

But at this moment, the rolling gate was pulled up directly from the inside, not even giving Fang Jianguo a chance to show the "one" gesture.


"Don't move!"

"Be careful! !"

Everyone on the investigative team is on the verge of an enemy.

However, after the rolling shutter was opened.

Inside came a young couple from the county town with red eyes.

They didn't seem surprised when they saw the investigation team surrounding the door.

"They left long ago. Five minutes ago, they left."

The husband looked at Fang Jianguo and said, "He told us that in five minutes, we can see you by opening the scroll and smashing the door."

Fang Jianguo stared blankly at the husband with red and swollen eyes, his lips moved: he.

"Su Chen." The husband said, "He is sure that you will find this place."

136. Reflection and shock of the whole society!!

"Su Chen." The husband said, "he figured you would find this place."

Fang Jianguo looked at the husband, his expression almost dull.

"He figured out that we'd come? And almost the time?"

The husband nodded: "It's the scene of the murder, and Mieko has already died."

Fatty Fang stood there for a long time as if he was stupid.

It's about three in the afternoon now.

Today, starting from the morning, when Su Chen found out that he was trapped by the investigation team, he started to go crazy.


First, it took advantage of the weakness in Xia Yan's plan, that is, the vehicle time to the county through three different departures

The location of the investigative team was determined.

It then took the initiative to trigger a shootout, which resulted in the sacrifice of five colleagues of the investigation team.

Immediately after the afternoon, Su Chen temporarily changed his plan because he discovered Mieko.

In such a tense time, an intriguing prisoner's dilemma was arranged for Mieko and Okada Shinichi.

The end of this predicament was Mieko's sacrifice, and Okada Shinichi's state was extremely dangerous.

However, this is not the end.

Su Chen was able to calculate in advance that Fang Jianguo could find him and evacuate ahead of time.

"Sure enough, as Xia Yan said, Fang Jianguo was unable to support his body, but leaned against the door of the grocery store: "He

Now it has changed, and it has become even more terrifying. "

at the same time.

Some of the audience in front of the TV were silent, some were crying with their lover in their arms, and some were shaking their heads slowly.

Just fifteen minutes.

Almost all the audience have been convinced.

"When Miss Xia Yan said it before, I thought it was nothing, but when I saw this, I found that she was right.

Yes, it feels as if brother Su Chen was forced into a desperate situation by the investigation team, as if he had opened the seal on his body.

In the same way, first a gun battle, which crushed the investigation team head-on, followed by a psychological battle that killed Okada Shinichi

Despair to death.

"This guy, he's crawled out of hell, he's seen the most terrifying things, but he's been holding back and

Forbearance until the investigation team tracked it all the way, and released the real him little by little, God, i. "

"The crux of the matter is that this demon, even if it is a demon, still has good intentions in his heart. He is on the show.

Mieko is given a death ending, but I believe that if the show ends, Mieko will reap the benefits of her life.

happy life. "

"How can a man like Su Chen not be crazy and obsessed?

After Fang Jianguo regained his senses for a while, he staggered into the inner room of the grocery store and saw Mieko slanting.

Lie down against the wall.

Her white shirt is already covered with red paint, like cherry blossoms blooming on Mount Fuji falling

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