Entertaining Children

Chapter 1211: How do you know i have no other idea

   Chapter 1211 How do you know that I have no other ideas

   Xiao Yao and Li Ya turned around at the same time and found a young woman walking in. It is not someone else who is here, but the Yin Xi they are talking about.

   "Sister Xi!" Xiao Yao greeted Yin Xi with a smile.

   "Hmm!" Yin Xi just glanced at Xiao Yao, walked up to Li Ya and slightly bent over and stretched out his hand, "Mr. Li, hello!"

   "Miss Yin!" Li Ya smiled and stretched out her hand and shook Yin Xi's shook, and then curiously asked, "What was this you just now?"

  She knows that Yin Xi said the sentence just now, but she doesn't really know what Yin Xi said.

"Nothing!" Yin Xi waved his hand and pointed to the dress on Li Ya. "The place you pointed out yesterday has been changed. How does it feel to wear now? Do you think something is inappropriate? We still have one day, There is still time to make changes!"

   "No, great!" Li Ya smiled, "Thanks for your hard work!"

   "It should be!" Yin Xi smiled, "You are satisfied!"

   "I'm sorry, Xiao Yao and I have something to say, let's get out of company!" Yin Xi took Xiao Yao's arm and said, "Look again?"

   "Okay, please!" Li Ya nodded.

  The two bosses showed up to greet each other just politely, and didn't actually do anything. Since they have something to do, Li Ya would naturally not hold them.

  "Amy, you can check with Mr. Li again, and then go to see if the studio is okay, and take Mr. Li to take pictures in a while!" Yin Xi said to a staff member beside him.

  Yin Xi’s studio has its own contracted photographer. This time, he invited celebrities to try their dresses, and also comes with a photo service.

   "I see, President Yin!" The young woman nodded and agreed.

   "Miss Yin is bothering!" Li Ya smiled and nodded, "If you have something to do with Xiao Yao, go and work. The staff on your side are very professional and attentive!"

   "Then I will be with you!" Yin Xi greeted Li Ya and pulled Xiao Yao out.

   "What's the matter?" After going out, Xiao Yao looked at Yin Xi strangely.

   "Go in and say!" Yin Xi found an empty room and pushed Xiao Yao in.

  This is a lounge with a sofa. Xiao Yao sat down on the sofa, looked at Yin Xi and asked, "What's the matter?"

   "What were you doing just now?" Yin Xi asked Xiao Yao without answering.

  "What else do I want to ask you for?" Xiao Yao didn't answer, and asked, "The first sentence when I came in asked me what I wanted to do. How much did you hear about my conversation with Li Ya?"

"What does it mean that if you have a good relationship with my sister, then under the same conditions, when I choose actors, I will naturally prefer your actors?" Yin Xi asked, "You are going to exchange the role of your own project for Li Ya and Li Ya. My relationship? You want her to take care of me?"

"You heard these two sentences?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Then how do you know that the elder sister I'm talking about is you? There are many people calling my sister, Liang Xueying, He Ying, and Cheng Xi from my studio, all of them ages. Bigger than me, the relationship is very good!"

   "Oh, your sister is really a lot," Yin Xi sneered, "Is that my own love?"

  Liang Xueying is a singer, she hasn't acted in a drama since her debut for so many years. Cheng Xi was a few years older than Xiao Yao, and even knew Xiao Yao before she was famous. Xiao Yao never called her sister. As for He Ying, Yin Xi knew that Xiao Yao was talking about himself anyway.

"Well, I mean you!" Xiao Yao nodded, "Li Ya's studio is affiliated with a large film and television media company. The network resources in film and television are very rich, and your relationship with her is getting better. It will be very beneficial to your future development in the film and television sector. But I can't say let her take care of you. You are also very good in fashion. Your relationship is good, it is mutual benefit!"

   "Have I made you worry about my future development in film and television?" Yin Xi asked.

   "Isn't there?" Xiao Yao smiled, "Who said that I was waiting for the director to support you when I came out of the mountain?"

"That's because I wanted to work with you, and didn't let you help me build relationships and roles all over the world!" Yin Xi said, "Furthermore, I said that back then. You filmed "Parkour Boys" the year before last, and last year. "Donkey Gets Water", did I ask you for a role?

  This TV series is also because you said it was a script written specifically for me, and I think I can act as the next one. I am one of the investors in this TV series. Do you think no one has asked me for a role? But no matter what the relationship is, I pushed them all because I was afraid of affecting the reputation of the show. Well, you take the role of your own project to change my relationship, do you want your reputation? "

  As one of the investors in this TV drama project, Yin Xi also has the identity of a producer and producer. However, during the preparation of the film, Yin Xi and her team were only responsible for seeking sponsorship from the commodity brands involved in the play. Except for the more professional areas of clothing and makeup, she did not even interfere with the selection of the crew behind the scenes. The actors were all pushed to the director and casting studio that Xiao Yao and Xiao Yao were looking for.

