With his feet on the dirty floor, he looked up at the room number of the guest room.

He slowly raised his hand and covered the doorknob.

Okada Shin-sighed deeply while trying to restrain his emotions.

He couldn't imagine what kind of image Mieko would be when he opened the door.

Follow what the escape team did before.

Pushing open the door, Mieko might be lying on the ground inside, looking at Ruo with her eyes open, but she couldn't speak.

Maybe her body will be sprinkled with red ink.

And maybe - a small white note that says rape and murder in big red letters!!

This image just appeared in Okada Shinichi's mind.

He immediately shook his head.

Can't think!

Absolutely not.

Although it's not real, but these days, Okada Shin has put himself into the role early in the morning.

No matter in his eyes, or in the eyes of everyone in the investigation team.

Everything is real!

If Mieko was really left with DNA by Sun Honglei and then killed -

Thinking of this, Okada Shinichi's heart almost burst open!

The paintball gun that Okada Shinichi was equipped with was on his waist, but he knew that since the other party dared to let him go upstairs, he dared to let him

Enter the house.

So even with a gun, it's useless at all.

Okada Shin-The only thing I know about Su Chen's guy is that he will calculate everything in advance.

After standing at the door, Okada Shinichi's trembling hand slowly placed on the doorknob, but he seemed to feel

In the past, there was no way to open this thin door with just one right hand.

He couldn't imagine what kind of cruel truth there was in the world at the door.

It may be lack of strength, it may be lack of courage.

"Ah, ah, it irritates me to death. This is probably the most difficult door to open in Okada Shinichi's life." "."

"I thought about it, if my beloved woman was kidnapped by gangsters, and there was a repeat criminal who would leave DNA in it

I'll go crazy, I'll definitely kill, absolutely!"

Ah! I suddenly thought, do you remember what Xia Yan said before? Could it be that this is the seed of sin?

? "

"Thinking about it, it's not cold, and this is Su Chen's step to make Okada Shinichi black!! I don't dare to watch it, woo


"My God, look, look, Okada Shinichi is about to open that door!"

"Now in this guy's mind, I'm afraid he really wants to kill!!"

in the screen.

Okada Shin- his eyes are red, he is now not only like a vicious dog, but more like a purgatory vicious dog.

His two hands gripped the doorknob tightly.

Then push hard!

This push seems to have exhausted all his strength.

"Mieko!!" Okada Shinichi's trembling voice called out the moment he opened the door.

Opposite to Leifang Guest House.

It is also the dark side street corner that Okada Shinichi ignored just now.

This is a grocery store.

At this moment, the rolling shutter of the grocery store has been pulled down.

The room was dimly lit.

The grocery store is in the shape of a rectangle, separated by plasterboard in the middle, the front is a display rack for some goods, the back is

It is where the owner of the grocery store and his wife live.

Su Chen, Jiang Yanan, Huang Bo, and Sun Honglei all sat on the bed or on the small bench next to them.

On the opposite side of them is Mieko, who is tied with her hands and feet.

In the corner of the room stood two young couples.

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