Entertaining Children

Chapter 1207: Fashion engineer

   Chapter 1207 Fashion Engineer

   "Dean!" George and Mike shouted after hearing Dean's words.

  The relationship between Xiao Yao and this band originated from the fact that Xiao Yao was boarding at Smith's house when he was an international exchange student. In this band, Xiao Yao and Smith are obviously closer to each other than George and Mike. George and Mike would be quite active if they were discussing something inside the band, but once they were divided into two sides and talked about something with Xiao Yao, the two of them would not speak too much, and handed over the task of communicating with Xiao Yao. Two brothers and sisters Smith.

This time I also came to Xiao Yao to discuss joining the concert tour. George and Mike made up their minds to let Smith and brothers go and tell Xiao Yao that they weren’t going to say anything, but Samien was in front of him. The words had already surprised them, and now that they heard Dean's attitude changed, the two of them couldn't help it.

   "Sami is right!" Dean said to the two of them. "She has made it very clear. We have no reason to tie Young to our band all the time."

   "Are you sure?" The two looked at Dean.

"Of course." Dean nodded seriously. "And I just remembered that when our band signed with Keith's Daydream Studio, Young did not sign as a band member. So, legally speaking, To quit the band, Young doesn’t need our or anyone else’s consent.”

   "Okay!" Seeing that Dean had said so, the two could only sigh helplessly.

   "I wanted to let Young join the tour, but Yang quit the band completely!" George muttered to himself, "I knew this, we might as well just not mention it!"

"George, don't be like this!" Xiao Yao smiled and comforted, "We are still friends, if you need, I can write songs for you as well. If I have the opportunity, I can still perform with you, just change from a band member It’s just a cooperating guest performer, and it doesn’t make much difference."

  George nodded and did not answer.

   "Then this matter is settled." Xiao Yao said, "Any other things?"

   "We have nothing else, just the performance at the award ceremony?" Samin said.

"I've arranged everything!" Xiao Yao said, "The rehearsal place is in the rehearsal room of my parents' studio. I will take you to see it tomorrow. I will pick you up at the hotel tomorrow morning. I will meet you tomorrow. I will talk about the specific itinerary. !"

  This time the "Golden Dragon Award" awards ceremony, the "Immortals" band nominated for the best original film song was invited to be the performers of the awards ceremony and will perform at the awards ceremony.

   "I guess what Sammy wants to ask is, since you have officially quit the band, will you still perform with us on stage at the day after tomorrow's awards ceremony?" Dean said.

   "Of course!" Xiao Yao said, "I am the lead singer of that song. Even if I quit the band, I can perform together!"

   "Then there is nothing wrong!" Dean said.

   "Since there is no problem, then Tiana and I will go back." Xiao Yao pulled Sun Tingting up to say goodbye to the four of them, "You have been on the plane for more than ten hours, and rest early! See you tomorrow!"

  "See you tomorrow!" The four also got up and said goodbye to Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting.

  When Xiao Yao discussed with the band members about quitting the band, Sun Tingting almost said nothing.

  On the way back, Sun Tingting asked Xiao Yao: “August 1st, why did you officially quit the band suddenly?”

   "You are so smart, don't you know the reason?" Xiao Yao smiled.

   "Why do I feel that you are going to be separated from the past?" Sun Tingting smiled, "Is it because we are getting married?"

"You know that I cannot be separated from them, and I can't be separated if I quit the band." Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head, "but I will soon enter a new stage of life, I always do something! Let's talk about it. Yes, you performed so well today, I have to do something to show performance!"

   "Well, I'm also very satisfied with your performance today." Sun Tingting smiled and nodded, "So I decided that I won't act with you in the next two days. You greet them well."

   "What do you mean if you don't act with me?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "I won't attend the awards ceremony anyway," Sun Tingting said, "I plan to fly to Shanghai tomorrow."

   "Even if you don't attend the awards ceremony, you can stay at home with your parents!" Xiao Yao said strangely, "We are all in Yanjing, why are you going to Shanghai alone?"

"Go and contact the "Dancing with the Stars" program group of Donghai TV!" Sun Tingting said, "I said I want to participate in the program with Jin. Let’s get to know the situation and talk to the program group and the person in charge of the TV station. Talk about it."

  "Isn't this kind of thing supposed to be done by the agent?" Xiao Yao said.

  "I'll go with my agent!" Sun Tingting said, "I want to make sure that I and Jin's two places, don’t you appear to be more sincere? It's more likely to talk about it!"

