Entertaining Children

Chapter 1215: Best action design

  Chapter 1215 Best Action Design

  After Xiaoyao and his party entered the arena, their own staff waiting at the side led everyone to their seats. The seat of this crew is a bit to the right of the third row. Although it is not the most popular position, it is also very good.

  When Xiao Yao and others entered the arena, the red carpet show outside was not over yet.

  The award ceremony is a more formal occasion. The stars are wearing dresses and it is not easy to walk around at will. However, the award ceremony has not started yet, and it is still possible to talk and chat.

  Xiao Yao and others are also shortlisted crew members around their seats, and there are many stars among them. Even if I haven't seen it in private, I've always seen it on TV. After Xiao Yao and others sat down, they either actively or passively greeted the stars in the front and rear rows. Xiao Yao and several Chinese stars helped introduce the American members of the crew next to them, and finally gave each other some award-winning stars. Blessings, the period before the award ceremony has basically passed.

  At less than eight o'clock, the red carpet show ended, all the guests attending the award ceremony entered the venue, and all the lights on the stage were turned off, indicating that the award ceremony was about to begin.

The Golden Dragon Awards ceremony has performances. The movie theme song sung by Xiao Yao and his band is one of tonight’s performances, but their song is in English and was not arranged as an opening performance at the beginning. Therefore, Xiao Yao and the band members do not need to leave early to make preparations.

  At 8 o'clock in the evening, the lights above the auditorium dimmed. Everyone knew that the award ceremony was about to officially begin, and the scene soon quieted down.

The   Golden Dragon Award ceremony begins. The usual practice is to show posters of some outstanding Chinese films over the years, then show the movie clips nominated for this year’s awards, and then the opening performance.

   "Please invite the host of this awards ceremony..." After the opening performance, a narration sounded from the live speakers.

  Everyone in the audience applauded, and then there was another sound of music in the speaker. Amidst the sound of live music and the applause of the audience, two hosts in formal dresses and holding microphones walked onto the stage from the passage behind the stage. The number of hosts at the awards ceremony is not fixed. Xiao Yao attended three of them the previous year. It seems that there were only two this year.

  The two hosts walked to the front of the stage, the sound of live music stopped, and the applause of the audience fell.

"This year is the guest host of Brother Ben," Zhao Rui, who was sitting next to Xiao Yao, gently elbow Xiao Yao, tilted his head and said in a low voice, "Can't you say it too? When? To be a host at the awards ceremony too?"

  The two hosts on stage are both stars familiar to the Chinese audience. The hostess is Tong Yishu, who works for CCTV and is a professional host. And that male host named Xu Ben is a well-known actor who has won the actor.

"Being a host is not a cameo!" Xiao Yao replied in a low voice, "Ben has done a lot of professions, from voice actors to singers in residence, hosting evenings and awards ceremonies a lot. People are film and television. The all-round talent of song plus host!"

   "Brother Ben is omnipotent, is there you omnipotence?" Zhao Rui said, "What kind of profession he has done before, which one you have never done? No, it is estimated that you have never done it as a waiter, but which way you can't do it?"

  Xu Ben is more than 40 years old. He is a late-blooming actor. He does not really catch fire until middle age. His early life experience is very rich, which can be said to be quite rough. He has done many professions and is regarded as an inspirational model in the Chinese entertainment industry.

  "Furthermore, didn't you still take the test for the host certificate?" Zhao Rui continued, "I don't want to practice it. Your certificate is just for fun?"

   "It's just for fun!" Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, then suddenly shrugged his shoulders and said, "Sit down! The camera is here!"

  Although Xiao Yao was chatting with Zhao Rui, part of his attention was always on the two hosts on the stage, listening to their speech. Although the two hosts had not mentioned Xiao Yao or Zhao Rui's name, Xiao Yao knew from their words that he was about to be named soon, so he immediately reminded Zhao Rui.

  After the two hosts finished their regular welcome opening remarks, they began to introduce some of the guests who attended the awards ceremony tonight. When introducing a celebrity guest, the main camera lens on the scene will follow to take pictures of the person being introduced on the guest seat, and the big screen behind the stage will also simultaneously display the celebrity guest's picture.

  Zhao Rui knew that Xiao Yao's reaction was faster than himself, and when he heard Xiao Yao's words, he immediately sat upright with a smile on his face.

  After introducing several core characters and top film stars who have received multiple nominations tonight, the two hosts turned their introductions to young people.

"I just introduced several seniors and mainstays of the Chinese film industry. Now we are going to introduce a few outstanding young people in the film industry." Tong Yishu said, looking at Xu Bendao, "Brother Ben, speaking of outstanding young people in the film industry, Who is the one that impresses you the most?"