   "I'm just a starring role, not a director!" Xiao Yao defended in a low voice.

   "But you're still a producer, and your company's reputation is gone?" Yin Xi said, "Movies and TV series are not the same. If the staff is not good, the critics are mostly not the director, but the production company and producer."

"Yes, yes, but I didn't change the role for anything!" Xiao Yao said helplessly, "I said that the priority is given under the same conditions, and I didn't promise to let others put in actors who are completely incapable of acting or completely inappropriate. Join the group."

   "Really?" Yin Xi asked.

   "Of course!" Xiao Yao said immediately, "I have always done things well, so you shouldn't be ignorant!"

   "It's almost the same!" Yin Xi's expression eased.

   "Sister, I think you are a little abnormal today!" Xiao Yao looked at Yin Xi strangely and said, "What's wrong with you?"

   "Where is it?" Yin Xi stared.

   "Isn't there?" Xiao Yao said, "I will help you build relationships and think about your development. Why do you react so much?"

   "Okay," Yin Xi thought for a while, looked at Xiao Yao and said, "You are so active in helping me build relationships in film and television, do you want to draw a line with me after filming this TV series?"

   "Draw a line?" Xiao Yao asked in surprise, "Why do you have this idea?"

   "I talked to Doer on the phone last night," Yin Xi said, "She told me that you officially quit that American band."

"No, what does my quitting the band have to do with today's affairs?" Xiao Yao said speechlessly, "Also, Duoer went back late yesterday, and talked to you on the phone? Don't you say it was Duoer who was talking to you? Saying that I want to draw a clear line with you, it's impossible for Doer to say that kind of thing."

"Of course Duo'er can't say that kind of thing!" Yin Xi said, "I called Duo'er last night! I know your relationship with the two American girls. They didn't come to China last night. Are you going to pick them up? I'm afraid that the meeting will make Doer feel uncomfortable, so I called Doer to ask about the situation."

   "What?" Xiao Yao pouted, "I and them are ordinary friends, and have never had any other relationship? Why did we make Duo'er uncomfortable when we met?"

"Come on!" Yin Xi said, "I haven't seen them before! I saw it during that fashion week. Even if you were boring to them, are they boring to you? That time, I, Duoer, still With your mother, who can't tell?"

   "But how many years have been here, I have been in China, they are in the United States, maybe someone has a boyfriend?" Xiao Yao still insisted.

   "They all came to China at the premiere of the parkour movie last year. Did they look at you as if they had a boyfriend?" Yin Xi said.

   "You observe so carefully?" Xiao Yao said, "Can you care about your own life-long events? Why do you always stare at me?"

   Xiao Yao suddenly felt that women are so scary! I have worked with so many female artists in the China Showbiz, and my relatives and friends have never worried about anything. Instead, they stared at two girls far away in the United States with extreme precision.

"Don't interrupt, I was all taken away by you!" Yin Xi glared at Xiao Yao, "Duoer told me on the phone last night that Jin is going to work in China, but it has nothing to do with you. Doer plans to go with her. A show to help you take care of her. In addition, she also told me that you officially quit that American band.

  You performed very well yesterday, especially when you officially quit the band. Although Doer did not say anything, I can hear that she is very happy. She and I both felt that this was a statement you made before marriage, and prepared to clarify all your relationships before marriage. Doer also said that you don't need to do this! "

   "Whether I quit or not quit the band, I and them are still friends!" Xiao Yao smiled, "Can I say that you and Duo'er think too much?"

"Of course you won't cut off all your previous friends just because you got married, and Duo'er won't like you to do that." Yin Xi also smiled, "but you dare to say that you have no intention of expressing your attitude at all. ?"

   "Okay!" Xiao Yao nodded helplessly.

  Choose to quit the band at this time, Xiao Yao does have some thoughts in this regard. He knew that Sun Tingting was a smart person and could receive signals in this regard.

"I was very happy that you did this," Yin Xi said, "but today, when I heard what you said to Li Ya, it felt like you were confessing to the funeral...Bah! No, it was like entrusting me to someone else. It seems. I remembered what you did last night, and suddenly there was a feeling that you were about to break your relationship with me and you want to draw a clear line with me."

  "How is it possible? You have always been my sister, and you have no other ideas about me. Why should I draw a clear line with you?" Xiao Yao said.

  "How do you know that I have no other thoughts about you?" Yin Xi said, "We are brothers and sisters in name, but we are not related by blood. I have always been single again!"

   "Huh?" Xiao Yao was a little dumbfounded.

   "Okay, I won't tease you!" Yin Xi smiled, "I really think of you as a younger brother and have no other thoughts, but what if Duoer thinks I have thoughts about you?"

