Entertaining Children

Chapter 1221: Still want to go

   Chapter 1221 Still want to go

   "This Xiao Yao is too good, right?" Yu Shaoting said, "against the many big traffic figures in the circle, isn't he afraid of causing a collective attack on the entire entertainment circle?"

"Actually, it's okay!" Zhang Wenqing said, "Although these requirements sound a bit excessive, but when you turn your head to think about it, it is normal for people as producers to have their own requirements for actors. They have their own requirements for actors. The strict requirements show that they have requirements for the filming process of this movie and the quality of the final product."

"I'm not talking about you!" Zhang Wenqing looked at Yu Shaoting and explained first, then continued, "Now in this big environment, it is nothing new that fresh meat with small traffic is criticized for not acting and not dedicated but occupying a large amount of resources. If this matter is raised, the public will only stand on their side. Therefore, even if many companies are dissatisfied with their requirements, most of them will keep them in their hearts and will not attack them, at least not because of this. Attacking him publicly about the incident is purely asking for trouble."

   "Even if he will not attack him publicly because of this incident, he will inevitably be dissatisfied." Yu Shaoting said, "Isn't he afraid of others secretly making small actions for him, such as an internal ban or something."

   "By the way, our company has such a good relationship with Xiangnan Satellite TV." At this point, Yu Shaoting suddenly looked at Zhang Wenqing and said, "You won't ask Xiangnan Satellite TV to ban Xiao Yao, right?"

  Yu Shaoting's brokerage company is called Yier Media, which has a deep and complicated relationship with Shonan Satellite TV. More than twenty years ago, several talent show programs of Xiangnan Satellite TV that were popular all over the country were produced by Yier Media. In those draft shows, players with outstanding performance or potential will be signed in advance by Il Media. In a sense, Yier Media is regarded as the artist library of Shonan Satellite TV, and the broadcast platform of the programs produced by Yier Media is Shonan Satellite TV, which means that Xiangnan Satellite TV provides a platform to help Yier Media support artists. The relationship between the two Very close.

  Ire Media developed as a talent show, and later it has done a lot of talent shows. When encountering some potential players, they will still sign in advance as usual, but the company will inevitably be bullied when the company is big. Those players are newcomers, and the signing conditions given are more demanding. In addition, there will be more entertainment companies. With more choices, some players will inevitably be reluctant to sign with Il.

  For those players who refuse to sign, Yier Media will naturally have some means to deal with it. The sharp reduction in the amount of shots in the show or the early elimination of the shots are considered normal methods. It is even more unpleasant. Shonan TV will help block the artists. Even if the player makes his debut, it is difficult to be on the Shonan TV show. In appearance.

  Yu Shaoting debuted in a talent show produced by Yier Media and broadcast by Shonan TV. Some contestants on the same show in the same session were blocked by Shonan TV because of offending Yier Media. This kind of thing is not a secret in the circle, and Yu Shaoting has seen it with his own eyes. That's why I asked this question.

"What do you think?" Zhang Wenqing said, "Xiangnan Satellite TV has always had a good relationship with Xiao Yao. The two mainstays of the Taili Variety Show Department, Wang Yuan and Ke Jun, have a very good personal relationship with Xiao Yao. Unless it is. Xiao Yao has a particularly serious scandal. The top directly issued an administrative order to publicly block Xiao Yao, otherwise it would be impossible for Xiangnan Satellite TV to ban Xiao Yao. Look at the ratings and ratings of those programs that Xiao Yao participated in on Xiangnan Satellite TV. As for the topic, it’s too late for Xiangnan Satellite TV to ask Xiao Yao on the show. It is impossible for our company to talk to Xiangnan Satellite TV!"

  "Xiangnan Satellite TV will not do anything to Xiao Yao, what about our company's own side?" Yu Shaoting asked again.

"The company's attitude towards Xiao Yao is also good." Zhang Wenqing said, "First of all, although we can see from this incident that Xiao Yao is not afraid to offend people, Xiao Yao is not so stunned or deliberate. Offensive people. He just said that they have this requirement, let us consider whether the artists under the banner should go to the audition, but did not say directly that those people are not worthy of being an actor or something. At least on the surface, Xiao Yao and the others are not too much. It's fair enough."