   "That must be Xiao Yao!" Xu Ben said without thinking.

  "Oh~" some ordinary audience in the back row of the audience cheered for the award ceremony.

   "It must be? There is no hesitation!" Tong Yishu smiled and continued to ask, "Nowadays there are many outstanding young people in the film industry, why are you so sure that it is him?"

"I'm bull!" Xu Ben stretched out a hand, bending his fingers in turn, "The short film written, directed and acted by himself at the age of 18 has won awards abroad, and the first feature film he starred in was at the Golden Dragon Award the year before. He won two nominations for Best Newcomer and Movie King, and won the Best Newcomer Award. The director and screenwriter’s animated feature film won the Best Animated Feature Film at last year’s Golden Dragon Awards. At this year’s Golden Dragon Award, his film was shortlisted again. . And this year's shortlisted film, he is not only the starring role, but also involved in the director, screenwriter, soundtrack and action design."



  Following Xu Ben’s introduction, the general audience in the back row rang out with exclamations and louder cheers. Even the star guests in the front row applauded and cheered.

"There are young people who can act in the Chinese film industry, and there are also young people who can be behind the scenes," Xu Ben said in a summary and explanation, "but the acting skills are good, and the young people behind the scenes are doing such a good job, except He seems to be unable to find anyone else? So when it comes to outstanding young filmmakers, the first thing I think of is naturally him!"

   "Well, I agree!" Tong Yishu nodded and turned to look down the stage. "But last year's Golden Dragon Award, Xiao Yao was absent. I wonder if he came this year?"

  "Come on! There!" Xu Ben pointed towards Xiao Yao.

  The camera turned in the direction pointed by Xu Ben, and Xiao Yao stood up and bowed to Xu Ben on the stage with his hands together on the big screen, and then smiled and waved at the camera.

After sitting down again, Xiao Yao stretched out his fingers again and pointed at Zhao Rui and others beside him, making an exaggerated "behind the scenes" mouth. The cameras at the scene also followed Zhao Rui and Xu Fei.

"Xiao Yao seems to be reminding you that he is not the only one who can act and be behind the scenes!" Tong Yishu smiled at Xu Ben, "Zhao Rui and Xu Fei beside him are also very good young actors, and they are also very good young actors. Participated in the screenwriting and action design of the movie. In addition, Chen Xiaoting is also one of the screenwriters of the movie."

   "Okay!" Xu Ben smiled and nodded, "Tonight, we should indeed put Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui, Xu Fei, and Chen Xiaoting together."

  "Why do you say that?" Tong Yishu continued to ask.

"Because the four of them are a team," Xu Bendao, "the movie they were nominated for tonight is based on an emerging extreme sport called parkour. As far as I know, the sport of parkour is the four of them. This team started, and all four of their team participated in the front and back of the movie at the same time. Therefore, they are here tonight!"

"That said, I suddenly felt that our young filmmakers in China are particularly powerful." Xu Ben looked at Tong Yishu, "Not only can I make movies, but I can also invent a new extreme sport that has taken the world by storm. I think there are such young compatriots. Proud to be with you!" As he said, Xu Ben also gave a thumbs up in the direction of Xiao Yao and others.

  A enthusiastic applause was heard on the scene, including a lot of cheers. All four Xiao Yao stood up and bowed in all directions.

"Alright!" After Xiao Yao and the four of them sat down and the applause stopped, Xu Bencai continued, "There are only a few young people who are good at acting and behind the scenes. Let's introduce a few young actors who are particularly outstanding in acting. This year they won. There are five best rookie actors. They are Wen Li. Where is Wen Li?"

  The scene of the big screen cut to the young actor named Wenli, Xiao Yao and others only then relaxed a little.

  After introducing the guests, the next step is the awarding process.

  Among the various film awards, the actor, actress, best director and best film are usually the four most important awards. The four most important awards are usually placed at the end. The awards for best male and female, best rookie actor, and best rookie director due to the reputation of the candidates, the attention is usually higher than the technical awards, but the awards ceremony cannot take all the awards with high attention. All are gathered together, so these awards and technical awards are staggered in the order of awarding.

  At the awards ceremony last year, the first award presented was the best newcomer actor, and this is also true this year. However, this year's award, Xiao Yao's crew was not nominated, and it has nothing to do with them.

  After the first award was awarded, there was no performance in the middle, and then came the second award tonight. The second award tonight is the best motion design in the technical category. Xiao Yao and the others were nominated for this award for their film. Naturally, people get nervous when it is related to them.