   "Do'er think you think of me?" Xiao Yao said silently, "How is it possible?"

"Why not?" Yin Xi said, "You knew me when you were ten years old, but Duo'er is not. The first time I met Duo'er was during New York Fashion Week that year, you were kidnapped to save me. We Cooperating fashion brands, you have an office in my studio, and your recording studio is in my studio. During those years when Doer was in the U.S., when you were in college in Shanghai, I should be the woman you have the most contact with. Now you specialize I opened a TV series for me, and I want to act as a couple with me. How do I know if Doer has any thoughts. What if you find out that Doer has ideas in this regard, and think about it?"

   "What's the break? Isn't that TV drama project still in progress?" Xiao Yao said helplessly.

"The TV drama project was finalized last year, and it is now terminated. Not to mention the loss of financial and energy input, this approach is too obvious." Yin Xi said, "Also, you haven't completely disconnected from the two American girls. Even more will not completely sever relationship with me. So you just want to gradually reduce our contact after this TV drama project. Some time ago, you told me that you are only responsible for the creativity of the three series of fashion brands, and you will definitely not care about the latter. Now help me to relationship with Li Yala and let her take care of me in the future. Isn’t it just that I don’t want to have too much intersection with me? The next step is to withdraw from the fashion brand and my studio?"

   "God!" Xiao Yao scratched his hair, "Your women's imagination is too rich? Just a few things, you have so many ideas?"

   "You mean I think too much?" Yin Xi said, "Then explain to me, why are you doing this?"

"Okay," Xiao Yao nodded, "Let’s talk about fashion brands first. At the beginning, I didn’t want to create my own brand at all. I wanted to give you the patent for the lighting system. If you don’t want it, I force me to do a joint venture together. Brand. We said at the beginning, I don’t care, but the three series of ideas, all of which I came up with, and you forced me to come up with it. I just don’t want to be troublesome, and I don’t want to spend any more energy on it. This is up, so I'll block you with words in advance, lest you find other excuses to make me want to be creative in the future."

"Helping you to have a relationship with Li Yala is a very, very normal thing!" Xiao Yao said helplessly, "because she happens to be here, and she has seen you and talked to you. There is a connection, so I just said it in passing."

   "Shun Zui? Did you tell He Ying that before?" Yin Xi asked, "He Ying's background resources are also good!"

"No!" Xiao Yao said, "I don't want to be like a salesman. Whenever I meet someone, I will let someone introduce you to the role. It will make people feel that you are very bad, and you will not be able to receive the role. What did Ya say about you? It was her studio who received the notice from the casting studio and knew that I had opened this TV drama project. She wanted to cooperate with me and wanted to play the female one of this TV series. In order to play the female one. , She is also preparing to participate in the investment of this TV series, and also wants to help one of her actors to get another role."

   "She wants to play Midsummer?" Yin Xi said.

"Yes," Xiao Yao nodded, and continued, "Of course I wouldn't agree to this kind of thing! So I told her that the female first has been set, and that the TV series has a sufficient budget and does not require additional investment. She felt that I didn't want her to invest in the actress to keep the actress, so she asked me who the actress was, and guessed it was He Ying, and I told her it was you!

  She has a high status in the circle, and she has a lot of resources. Even if I don't have to fawn on her, there is no reason to offend her for no reason, right? So I told her how good you are with me because you are my sister. Now that I'm talking about this, I won't just let the two of you get closer. I said that I would give more consideration to her actors, but the premise is that under the same conditions, I did not say to replace your role in my project with your role in her project! "

   "Really?" Yin Xi asked.

"Of course it's true!" Xiao Yao said, "Li Ya has very good resources, and she has a lot of support. Even if you are not an artist under her, but if you have a good relationship, you can participate in the project she leads. , It will still be of great help to your development! My film and television company does not sign an actor, which means that I did not intend to focus on admiring people. It may be the only time to open this TV drama project for you. It’s impossible to do this again in the future. So what is incomprehensible for me to find another way? How come I have to draw a line with you?"

   "I don't want to care about the brand anymore, and I will no longer specifically open projects for me. Anyway, you are lazy!" Yin Xi said.

   "Yes, is there any question?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "No problem," Yin Xi smiled, "It fits your usual behavior and personality!"

   "Don't think I want to draw a clear line with you?" Xiao Yao asked again.

   "You are clarifying!" Yin Xi smiled, "In order not to waste your kindness, I will go to talk to Li Ya!"

  Speaking, Yin Xi turned around and was about to go out.

   "Wait!" Xiao Yao stopped Yin Xi and said, "You really have no other idea about me?"

   "No!" Yin Xi glared at Xiao Yao and turned to leave.

  (End of this chapter)

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