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao nodded, "If you encounter any problems, just look for them and let the people who still send my studio to help you solve them. I have been in Shanghai for so many years, and it is still somewhat useful."

  Divided by region or city, Xiao Yao has the greatest influence in Yanjing, followed by Shencheng. However, on Yanjing's side, the influence of Xiao Yao's parents and grandfather is also a big factor. In terms of Xiao Yao's own personal influence, his energy in Shencheng is the greatest.

  A company can establish a foothold in one place, and it is naturally inextricably linked with all aspects of the local area. Qi Jia's studio and Xing Donglin model company are in Yanjing, and Xiao Yao's personal studio, film and television company, and Yin Xi's studio are in Shencheng. The companies that Xiao Yao dominates or account for a larger proportion are basically in Shencheng, so in terms of personal influence, Xiao Yao is obviously greater in Shencheng than in Yanjing. But in addition to the company, there is a more important reason, that is the Eva show held in Shanghai that year.

  Eva is a big international brand. So far, there is only one Asian city selected by Eva to hold the Eva Show, and that is China's Shanghai. This is very important to the city of Shanghai. What is very important to a city often means that it is very important to the government of the city.

  At the beginning, the reason why Eva put the Eva show in China, Xiao Yao was not only the reason they initially considered, but also played a very important role in it. Whether it was the preliminary preparations or the intermediate shooting, Xiao Yao participated in it and did a lot of work. Therefore, through the Eva show that year, Xiao Yao won the great favor of the Shen city government, especially the propaganda department, and has a good cooperative relationship with it. This is one of the reasons why Xiao Yao did not return to Yanjing after graduation, but opened his personal studio and film and television company in Shencheng.

  "Dancing with the Stars" is a program of Donghai Satellite TV, which is a satellite channel of Shanghai TV Station and belongs to Shanghai TV Station. The Shanghai TV Station is naturally under the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Municipal Government.

  It’s not that Xiao Yao has a good relationship with the Shen city government and he can do whatever he wants, but Sun Tingting and Zhou Jingyi are both stars, their dance skills are very high, and the external conditions fully meet the requirements of the program guests. As long as there is no obvious violation of the program's rules, and Xiao Yao, the representative of Xiao Yao's studio, comes forward to help, there will be no problem in taking this job.

  "Got it!" Sun Tingting smiled, "Know that you are great! If it doesn't go well, I will still help! But I believe that as long as the program group has not confirmed the guest list, Jin and I should have no problem."

  The next morning, Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui, Xu Fei, and Chen Xiaoting came to the hotel where Mu Ying and others were staying, and took them to try the style and dress of the award ceremony tomorrow night.

  "Where is Tiyana?" After the greeting, Zhou Jingyi realized that she had not seen Sun Tingting, so she asked Xiao Yao.

   "She is going to Shencheng today!" Xiao Yao replied, "I didn't come over when I was going to the airport in a while."

Because it was a temporary decision to fly to Shencheng, Sun Tingting did not buy an early ticket. However, Zhou Jingyi’s team has not arrived yet, which means that the preparatory preparations for the program group have not been fully completed. This matter is not so urgent and does not need a Flew over early. The ticket Sun Tingting booked was close to noon, so naturally he wouldn't be here in the morning.

   "Why? Why did she go to Shencheng?" Zhou Jingyi asked.

"This, let's talk about it in the car for a while!" Xiao Yao said, "First let me tell you the good news. I sent someone to contact the organizer. The organizer agreed to temporarily add a quota to our crew. You can join us tomorrow. attend!"

   "Really? That's great!" Zhou Jingyi said happily.

   "Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded, "So, you have to try on the dress with us!"

  "The stylist and costumer are already waiting," Xiao Yao said to everyone, "Let’s get in the car first, let’s say something on the road!"

  "Okay!" Everyone nodded and agreed, and they went out and got on the bus.

  It’s work to take Mu Ying and others to try on dresses today, and it’s in broad daylight. In the afternoon, Xiao Yao will rehearse with the band, so this time Xiao Yao brought an assistant.

  Xiao Yao’s car was still the seven-seater SUV that was used to pick up people at the airport last night. Naturally, the band four and Zhou Jingyi still asked to be in the same car with Xiao Yao. Sun Tingting did not come today, but Xiao Yao brought an assistant. So Xiao Yao sat in the co-pilot to chat with them and let the assistant take charge of driving.

   "Why did Tiyana go to Shencheng suddenly?" After the car set off on the road, Zhou Jingyi asked Sun Tingting again.