The names of the two award-presenting guests who presented the best motion design were just pronounced by the host. Before they were on stage, Xu Fei quietly pulled La Zhao Rui’s arm, and asked nervously, “The two of them presented the awards, we are Isn't it out of play?"

  Most of the award-giving guests are a combination of a man and a woman. Tonight's Golden Dragon Award for Best Action Design Award is not only a man and a woman, but also one in front of the scene and one behind the scenes.

The male award-giving guest is Zhou Nianan, in his forties. He was once a member of Zhou Jiaban, the imperial martial arts team of the world-renowned Hong Kong Island Kung Fu superstar Zhou Hu. He is now a senior martial arts instructor and action director in the industry, and he also acts as a director. Filmed action movies.

  The female award-giving guest is Tian Xinhui, an actor. Tian Xinhui was originally a professional Taekwondo athlete and won the official championship. After retiring, he turned to be an actor. The roles he played were mostly acting, basically an action actor. She has transformed into an actor for nearly ten years and is currently one of the most famous "beat girls" in the Chinese film industry.

The two award-giving guests are both famous for their "playing", and Xiao Yao and their "Parkour Boys" are characterized by "running". There are very few scenes of real fighting and fighting, and they are "fighting" in the five shortlisted films. The least element. This is also the reason why Xu Fei was a little bit unconfident when he heard that it was these two award-giving guests.

   "Calm down!" Zhao Rui smiled, "Don't you say that nomination is victory, doesn't it matter if you don't win a prize?"

   "Just say that, how can it be really indifferent!" Xu Fei said, "It's all here, who doesn't want to win a prize?"

"I want to win the prize, but this is not our final decision!" Zhao Rui comforted, "Furthermore, they are famous for filming, but people who are really famous for shooting sports and other action movies are also famous. There are a few, basically, are they still famous for playing drama? Who do you think is appropriate to give us awards? Don’t just listen to a name and you’re so unconfident!"

On the stage, the two award-presenting guests greeted the audience, introduced themselves, and exchanged greetings with each other. Tian Xinhui smiled and asked Zhou Nian'an: "Director Zhou, I am now labeled as an action actor by the audience, and some people call me Beat women, then I want to ask, are female action actors just beating women?"

"Of course not!" Zhou Nian'an smiled and shook his head. "Action scenes include playing scenes, but they are definitely not just playing scenes. Action scenes such as running, chasing, even jumping from a building, jumping off a car, which can be classified as stunts, are all action scenes. …"

   "There is a play!" Xu Fei in the audience said happily.

"However," Zhou Nian'an continued, "Among all the action scenes, I think playing scenes are the most difficult to shoot. Because he not only requires beautiful and difficult movements, but also requires cooperation between the actors and actresses of the opponents in order to shoot well. . So I think you are called a hit girl, in fact, you are a very good action actor."

   "Oh~" Xu Fei sighed with disappointment.

   "Emotion management!" Zhao Rui reminded in a low voice.

   "Hmm!" Xu Fei immediately straightened his face.

   "Thank you director!" Tian Xinhui smiled on the stage, "I feel very happy to say that."

   "Well, since you are happy, then we won't waste time, let's present the award!" Zhou Nian'an smiled.

  "The shortlist for the 55th Golden Dragon Award for Best Action Design Award is, please look at the big screen!" Tian Xinhui finished reading the envelope cover in his hand, and turned around to look at the big screen behind him with Zhou Nian'an.

  On the big screen, the five featured action clips of the shortlisted films were played in sequence, and the names of the action designers/directors were marked below, and there was a round of applause.

  After playing the five shortlisted movie clips, Zhou Nianan took the envelope from Tian Xinhui and opened it, and said seriously: "The winner of the 55th Golden Dragon Award for Best Action Design is..."

  Reading here, Zhou Nianan stopped and handed the envelope to Tian Xinhui, indicating that she should come to read it.

Tian Xinhui took the envelope and took a look, then smiled and continued: "Although there are not many fighting scenes in this movie, I know that at least one person in this movie is very good at fighting! The winner is "Parkour" "Youth", Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui, Xu Fei, Kevin Scott!"

When Tian Xinhui said that there were not many fighting scenes, Xu Fei clenched his fists excitedly. When Tian Xinhui said the name of the movie, there was applause from the audience. Xu Fei also happily patted Zhao Rui on the shoulder next to him, and followed him. Gave a hug.

   "Congratulations to the four! Please come on stage to accept the award!" Tong Yishu, the host standing on the side of the stage, said.

  (End of this chapter)

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