Entertaining Children

Chapter 1204: I will go with you

   Chapter 1204 I will go with you

"What does it mean that I can handle everything?" Xiao Yao said, "For you, Huaxia is indeed my site. If you are here to play, I should really entertain you. But if you are here to work , Will I be responsible for work matters? I am not your agent!"

"I didn't say that you are responsible for work matters!" Zhou Jingyi said, "My agent will come and help me with the next two work matters. I am talking about the award ceremony. In this matter, I It seems that my agent can’t help me? Wouldn’t you still have to send someone to communicate with the organizer?”

   "Uh~" Xiao Yao choked, nodding helplessly, "This is it!"

  Even if Zhou Jingyi can go to the awards ceremony, she will be the star of the movie and attend with the crew. The producer of the movie, Xiao Yao, should have come forward to communicate with the organizer. Zhou Jingyi’s brokerage company is an American company, and it’s impossible to talk to the organizer of the "Golden Dragon Award". As far as the normal process is concerned, it should be the brokerage company contacting Xiao Yao, the producer, and asking Xiao Yao to communicate with the organizer. , It is impossible to go directly to the organizer of the award ceremony.

"If you can go, it's just a matter of styling." Zhou Jingyi continued, "Sami and the others said that they were attending the awards ceremony this time, and you arranged for someone from Miss Yin's studio to help them with their styling. They did not bring a stylist. Come to China. If I can go, should you also arrange the styling? For this matter alone, isn't it all left to you? Then what's the problem if I don't bring a personal team?"

   "Well, what you said makes sense!" Xiao Yao continued to nod and said, "I should really take care of everything related to the award ceremony!"

   "Look!" Zhou Jingyi spread her hands triumphantly.

   "By the way, can you ask what your brokerage company helped you talk about are the two jobs in China?" After a while, Xiao Yao couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Are you very concerned?" Zhou Jingyi didn't answer, and asked with a smile, "Just now you said that you are not my agent, so are you interested in being my agent? My brokerage company wants to try to let me develop more in China , Ready to find a brokerage company and broker for me in Huaxia, responsible for my business in Huaxia. Are you interested?"

   "Me?" Xiao Yaoxi smiled, "I'm not an agent!"

  "You can find one for me!" Zhou Jingyi said, "Don't you have a company? Or you can just sign me down and arrange an agent for me. In this way, I can work in China and I can help you make money!"

"Good idea!" Dean in the back row interrupted, "Yang! We can also help you make money, or would you sign us? We will give you China, no, the brokerage business in Asia responsible for!"

  "My company is a film and television production company, not a record company, and we only make production, not signing artists!" Xiao Yao shook his head, "My studio only serves me, and does not sign artists!"

   "Why?" Dean asked curiously.

   "I'm lazy and have no sense of responsibility," Xiao Yao smiled, "I don't want to be responsible for other people's careers!"

   "Nor Tiana?" Dean looked at Sun Tingting in the co-pilot position.

   "No!" Xiao Yao shook his head.

   "I am an independent artist, only a broker, no brokerage company." Sun Tingting smiled, "And I am also a lazy artist, only take the job I want to do, and do not accept the arrangement of the agent."

   "Well, I really envy you two!" Dean said.

   "A variety show and a movie!" Zhou Jingyi suddenly said to Xiao Yao.

   "What?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "My two jobs in Huaxia," Zhou Jingyi said, "Didn't you just ask my brokerage company to help me talk about the two brokerage companies in Huaxia?"

   "Oh!" Xiao Yao nodded, "What variety show? What are you going to do? What movie? Who is the production company and director? What kind of role do you play?"

   "Young, do you care about Kim?" Samien Smith asked.

  "Are we friends!" Xiao Yao said, "Anyone of you who comes to China to work, I will care about it! China is my domain. If you are scammed at China, I will feel embarrassed!"

   "Very good! I am glad you said that!" Dean Smith laughed.

