Entertaining Children

Chapter 1195: rehearse

   Chapter 1195 Rehearsal

   Xiao Yao did not say who his mentor was, and the dialogue between him and Yuan Jiang ended.

  Although everyone is very curious about Xiao Yao and they all sit around Xiao Yao’s table, but none of these new actors have been in contact with Xiao Yao before, that is to say, they are not particularly familiar with Xiao Yao. After all, it was the first time to meet. Xiao Yao's current coffee position was a little far away from them. They simply asked some common questions and expressed their interest in Xiao Yao. The conversation could not have been deep.

Speaking of relationships, of course, the six new actors in Xiao Yao’s group have the closest relationship with Xiao Yao, but Xiao Yao didn’t use his venomous tongue like in "Creation 101" the year before, complaining about the weight of his group members and make-up. Those new actors We also didn't intend to discuss the script with Xiao Yao during the meal, so Xiao Yao didn't talk much about this meal.

  Not much talk, the speed of eating is naturally fast, and Xiao Yao always eats fast.

   "I'm done, eat slowly!" Xiao Yao took out a tissue from the tissue box on the table, wiped his mouth, greeted someone, and stood up holding the tray.

   "I'm leaving first, and rehearse at 8 o'clock in the evening, don't forget!" Xiao Yao lowered his head and said to the six new actors in his group.

   "I can't forget!" The six nodded together.

   "Senior, I have to rehearse tonight. You will definitely not leave now?" Zhang Yunlan said again, "Where do you rest?"

   "Would you like to sit in our dormitory?" Lin Kaijie also took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, "I'll eat too, I'll take you there!"

"No need," Xiao Yao smiled and waved his hand. "I'm going to the studio where you will perform tomorrow to see the stage on the spot, and also to see the props used on the stage tomorrow. Don't worry about me, slowly Eat, eat, go back to read the script, see you in the rehearsal room at eight o'clock!"

  Since Xiao Yao has participated in this show, he naturally hopes that his group of stage plays can be performed well, and the group members have good results in this big assessment.

  Generally speaking, the rehearsal of the drama is mostly conducted on the spot on the stage of the performance. But this time there are six crews in the stage play assessment, and there is only one stage. Naturally, it is impossible to give the studio and stage to a certain crew for rehearsal. Therefore, the program crew can only arrange for each crew to rehearse in their own rehearsal room. .

  The size and shape of the rehearsal room are different from those of the stage, and the placement of props may also be somewhat different. No matter how good the rehearsal is in the rehearsal room, after being on the stage, there will be some impact due to changes in the environment.

  According to the arrangement of the program, each crew will have about half an hour on-site rehearsal time tomorrow afternoon. These differences and influences between the rehearsal room and the actual stage depended on each crew making adjustments during the half-hour rehearsal time.

Although the program team gave Xiao Yao a lot of freedom and power, he did not intend to use this freedom and power to buy more time for his crew to rehearse on the stage, so as to treat the new actors and actresses of the other crews. It's too unfair. However, in other aspects, Xiao Yao can and is willing to do something.

  Currently, the performance stage is vacant. Xiao Yao wants to take advantage of this time to investigate the situation of the performance stage on the spot. If possible, he also wants the staff to move those props to the stage and instruct them to put them on the table first.

If he can roughly know the size and shape of the stage, the location of the props on the stage, and the perspective of the audience, he can try to follow the real stage when he guides the rookie actors to perform at night. This is undoubtedly It can greatly reduce the adjustment range and difficulty of tomorrow's field rehearsal. It seems that the rehearsal tonight and tomorrow morning is more effective.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yao’s action may still be unfair to the other five groups of newcomers, but this did not take up the time of other groups using the stage, and any other director can also Doing so, so this kind of unfairness is within the psychological range that Xiao Yao can accept.

   "Senior has worked hard!" Zhang Yunlan and other six new actors said.

   "Goodbye, senior!" Other newcomer actors also waved goodbye to Xiao Yao.

After leaving the restaurant, Xiao Yao asked his filming team director. After learning that Ke Jun, Jin Wenbo, and Chen Qiuyue had finished filming today, they had all left, so he asked The director told me about his plans and asked him to ask the chief director Meng Yafang for instructions.

  Although Meng Yafang said to let Xiao Yao decide his own actions, this at best shows that Xiao Yao can watch the stage by himself if he wants to go to the studio. However, Xiao Yao still wants to place props on the stage, which requires the cooperation of the staff of the program group. Not to mention that Xiao Yao didn't even know where the props were stored, but he knew that those props could not be moved to the stage alone. To call on the staff of the program group, it is better to talk to the chief director.

