crucial moment.

With waves of drowsiness struck.

The sense of danger in my heart is also constantly increasing.

Without the constant vigilance of this sense of crisis, I am afraid that Su Chen would not have discovered it.

He finally knew why he could always feel a sense of crisis from Xia Tong.

"She's affecting me

"Influence me with every detail of all her movements

Although he had already vaguely guessed Xia Xing's trump card, Su Chen couldn't help but want to close his eyes.

too tired.

Running away is exhausting.

Su Chen shook his head, feeling that his head was extremely heavy.

Strictly speaking.

Xia Tong This is not cheating.

Because hypnosis can indeed be applied to the gaming table.

Many foreign hypnotists often sit on the poker table to deliberately induce other people's actions to subconsciously


Although it can't really control people's hearts, it's okay to drag others into some thinking traps.

For example, Su Chen had previously held Chen He hostage during the interrogation. He used some dialogue skills to convince the investigation team.

The real details of the investigation out, in fact, is to use the basis of hypnotism.

Su Chen was very smart to realize these things, but he didn't understand that this was actually a part of hypnotism.

He fought back his exhaustion and thought, "Are you implying me? Then you should try it too."

At this time, Su Chen suddenly realized that since the other party can control me through behavior.

Why can't I take the initiative to control her!

So Su Chen, under the condition of extreme mental fatigue, raised his head with all his strength!

When Xia Tong on the opposite side saw Su Chen's state just now, he knew that he had been recruited.

Unexpectedly, now Su Chen raised his head.

She frowned.

Then I heard Su Chen shouting a name unexpectedly: "Xia Yan!↓"


When he heard the name unexpectedly, Xia 380tong, who had originally focused all his attention on Su Chen, had a fierce look.

was sluggish.

She was originally trying to hypnotize Su Chen and suppress Xia Yan's personality.

He never thought that he would suddenly hear Xia Yan's name under such extreme circumstances.

in an instant.

She began to stiffen, as if she had been in the elevator.

In Natsugata's eyes, everything in the casino began to slowly spin

The foreigners at the scene don't know what happened?

Why did the man suddenly call out a name when the two of them were at the most critical moment! ?

Immediately afterwards, a scene that made everyone's scalp tingle appeared.

Xia Xing's body, which had been unable to stand at first, suddenly stabilized.

Then she slowly raised her head.

Looking at Su Chen on the opposite side, he frowned slightly.

In a pair of clear and simple eyes, once again full of curiosity.

She looked around a little dazedly at countless pairs of eyes staring at her, and then subconsciously touched herself.

However, his right shoulder was still in pain, and he tilted his head and asked Su Chen.

"you again?"

"She's chasing you again?"

The audience in front of the TV was stunned!!

"Xia'e! Our family's Xia Yan has appeared again! Long live the CP party!!"

"Damn it! Su Chen called out his wife in his last voice? Can this operation work? ?"

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