He turned and leaned against the railing of the deck, letting the wind blow his hair.

"You can only point a gun at me, do you dare to shoot?" Jiang Yanan only had half the corners of his mouth raised, smiling very


"According to the real rules, if you don't escape, I can't shoot." Hou Liang pointed the gun at Jiang Yanan, and he was not angry.

After so many years in my life, I have arrested many high-IQ criminals, and I am used to it. "waste

Jiang Yanan smiled and said: "Continue to point the gun at me "one zero three", I don't want to be eliminated for the time being, so

I will not run away.

After a while of wind blowing, he suddenly chuckled, remembering what Hou Liang said just now: "According to the regulations?"

Before he defected from the investigation team, he never thought that he would find ten in the casino of a cruise ship.

Confidence from a few years ago.

He should have accepted everyone's envy, he should have been in the brightest stage lights all the time

Bright focus.

"You know what? The guy named Su Chen in the casino at the moment has never had any rules in his mind."

"So he is a fugitive, and we are investigators." Hou Liang said clearly: "After a while, wait for the ship to dock.

All of you will be caught, and that's it. "

"You're so sure what kind of money can that woman get from Su Chen in the casino?" Jiang Yanan's eyes were bright

There is God.

"You don't know Xia Tong. There is no failure in her life." Hou Liang saw that Jiang Yanan had nothing to escape.

Run away, but he knew that if he went back to the casino, Jiang Yanan would definitely slip away in a small kayak.

So, he simply put the gun away.

Leaning against the same railing as Jiang Yanan.

He's just a bitch, even if he doesn't use a gun, he can't get out of his hand.

"Really? You don't know Su Chen. He never cares about winning or losing. What he cares about is the answer." Jiang Yanan said with a smile: "Remember

What about the dead game? I won that game, but so what?"

"At the expense of nine members of the investigation team, the morale of all the main forces of the newly appointed investigation team has been demolished, and

Okada Shinichi that trash, directly decadent into a mediocrity.

"Even the aggressive commander-in-chief, Fatty Fang, has been abolished. That guy Su Chen lost that time, but he used his own

The failure has left the investigation team breathless until now.

Jiang Yanan reached out and took a cigarette from Hou Liang.

After lighting it, he took a deep breath.

That smoking gesture is a bit like a lady.

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Jiang Yanan asked, "Do you still hope to win him again?"

Hou Liang showed his black teeth, and his eyes were a little erratic for the first time: "Nine years ago, I was once kidnapped by a group of real drug dealers.

In an open-air garbage dump in Mexico, they cut countless non-fatal wounds on my body, and

Sprinkled with honey.

"For three days, in the dump, all the flies licked blood and honey from my wounds.

Hou Liang also turned to look at Jiang Yanan: "Do you know how I survived?"

"What?" Jiang Yanan narrowed his eyes and looked at Hou Liang. He didn't expect this thin and weak guy with black teeth to live

I have really experienced this horrible thing.

For Jiang Yanan, who is obsessed with cleanliness, what he fears most is the dirtyness of the garbage dump.

So when I think of those three days, in the hot Mo Xige, in the swarms of stench and flies, the Hou Hou survived.

Liang, Jiang Yanan suddenly put away his little heart.

"The wound on my body was painful at first, then itchy, and then it felt sour." Hou Liang put it mildly

Said, but everyone can imagine that kind of crazy feeling.

"Flies come for honey, but when they mix with honey and lick blood, they fall in love with blood. They are in my wounds.

They lay eggs in their mouths, and they treat that place as a paradise.

"It's a lot like you fugitives, doesn't it?"

Jiang Yanan was horrified and moved after hearing this.

Hou Liang took the cigarette from his mouth and took two deep breaths.

"So at that time, I swore a poisonous oath that in my lifetime, if I can catch one, it's one, these self-righteous

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