"She went to Shanghai to contact the show group you mentioned yesterday!" Xiao Yao said, "She said to make sure that both you and her can be guests of that show! So you can tell your management team, at least don't worry about the variety show , You can definitely win it!"

"Really?" Zhou Jingyi was surprised, and then smiled, "Does she want to compete with me on the show? In terms of dance, I am her teacher. When I was in the United States, I taught her not a short period of time. time!"

"Who said that students can't win the teacher?" Xiao Yao laughed, "Variety shows are different from professional competitions. It is not that the better technique will win. There are many other factors that need to be considered. My variety show in China I have won many predecessors and teachers who are older than me. In addition, I will tell you a secret, Tiana and I have not only learned dance from the people of your "Rapid" dance group, we also have other dance teachers. "

   "I know," Zhou Jingyi said, "I remember you once said that you also have a dance team in China, you have choreographed for them, and you have learned dance with them! Did Tiana also learn from them?"

   "Do you remember?" Xiao Yao turned his head to look at her a little unexpectedly, then nodded and said, "Yes, Tiyana has also learned dance from that dance group for a while!"

   "I have seen you dancing with Tiyana, they taught very well!" Zhou Jingyi said, "I wonder if you have the opportunity to meet them in the past two days?"

"I'm not sure!" Xiao Yao said, "The two captains who taught us dancing in that dance troupe are mainly dancers. They are not dancers anymore. One has transformed into a singer and the other transformed into an actor. , I’m not sure about their schedule. But they are all artists under my parents’ studio, I can ask. In the afternoon, Sammy and I will go to my parents’ studio to rehearse. If you want to meet them, they If I have time again, I can invite them to the studio and introduce you to them."

  Zhou Jingyi wants to come to China for development, so it doesn’t hurt to know more of China’s stars. Cheng Xi and Chen Chen are both from dance troupes, and they have a common topic with Zhou Jingyi, and they should get along well.

   "Okay, that's it!" Zhou Jingyi said happily, "I will go to your parents' studio with you in the afternoon."

   "By the way, when I try on the dress for a while, there will be a surprise for you!" Xiao Yao said to Zhou Jingyi again.

   "Surprise? Do you mean the dress?" Zhou Jingyi said, "Is it very special to customize the dress for me?"

   "The dresses prepared for you are very special." Xiao Yao said, "But Sammy and the others' dresses are tailor-made, and yours is just the finished product. This is not a surprise!"

   "Huh?" Zhou Jingyi said disappointedly, "Their dresses are customized, and my dresses are finished products? Why?"

"Because we didn't have a plan for you to participate in the awards ceremony. Tomorrow night is the awards ceremony. We can't have time to customize the dress for you." Xiao Yao said, "They picked a few finished dresses for you last night. I will wait a moment. After you try it, you will make some modifications according to your specific situation. If you change the dress, two days should be enough."

   "Well, it's my temporary change of mind. It's my fault!" Zhou Jingyi said, "Don't blame you!"

  "The surprise for you is the one who made it for you, no, who modified the dress!" Xiao Yao said, "Remember Rick? He is responsible for your dress. You will be able to see him soon!"

  Zhou Jingyi came to China last year to participate in the film premiere, but Xiao Yao’s film premiere has always had no red carpet link. The main creative members have to sit on the stage to conduct interviews and exchanges, so their costumes are relatively simple. The premiere was in Yanjing. Zhou Jingyi's schedule was relatively tight. Xiao Yao did not customize the dress for everyone, nor did he let Rick from Yin Xi's studio go out. Zhou Jingyi has not seen Rick in China.

  But this time the award ceremony is different from the movie premiere. There are more celebrities, more media, and red carpet links. The dresses worn by celebrities are more demanding. For some reason, Xiao Yao not only customized the dresses for everyone, but also attracted many people from Yin Xi's studio. Yenching also included Rick.

   "Rick? Is that Rick from our dance company?" Zhou Jingyi asked very surprised, "Gosh, has he really turned from a prop artist to a costume designer?"

"Yes, and he already is!" Xiao Yao nodded with a smile, "but what he is a fashion designer is not good at designing clothing styles, but designing some special installations on clothing. So, Strictly speaking, Rick is not a fashion designer, but a system engineering designer. Perhaps we should call him an engineer more than a fashion designer. It’s just that his engineer’s field is In the fashion industry, it is dedicated to making a fuss on clothing!"

  (End of this chapter)

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