He actually died on this desolate, dusty country road.

Fang Jianguo's face was covered in dust, and everyone in the investigation team was a real ashes.

The death came suddenly.

Just when everyone was about to be a big hit.

Su Chen told them with a loud slap in the face.

The most proud time is often the time closest to death.

Fang Jianguo closed his eyes tightly.

The two masseter muscles on his cheeks are sometimes slack and sometimes tense.

One afternoon more than thirty years ago, the sun was shining brightly.

As the two police colleagues came to the door, the mother who had just opened the door fell to the ground softly.

The two police officers were holding his father's police cap and the medal on his clothes.

Two lines of tears flowed from Fang Jianguo's eyes.

Two black tears were flushed out of the dirt on his face.

From that day on, the little fat man worked hard every day, lost weight, and learned detective knowledge, but because he was a child

The reason for the disease to fight hormones.

He never succeeded in losing weight at the age of eight.

Missed the police academy and missed the dream of becoming a better police officer than his father.

The fat man was disheartened and gave up on himself.

Until one day, he discovered the detective forum, which seemed to find the meaning of his life.

He desperately helped each of the private detectives above solve the case.

He would rather not sleep for three days and three nights, but also stare at the photos of the murders uploaded on the Internet and ponder, looking for clues.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The little fat guy who asked when his father came back has become the only one in the world's detective forums

Nine Star Detective.


The nine-star detective actually "sacrificed" at the moment when he was closest to success, and he didn't even deserve a name.

Country dirt road.

Did my father sacrifice like this?

Fang Jianguo took a deep breath.

He reached out and wiped his eyes.

Since it was a sacrifice, I didn't want my father's spirit in heaven to see his fat son cry.

"Dad, I'm sorry for embarrassing you."

Fang Jianguo let out a long sigh, opened his eyes, and the tears he had just wiped off flashed in his eyes again.


"You guys! 543!"

The fat man's throat was choked, and the acid in his nose was hard to restrain.


There were three people standing in front of him.

Deng Chao, the captain of the Star Pursuit team, Li Weiming, a member of the investigation team, and Luo Zhixiang of the Star Pursuit team.

Three people, like a gambling city wall guarding Fang Jianguo.

"This is your fight and we are ready to sacrifice at any time.

Deng Chao, who was originally ambitious and wanted to capture Su Chen with his own hands as soon as he appeared on the show, looked at Fang Chao with a dusty face.

Jianguo, with a smile on his face.

Then slowly turn around.

There was mud and sand behind him, and three paintballs in a row had just hit his back.

Luo Zhixiang and Li Weiming also turned around slowly at the same time.

The backs of their uniforms are also full of paintball marks.

Fang Jianguo's fists clenched gradually.

He thought he was dead, but he didn't, because three people stood in front of him at a critical moment.

With his back, he blocked all the bullets for him!!

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