113. Sun Honglei in good times, Su Chen in desperation!!

"What?" Su Chen tilted his head: "Do you want to rely on it?"

Xia Tong had just regained control of her body with a gun. Coupled with her mental and physical exhaustion, she felt

It's as if my whole body is stuck in a quagmire... It's not a shame, it's just a back-up I left to myself.

Although Xia Tong on the right is powerless, he still looks very fearless.Su Chen frowned slightly.

Xia Tong glanced at the clock on the second floor of the casino and said, "It's [-]:[-] in the morning,

In terms of time, they should have almost arrived by now. "

"They?" Su Chen's heart moved: "Those people in the investigation team and star inspectors?"

"Who else?" Xia Tong turned her head to look at Su Chen, and she smiled again.

"Before going up, I have arranged everything, I always feel that the reason why you dare to sit in the sun and be lost,

Then he must have figured out how to escape on the dock. "

"I'm not Fang Jianguo, I won't give you so many opportunities and deep holes."

"So, just make sure you're on the boat, then no matter who the four of us are on the boat,

The Ming-Xing investigation team will be notified immediately.

Xia Xing slowly sat on an armchair, her chest heaved slightly, but her expression did not fade.

Any - downwind.

"Hou Liang, who is outside now, should have already notified the star chase team, if I didn't guess

If they are wrong, they should have arrived during this time and are about to charter this cruise ship to the country.

coming. "

There was a slight silence.

Su Chen nodded.


He had indeed figured out how to get lost in the pier.

But if the people from the star investigation team didn't wait obediently at the pier, they came directly

On the river, Su Chen was not ready for this.

"I remember that one of our bets didn't just include your hand-to-hand win, if you lost

You also promised that you would let us go after I got ashore. "Su Chen said.

"I said it." Zhi Xing did not deny it: "I heard that the last time you had a life-and-death chess game with Jiang Yanan

In the end, you abide by the agreement and let the investigation team go.

Xia Xing smiled, without any emotion: "But I am different, I am a woman,

I can speak without counting. ↑

"For me, there is only one purpose, and that is to catch you!"

"As for how many lies were withdrawn in the process of catching you, I don't care, this is me and Fang Jianguo

Their difference, they will keep their promises, I only respect the result.

Su Chen took the first two steps and stood opposite Xia Xing, looking at Xia Cai, wondering what she was thinking

What: "Aren't you afraid I'll knock you out now?"

"If you eliminate me, you will be finished too."

With them surrounded, escape from the river.I think.you shouldn't want to be with me

Let's die together.

Su Chen sighed slowly: "I understand, with your arrogance, you will not choose to be with you.

I perish together. "

The time on the clock on the second floor of the casino passed minute by minute.

After a long time, Su Chen said, "So what is the content of your transaction?"

Xia Xing seemed to be tempted when she saw Su Chen, so she smiled and said, "Yes, I am indeed with you now.

In hand, I am also afraid that you will eliminate me, so my deal is: void the bet, let me go

And everyone we got on board. "

"In return, I will let you go safely,

Xia Tong said rationally: "Not only that, I can't come here in vain, I have some benefits."What else do you want?" Su Sheng asked with interest, hugging his shoulders.

"I want Jiang Yanan, Sun Honglei, and Huang Bo." Dou-shaped's voice was firm,

As if born to be a master negotiator: "I need to give my people an explanation and act once. There must be some gains.

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