  Contacted the chief director Meng Yafang with the filming director, and got a reply quickly.

"Teacher Xiao Yao, Director Meng agreed! Let us take you to the studio first, and someone will move your set of props over soon! What will be done then, follow your instructions!" The filming director said to Xiao Yao .

   "Okay, thank you! Thank you for your hard work!" Xiao Yao smiled and thanked him, and went to the studio under the guidance of the film crew.

  This studio is the place where Ke Jun and the other three announced the big assessment questions to the new actors. At that time, Ke Jun and the three were standing on the stage, and the place where the new actors sat was the auditorium. In the previous program, the first assessment and the second placement assessment of the newcomers and actors were also announced here and performed on this stage. The first stage of the big assessment is film and television drama performances. Although they are not performing on this stage, the live audience and newcomers are also here to watch everyone's film and television works on the big screen.

  This studio has appeared many times in the show. Xiao Yao is not unfamiliar with the layout and stage shape, but the feeling on the screen is different from that on the spot. Xiao Yao has never been there, and at least he has no specific and intuitive feeling about the size of the stage.

  Because he had to wait for the staff to deliver the props, Xiao Yao walked around the stage. Although he didn't take a ruler to measure, after walking around like this, Xiao Yao already had a more intuitive sense of the size of the stage, and even estimated a rough length and width in his mind.

  After slowly making a circle on the stage, the staff of the program group successively sent the props needed for his stage play. This script was written by Xiao Yao himself, and the props were made according to Xiao Yao's requirements, so Xiao Yao is also very clear about the purpose of these props. After the props were delivered, Xiao Yao directed the staff to pose on the stage.

Tables and chairs, rattan frames, simple walls with doors, sofas, cabinets, curtains, and various props were quickly installed and placed in the same way. Xiao Yao tried the same in the past to confirm that it is stable and safe, and there is no problem. .

After all the props were set up, Xiao Yao first walked through the action lines of each character according to the plot, made some adjustments, and then ran to the audience to take a look. He felt the audience’s perspective and imagined that the audience was there. Some places that may be noticed and overlooked during watching, and then ran on the stage again to make some adjustments.

  After determining the location of all the props, Xiao Yao walked a few times on the stage, and finally ran to the audience to watch for a while before finally nodding in satisfaction.

  After finishing all this, it is almost 8 o'clock in the evening. Xiao Yao checked the time, and after talking to the staff again after hard work, he went to the rehearsal room of his group.

According to the arrangement of the show crew, Xiao Yao’s crew is not the first to come to the rehearsal tomorrow, but it does not rule out the possibility that the show crew may make temporary adjustments to save trouble. Therefore, should these props be removed and put back, and the stage is emptied again, Xiao I don't care about it.

  When Xiao Yao entered the rehearsal room, he found that all six people had arrived. What made him more satisfied was that when he came in, six people were speaking to each other, and no one had the script in their hands. All the six scripts were thrown on the ground.

  "Hello director!" Seeing Xiao Yao coming in, the six stopped, and greeted them together.

   "Hello!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Is it already correcting words? It seems that everything is okay?"

   "That must be!" Lin Kaijie smiled.

   "Okay, let's start rehearsing!" Xiao Yao said, "But before we start, let's make some adjustments, and then I have some tips for you!"

  "What?" All six asked curiously.

"First, let's adjust the direction of the rehearsal. Before we used the short side of the rehearsal room, now we change to the long side. I will stand by the wall with a door and watch." Xiao Yao pointed to the person in the rehearsal room. Two sets of simple tables and chairs said, "A few boys, please move the tables and chairs!"

   "Hey!" The boys agreed, rolled up their sleeves and moved to the table and chairs.

   "Because our performance stage is relatively wide?" Wang Jiayi asked Xiao Yao, "Is this the harvest of the director who just went to the studio to watch the stage?"

"Forget it," Xiao Yao nodded with a smile, "Before, I mainly talked to you. I just need to know what I mean, so I don't bother to move. Now it's better to move closer to the real stage. But even if it doesn't Going to the scene, you can also know from previous shows that your performance stage is relatively wide."

  "The director, what did you gain from going to the studio to watch the stage live?" asked another newcomer actress, Zhang Yunlan.