"That variety show is called "Dancing with the Stars". It is a reality show for celebrities and professional dancers to compete and dance together." Zhou Jingyi said, "This show is also available in the United States. I heard that China bought the show here. The copyright of this program is made in China. The production unit of this program is China’s Donghai TV, and the recording location is in Shanghai."

"I know, a very good show!" Xiao Yao nodded and asked with a smile, "But when you went to that show, did you partner with a professional dancer as a star or as a professional dancer with a Chinese star Where's your partner?"

  This show is one of Donghai TV’s trump card variety shows. Xiao Yao has received an invitation from the program group more than once. Although he has never participated due to schedule reasons, he not only knows it, but also understands it more clearly.

"Of course I partnered with a professional dancer as a star!" Zhou Jingyi said, "I have to thank Paul and TJ for this matter. They participated in this show and they recommended me to the show team. They said that I was following me. Their teammates who have participated in the National Street Dance Competition are both a professional dancer and an actor. I am very suitable for both professional dancers and celebrities.

  Of course, they suggested that the show group let me participate as a star, but they were afraid that the show group felt that my reputation in China was not enough, and added that it is okay for me to be a professional dancer. The program team checked my information and immediately decided to invite me. Last year's parkour movie performed so well in China, so of course they invited me into the star group. "

  A year ago, Paul and TJ talked to Xiao Yao and said they wanted to try to work in China, and have fun by the way. After Xiao Yao agreed to help, he handed the matter to Fang still, and Fang still recommended the two of them to the show to be the choreographer. This show is recorded in March every year. Paul and TJ approached Xiao Yao in October, so they participated in last year's show.

  In the last season of the show, both of them performed very well, and the show team also recognized their professionalism in dance. At the end of last year, when preparing for the new season of this year, the program team once again extended an invitation to the two.

  However, the two came to China for fresh pictures and fun, and the focus of their careers was still in the United States. They did not intend to shift their development focus to China for this reason, so they both politely declined the invitation from the program group. However, at a party last year, I didn't intend to hear Zhou Jingyi mention the agency's intention to let her develop in China. The two immediately thought of the show.

  In their opinion, Zhou Jingyi is of Chinese descent, and her acceptance among Chinese audiences is definitely higher than that of their two Americans, one white and one black. Zhou Jingyi is a star actor who mainly works in front of the scene. If she wants to come to China for development, participating in variety shows is one of the choices. Zhou Jingyi is a very professional dancer, very suitable for this show. On the whole, if Zhou Jingyi can participate in this program, the benefits will definitely be much more than the two of them, so when the two declined the invitation of the program group, they recommended Zhou Jingyi to the program group by the way.

   "So it was Paul and TJ's credit?" Sun Tingting smiled, "But didn't they tell you that they would go to that show to do choreography, and Yang recommended them to go?"

  Fang still recommends Paul and TJ to come to China to participate in the show, Sun Tingting also knows.

   "What?" Zhou Jingyi asked in surprise, "Is they two recommended by Yang?"

"It's not me, it's my agent!" Xiao Yao gave Sun Tingting helplessly, and said to Zhou Jingyi, "It's Miss Fang, you should know me! They told me the year before last that they wanted to come to China to play, it's best to find a job. Playing while working, it’s better to be able to be on TV and show up in front of the Chinese audience. I handed this matter to Ms. Fang, and Ms. Fang made specific arrangements."

   "Then why didn't they tell me?" Zhou Jingyi asked strangely.

   "I don't know!" Xiao Yao shrugged.

   "But this show is very reliable!" Xiao Yao changed the subject, "There should be nothing to worry about! Good luck to you and win the championship of this season!"

   "Paul and TJ told me that as long as I play normally, I can win this season's championship, and I don't need the blessing of Goddess of Luck!" Zhou Jingyi smiled.

   "They have so much confidence in you?" Xiao Yao smiled.

"It's not just them, but I think so too!" Zhou Jingyi said, "This show is a celebrity partner with a professional dancer. I was originally a professional dancer. As a celebrity partner with another professional dancer, that is The combination of two professional dancers is against an amateur dancer and a professional dancer! It's not normal if you lose?"

