Then after a long time, jump again.

The space in the middle of the heart beat makes Okada Shin- feel that the temples are constantly beating.

He doesn't know how many questions he got right.

I don't know how many questions Mieko answered correctly.

Su Chen asked him the first nine questions, which made Okada Shinichi wonder if he really liked Mieko.

He and Mieko have gotten along almost every day over the years.

He has even decided to propose to Mieko.


Only now did Okada Shinichi realize that he didn't know anything about the woman who had been following him all the time.

I don't know what she likes to eat, or what her hobbies are.

He didn't even know where the ending of the two would go after the last question was answered.

Between those long fifteen minutes.

Okada Shinichi even wanted to jump out of the setting of the program group.

To die is to be eliminated.

So what.

Let Mieko die, she is dead, and I can avenge her.


Let me die, so I don't have to suffer so much.

Otherwise, I will answer all of them wrong, so Mieko will only have an extra note on her body.

Chastity is really destroyed, why take it so seriously.

But Okada Shinichi couldn't do it.

Since [-] members of the expert group were "exploded" and sacrificed, he has been trapped in this program.

Even if he had Mieko stick the note with Sun Honglei's DNA on him, he would never want such a thing.


"May I know how many questions we got 22 right now, how many questions got wrong?"

Okada Shin-ho asked in a hoarse voice.

His current hoarseness is different from Hou Liang's hoarseness after his voice was destroyed, and it sounds very distressing.

"After answering the last question, I will tell you."

Su Chen's voice came from the earphones: "Last question: Do you think that if you would go to the United States after all this is over?

Keiko proposes, will she agree?"

Okada Shinichi heard this.

He swallowed dryly and slowly sat up from the chair.

If it was fifteen minutes ago, Okada Shinichi would definitely answer [-]%: she would agree.

but now

He wasn't sure.

Especially since it's the last question.

Regardless of the outcome of the two people after answering the right answer or wrong answer, regardless of any external factors, it is just his heart for Mieko

guilt in.

Okada Shinichi didn't dare to answer this last question with confidence

At this moment, Fang Jianguo was standing under the scorching sun.

The sun shone on his face, and the greasy fat man with disgraced face kept repeating: "Give me another minute, hold on-

I can find him in minutes!"

Xia Xing stood there stupidly, she never thought that after Su Chen kidnapped Mieko, she would set up a

A prisoner's dilemma.

And the problem in the predicament is only the problem of Okada Shin-private life.

"Is this his way of planting sin? He wants to attack the most sensitive and vulnerable part of Okada Shinichi's heart, and then let

Did he make a choice that buried hatred and pain in him, making him a potential sin?"

Others don't know, but Xia Tong is very clear.

Almost all the questions Su Chen asked, including the way they were asked, were related to the subconscious mind and hypnosis.

Although every question he asked was about Mieko.

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