioned that Xiao Yao is the director twice. "," she said, turning to Xiao Yao, "Senior Xiao Yao, did you come to be the director of this show? Are you the director of our stage play?"

  (End of this chapter)

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