"Secondly, their company is a film and television company. It only does film and television projects and does not act as an artist agent." Zhang Wenqing continued, "Even if some companies are dissatisfied with them, their artists are not allowed to accept their company's plays, but there are so many companies and artists in China. , As long as they don’t offend all China’s brokerage companies, they can always find actors. Apart from anything else, six of the seven founders of their company are actors, and five are Star II, their own friends, and their parents. Friends of, plus the actors from the studio at home, it’s definitely not difficult to get the actors needed for a film and television project.

  The current situation in the general environment is that there are more wolves and less meat! There are more entertainment companies, more artists and more actors, fewer relatively good film and television projects, and fewer job opportunities. Their film and television company provides actors with roles and job opportunities. Generally, other companies fight for the roles of their actors and find them. They don't need to ask other companies to find actors. How many companies in the circle would really tear their faces against them? "

   "Sister Zhang, the company said that it didn't want me to go to the audition. It wasn't because the other party sent this supplementary explanation and felt dissatisfied. It just thought that I could not meet the other party's requirements?" Yu Shaoting thought for a moment and asked Zhang Wenqing.

   "Of course I think you can't meet the other party's requirements," Zhang Wenqing said, "The company doesn't want you to waste time."

"In that case, I would like to ask you to tell the company. I don't want to give up this opportunity. I still want to go to the audition and fight for that role." Yu Shaoting said, "If necessary, I can go with you. The company said."

   "What?" Zhang Wenqing asked somewhat unexpectedly, "Are you going to audition for that role?"

"Yes!" Yu Shaoting nodded, "The three you just mentioned, the last one doesn’t need a substitute, I’m sure it’s fine, and there should be no problem with the company. The first non-rolling play is not a problem, and the others are fine. Work is not without room for negotiation. The company’s main concern is the second, afraid that I can’t take this role and waste time. But even if there is no requirement for this supplementary explanation, this role is definitely me, and I still want to go. Audition, to compete with others. Now that this requirement is added, we still have to compete. Maybe there are fewer people competing. Why can't I give it a try?"

   "But your previous role was dubbed by someone else!" Zhang Wenqing said.

"Although the roles I played in the past were dubbed by voice actors, I don't think that my own original sound is definitely useless." Yu Shaoting said, "I am a singer, and my voice is not unpleasant. I can say all the lines in accordance with the script. The previous role used a voice actor, maybe because of the style of the work, maybe the producer and the director thought that I was a talented talent, and they never considered using my original voice. But even if I am not I came from an acting class. In the past few years, I have also filmed a lot of scenes and gained a lot of experience. I also learned a lot of acting, including lines, from some senior actors."

   "That's right," Zhang Wenqing nodded, "You have worked very hard these years, even if you have a voice actor, you have been studying. But..." Zhang Wenqing still seemed a little hesitant after speaking.

"Sister Zhang!" Seeing Zhang Wenqing's hesitation, Yu Shaoting interrupted her, "I don't want to be called a traffic star all the time. The shelf life of this thing is too short, and the future is too unstable. Maybe a popular variety show will come out this year. , There will be a bunch of big fire traffic stars, I might be shot dead on the beach by the back. A star with no traffic can easily become a meteor. The one that can stand for a long time has to be It's the kind of guarantee of its own strength."

   "That's good," Zhang Wenqing said, "But to say something you may not like to hear, are you strong enough now?"

   "Enough is enough, let's try it, let the producer and the director talk about it!" Yu Shaoting said, "Anyway, I will be auditioning in two days, which is just a few days of delay. I shouldn't be able to afford it now, right?"

"The audition is expected to start in two days, but it is impossible for people to audition for all roles in one day." Zhang Wenqing said, "When will you go for the audition, the other party has not given a clear time. Originally this time should be today." It can be given, but after the supplementary explanation is added, the list of actors auditioned by the other party will definitely need to be adjusted. They have to re-arrange the audition time. I don’t know which day the audition time will be notified.

   "Then wait a few more days!" Yu Shaoting said, "I shouldn't be too full with my recent schedule, right?"

