"Where are you going, boys?"

"Just go to the county seat." Sun Honglei said, holding the egg gun in his clothes tightly.

After getting on the tricycle, Su Chen didn't speak, his mind was immersed in the communication with the system.

Because this time, after having a fight with Xia Tong's third personality in the casino, Su Chen found that he was 18

An IQ of 0 is comparable to her IQ of nearly 200.

He almost used up all his cards.

For example, let her know in advance that she can feel the heartbeat of the other party, for example, say Xia Yan's name in advance to disturb the relationship

the same mind.

There was even a shocking duel with 64 games at the same time.

That is to say, in this extreme situation, it is still a little difficult for him to win easily, but it is the appearance of Xia Yan in the end.

gave myself a hand.

"System, I want to check 750 to see my current personal attributes."

The character attribute bar opens.

Host: Su Chen

Intelligence: 180

Physical fitness: 111

Hearing: 102 (can hear bells and whistles)

Smell: 85 points (acuity level)

Sixth sense: 107 (acuity level)

Attribute points not yet used: 0 points.

Skills: god-level camouflage, anti-tracking skills, god-level car skills, god-level acting skills, god-level hacking skills, obtaining god-level skills

body responsiveness.

Shop Open: Level 1

Current popularity points: 6200 million popularity points. '

Current mission: In the next [-] hours, leave the current area and flee for [-] kilometers.Currently

Completion: 548 kilometers.

After seeing this, Su Chen frowned.

He opened the system mall once again, and from high to low prices, all the skills that can be sold in each-level mall

Read it again.

"Primary skills of hypnotism? Consume popularity points: 2000 million points."

After thinking for a while, Su Chen bought this skill.

Because he already knew that Xia Tong in the investigation team was very proficient in hypnotism, so for precaution, he

The basic skills of hypnotism must also be mastered accordingly.

After buying it, Su Chen's brain ached, and then a lot of skills and academic knowledge appeared in his mind


"There are 4200 million popularity points left, which are all converted into attribute points.

"Ding, 4000 million popularity points can be exchanged for 8 attribute points. The exchange is successful. Would you like to add points immediately?"

121. A seamless summer plan!!

"Add all the converted 8 points to intelligence." Su Chen received it after hesitating for a while.

Now for him, it is obvious that every quality needs to be improved as soon as possible.

Because the next situation will be more and more dangerous.

As the escape team learns more and more about the investigation team, the investigation team's means to the escape team must also

more and more familiar.

At the beginning, they didn't know themselves well, so that led to the crisis of the conference room being bombed.

But now that Su Chen wants to blow up the headquarters of the investigation team, it is not as simple as before.

After 8 attribute points are added to intelligence.

Su Chen lost a long breath.

I don't know when will I be able to raise my intelligence to a level comparable to Xia Tong, when my IQ reaches 200 or more,

What kind of level will it be?

With the bumpy electric tricycle on the country road, Su Chen vaguely felt a little sleepy.

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