Sure enough |

Just when the national audience was trembling.

Su Chen raised his head, and the corner of his mouth showed that iconic, playful smile.

He looked into Ruo Xia Tong's eyes and said slowly:

"You're right, but this isn't Brother Mo Xi."

°And I'm not a drug dealer. "You are under my control, and you dare to threaten me and negotiate terms with me?"

Su Chen's smile grew brighter and brighter: .The reason why you talk so confidently is because,

You don't know me at all.

Right at this time ↓!

"Suddenly! chug!"

All the foreigners in the casino, including the cruise ship staff, and Sun Hong, who was blocking the door with a gun

Ray all looked up.

Because they could vaguely hear the roar of the helicopter helix prizes overhead from the casino!

For a moment, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Is it so big this time?

In order to capture Su Chen and the others, the investigation team actually used a helicopter? ?

At the same time everyone was shocked, they heard Deng Chao shouting from the helicopter outside.

content that comes out.

After the sound passed through the loudspeaker, it was very shocking!

"Listen to the people inside! Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon!"

"You are surrounded"

"To avoid unnecessary sacrifices! Surrender now! Surrender now! 1!"

114. Those who have made action movies, take a step forward!!

Sun Honglei clenched the gun in his hand, and he looked up at the sky above the casino.

The height of the casino floor is about three or four meters, and there is only a pair of imitation European-style circular writing tops.

But anyone staring at the casino dome knows that, just outside the dome, there is already a direct


Also, sirens sounded all around.

The circle of star hunters and the investigative team has been set up.

on the deck of the cruise ship.

Jiang Yanan and Hou Liang stood there.

In the dark night, their bodies were illuminated by many bright flashlights.

The helicopter above was whirring.

Hou Liang glanced at Jiang Yanan proudly: "Why, I didn't expect it, in order to arrest you, but

A lot of resources are wasted.

Jiang Yanan did not expect that the star inspection team would actually come to Jiangshang on their own initiative.

And this group of people is trying to catch the escape group.

Even with the program team to apply for the use of helicopters!two twenty seven"

The surrounding dark river surface is full of dazzling glare of the clan.

And the loudspeakers coming from all directions! Well,

"Listen inside, put down your weapons! You're surrounded!"

"Don't move! Be prepared to capture, struggle is futile!"

"Surrender now!"

"Surrender now!

Jiang Yanan frowned upon seeing this scene.

He turned to look in the direction of the cruise ship's casino: "Which of the two of them do you think won?"

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses, it's important to catch you." Hou Liang pointed the paintball pistol at the

On Jiang Yanan's forehead, he pushed him from behind, pointed at the casino and said, "Go! Come in with me.


At the same time, Huang Bo and Fang Jianguo, who were in the guest room on the second floor of the cabin, were still tearing their hands.

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