"So arrogant?" Xiao Yao said, "Many of our Chinese celebrities are professional dancers. As far as I know, many of them have practiced professional dance for many years since they were young, and then turned to become actors. , They are also very good at dancing, you may not be the best one!"

"Really?" Zhou Jingyi asked with a smile, "then are they as good as you? Or, if you think I'm too arrogant, or if you also come to this show, we compare it well in the show? We did it. A long-time teammate, if you occasionally become an opponent, you should feel pretty good too!"

"I agree!" Dean jokingly said, "I really want to see how you two compete! Even if we are not in China, we will look for the video of this show on the Internet. You can find this show on the Internet. Video, right?"

"I'm afraid not!" Xiao Yao shook his head, "I'm not afraid to compete with you, but as far as I know, the filming cycle of that show starts in mid-March and lasts for two to three months. I will enter soon. A crew is filming and there is no time to participate in that show."

"Cut~" Dean curled his lips, "How could it be so coincidental? Young, you are not afraid, so you just make an excuse? When you were an exchange student in the United States, you have been learning to dance with Kim and Paul. , I have seen them teach you with my own eyes!"

   "Hey!" Xiao Yao dissatisfied, "I don't deny that I learned dance moves from them, but at that time I was their choreographer, so I didn't teach them less, right?"

"That's different!" Dean said, "What they taught you is how to complete the dance moves. What you teach them is the movements you designed. The two are different. That show should be better than who dances. Isn't it better than who choreographed?"

"I do have a job." Xiao Yao said, "The TV drama project was decided by my company last year and is already in progress. Now the behind-the-scenes staff has almost settled, and the selection will begin soon. The corner auditioned."

   "Really?" Zhou Jingyi asked.

   "Of course it is true!" Xiao Yao said.

   "Your company's TV drama project, then you are the producer? Is the director also you? Can I audition?" Zhou Jingyi asked.

"I am a producer, but the director is not me." Xiao Yao said, "The casting audition is open. In theory, anyone can try it. Of course you can. But I am the screenwriter of this TV show, I can. To tell you honestly, there is no role suitable for you in the play, and I don’t think you will be able to audition successfully!"

   "No role is possible?" Zhou Jingyi asked unwillingly.

"Important roles are impossible." Xiao Yao said, "The filming cycle of my show and the recording cycle of the show "Dancing with the Stars" overlap most of the time. That show is very suitable for your characteristics. I don’t recommend that you give up this show for the sake of a small role in a TV show, regardless of whether the TV show project is related to me or not.”

   "Well, I believe you!" Zhou Jingyi said.

   "Jin," Sun Tingting suddenly said to Zhou Jingyi, "Yang did not have time to participate in the reality show because he wanted to make a TV series, but I have time, I can go to that show with you!"

   "What?" Zhou Jingyi looked at Sun Tingting in surprise.

   "I am also a star, and also dance." Sun Tingting smiled, "If I want to participate in that show, it shouldn't be difficult!"

"I know that it is your first time to participate in a Huaxia TV show. Except for a few of us, you don't know a few Huaxia stars. You may worry that you are not used to adapting to it, and you may also worry about communication." Sun Tingting continued. "It's okay, with me with you, don't worry about these!"

   "But, Yang is going to make a TV series, aren't you going?" Zhou Jingyi asked.

   "He is making TV series, why must I go?" Sun Tingting laughed.

  "He must be the actor in the TV series invested by his company? Isn't the heroine not you?" Zhou Jingyi asked.

"He is indeed the male protagonist, but the female lead is not me." Sun Tingting said, "The male and female protagonists have emotional scenes. I don't want to watch him have a romantic relationship with other women, so I am not going to audition for any role, nor do I plan to go. The crew will watch him make a movie and accompany you to participate in that variety show just to kill the time when he is away!"

  (End of this chapter)

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