"Originally there was no problem, but today the company asked me to go to a meeting, and the Ministry of Commerce said that it had contacted a brand's advertising endorsement." Zhang Wenqing said, "You quite meet the requirements of that brand's spokesperson. After receiving the casting After the studio’s supplementary explanation, the company is ready to give you this endorsement opportunity, and wants you to focus on communicating with that brand these days."

"I would rather not have this opportunity to endorse!" Yu Shaoting said, "Since I have to fight for it, it means that the other party is not saying that I am not the only one. I am not the only artist in the company with the same level as me. Please ask the company to arrange for someone to go. Well, there should be no loss to the company!"

"What?" Zhang Wenqing said anxiously, "Even if there is no loss to the company, is there no loss to yourself? Do you value this opportunity so much? Don't say that people may not be attracted to you, that is, you are selected, do you still Can the role of this play change from a traffic star in the eyes of the public to a powerful faction?"

   "I feel that even if I can't immediately turn from a traffic star in the eyes of others to a powerful faction, this role will enable me to take a very important and very solid step in this direction." Yu Shaoting said.

   "How do you say?" Zhang Wenqing asked.

"Among the young artists now, Xiao Yao is the hottest." Yu Shaoting said, "Although Xiao Yao has a lot of traffic and doesn't lose any traffic stars, in fact, not many people really see him as traffic stars. Whether it is singing, acting, or even participating in variety shows, Xiao Yao in the eyes of the audience depends on his strength, not to mention his creative talent behind the scenes that he has shown since his debut. In any case, he is not the kind of star who is supported by traffic. ."

   "That's Xiao Yao, what does it have to do with you?" Zhang Wenqing asked strangely.

"The relationship is that not only is Xiao Yao not a traffic star himself, but there are no pure traffic stars among the co-producers!" Yu Shaoting said, "Sister Zhang, think about Xiao Yao's two movies last year and this year, how is the reputation of them? Are there any pure traffic stars? Zhao Rui, Xu Fei, and Lin Qisan, which one is not considered to be the acting school among young actors? Even Sun Tingting, who bears the name of Xiao Yao’s girlfriend, was previously said to be a relationship household The newcomer of "Donkey Gets Water" basically praised her acting after the release, not to mention the old actors and drama actors like He Ying."

   "Xiao Yao's film and television works have already gained a very good reputation," Yu Shaoting continued, "In the hearts of the audience, he also has the impression of pursuing quality."

"That said, it's not surprising that he would put forward those requirements for actors." Yu Shaoting said to himself, and then said to Zhang Wenqing, "If I can really win the role in his new play, will it be too? Explain that my acting skills are recognized by him? Then, in the audience's impression, will I recognize my acting skills more?"

"I did not act with Xiao Yao. There are really no traffic stars. If you act with him, it will really help your actor's image. It makes sense." Zhang Wenqing nodded, but after thinking about it, he lowered his head and thought about it. He raised his head and said to Yu Shaoting, "But how do you know that you are playing with Xiao Yao when you win this role? The casting studio has never said that the male one must be Xiao Yao. That is just our guess, in case the male one is the one. Where is Zhao Rui or Lin Qisan?"

"Even if it is not Xiao Yao's role as the male one, this drama is at least produced by Xiao Yao and his company, and there is also Xiao Yao in the screenwriter of this drama." Yu Shaoting said, "It can be related to Xiao Yao no matter what. Think about the sitcom of the newcomers of Shen Opera last year. The actors have a good reputation now. At least the audience's recognition of their acting skills is not low. In this respect, I am not inferior to them, am I? My traffic is much higher than those of the newcomers to the Shanghai opera. As long as I can have their reputation after the show, I won’t lose money."

"Also, if I can take that role, can the company "accidentally" leak out the supplementary explanation to the media!" Yu Shaoting said at last, "Once this matter is exposed, it will be against Xiao Yao in public opinion. Their company has only good and no harm. Since Xiao Yao is not afraid and will not offend his peers in the circle, then we should not cause them too much resentment if we "accidentally" expose it to the media, right?"

  "Don't talk about this first, let the company arrange it at that time!" Zhang Wenqing waved his hand and looked at Yu Shaoting and said, "Are you determined to go to the audition?"

   "Yes!" Yu Shaoting nodded firmly.

   "Okay, then I will help you talk to the company!" Zhang Wenqing said.

  (End of this chapter)

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