"The harvest is," Xiao Yao paused, and turned to the two boys who were moving the table, "Lin Kaijie, Zhou Feng, the distance between the two tables is about ten steps, just a normal step, don't take a big step. Stagger the front and back a bit, don’t put them on the same line."

   "Yunlan, you play Ms. Zhao Meilan from the courtyard to the house probably only to run that far, there is a broken line after entering the door!" Xiao Yao looked at Zhang Yunlan again.

   "Huh?" Several people stopped, staring at Xiao Yao.

   "Director, these are not in the script!" Zhang Yunlan said.

"Of course not," Xiao Yao smiled. "When writing a script, I would only write that so and so hurriedly ran into the house from the yard, who would add about ten steps in the middle, and there was a little bit after entering the door. A broken line? I just went to the studio to put all the props on the stage, determined the location of those props, and then walked it a few times by myself. This is what I just tried on the stage in the studio!"

"You put all the props on the stage, and then you tried them all?" Zhang Yunlan pointed to the plastic table in the hands of Zhou Feng and Lin Kaijie, "So the director, you want to replicate the props on the stage in the rehearsal room. Let's rehearse exactly according to the situation on the stage?"

"Not exactly!" Xiao Yao shook his head. "The length of our rehearsal room is still not as wide as the stage of the studio, so it is impossible to replicate it completely. Telling you this, it just gives you a bottom! For example, you How many steps and how long will you run from the yard into the house? How long will your facial expressions last in the process? How long will the facial expressions change in the middle? What speed should you use to speak lines? It's more appropriate. It won't change too much in future rehearsals and you won't be able to adjust it all at once."

  "What about the rest of us?" Lin Kaijie asked.

"You play Lin Jianjun, a man with big steps, the distance from going out to this chair in the yard is about five steps. Wang Jiayi's Lin Qiuyang, going to the back of the props to pour water back to the table is about three steps. Zhou Feng, you Zhou Chenxi in the performance has the largest range of activities. When he first appeared, he was on the front edge of the stage, three vertical steps away from the chairs in the courtyard in the middle of the stage, and four horizontal steps apart. Then Zhang Yunlan would run about ten steps from the courtyard to the house, yourself. Calculate the difference in stride between you and Zhang Yunlan..." Xiao Yao said one by one, looking at the six people.

   "Just for a while, have you all written down?" The six exclaimed.

   "Then have you all written it down?" Xiao Yao asked with a smile.

   "Huh?" The six were dumbfounded.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember it for the time being. If you don't remember, you can ask me at any time." Xiao Yao smiled, "You probably have a feeling in your heart for these things. Telling you this is just to reduce your future rehearsal adjustments. And the difficulty, it’s a trivial matter. Let’s rehearse the stage play. It’s not a military marching. The most important thing is performance. I hope you don’t affect your performance for the sake of these steps.

   "Yes, I see, director!" The six people said in unison.

   "Okay, let's officially start rehearsing!" Xiao Yao retreated to the wall and stood against the wall. "It started with Zhou Feng and Wang Jiayi's Zhou Chenxi and Lin Qiuyang. Others who played halfway through the stage should find their own suitable positions."

  "Okay!" Six people find their positions in the rehearsal room to stand or squat.

   "Prepare, start!" Xiao Yao stretched out both hands, simulating the ups and downs in the same dress, and exclaimed.

   "Okay, I'll be here today!" At about eleven o'clock in the evening, Xiao Yao announced the end of tonight's rehearsal.

  The rehearsal that night only lasted about three hours in total.

  It's not that Xiao Yao is satisfied with the results of the rehearsal. Although it is only a stage play of about twenty minutes, for these new actors, the play is still very difficult, especially when the script was only obtained early this morning. Even when it was over, the scene of these newcomer platoons was still ineffective in Xiao Yao's eyes.

The reason for ending the rehearsal was not because Xiao Yao thought it was too late to take a break, nor was it because these new actors were tired and didn’t want to rehearse, but after a day of tossing, especially the long interview in the afternoon, these new actors After rehearsing for three hours at night, our physical strength and energy were almost at their limit. Xiao Yao felt that if he continued the queue forcibly, the effect would not be very good. Instead of doing this, it's better to let them rest early and arrange them tomorrow.

  Of course, these three hours of rehearsal are not without gain. Although these people still have a lot of problems in Xiao Yao's eyes when performing performances, the six have already rehearsed quite familiarly with the minimum lines, movements, and positions on the stage. The remaining pure performance issues, Xiao Yao felt that a daytime tomorrow should be enough to solve.

  (End of this chapter)

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