? "

"My God, does hypnosis still have such a method? Temporarily save memory?"

"Yes, but it may cause uncertain memory damage. Under normal circumstances, this method is used in

Some patients who cannot stand major mental stimulation will then seek a hypnotist to help them treat them, which is the success rate

Just low.

While Okada Shinichi and Yantong were having this conversation, Fang Jianguo had been standing by the two of them.

Hearing that Okada Shinichi wanted to seal the memory, his left hand moved slightly.

But in the end it didn't stop.

Everyone has their own choice, Fang Jianguo knows that he can't stop it

Two hours later.

The investigation team set off again, Okada Shinichi needs to face Xia Tong's psychological counseling, while Su Chen and the others have very different goals.

It may be Shuzhong City.

It takes about four hours from the county seat to Shuzhong City.

Fang Jianguo glanced at his watch and estimated that the time he would arrive in Shuzhong City should be around nine or so that night.

"Little bat, you investigate all the surveillance equipment, although we don't know what kind of transportation they take, but

It's me who wants you to supervise all traffic coming into town between ten o'clock at night after an hour. '

"Boss, there may be tens of thousands of cars"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, promise to complete the mission!"

The people from the investigation team got into the car in a hurry. Everyone should know that Su Chen's revenge plan has been launched today.

Once you enter Shuzhong City, it is possible to create a shocking case at any time.

So after a short rectification, everyone continued to get on the bus.


Just six hours after the investigative team left.

The village girl who was kidnapped in Okada Shinichi's room at the front desk of Leifang Guest House was happily chatting with her friend.

When friends brag about what it's like to see people in the ccbe group with their own eyes.

The old wooden stairs on the second floor of the guest house creaked again.

"Check out?" The little girl put down her phone, stood up from the front desk and asked casually.

But no one spoke.

In a blink of an eye, a few people walked around the corner.

The moment the little girl saw those people, her mind went blank.

"Aren't you guys gone?

Isn't it Su Chen, Jiang Yanan, Sun Honglei and Huang Bo who came downstairs?

Turns out they didn't go!

After Su Chen completed all the questions about the Prisoner's Dilemma, they immediately came to the room in Room 117 of Okada Shinichi.

next to.

Because the little girl at the front desk at that time was in the same room as Okada Shinichi as a hostage.

So she never thought that Su Chen and the others would hide in the guest house and escape Fang Jianguo's pursuit.

"My God! Why are they still here? Fang Jianguo and the others have already gone to Shuzhong City!!"

"Su Chen played the investigation team again, and they played so daringly when Xia Tong's mind was unclear.

! "

"No wonder! Think about it, if they had fled just now, it might be too late, and even stealing a car or something

Yes, time is too tight, it is better to be in the most dangerous place than to escape so dangerously!"

"Tsk tsk, Fang Jianguo and the others have already arrived in the middle of Shu, the investigation team is exhausted, but Su Chen and the others are clearly

After taking a bath, changing clothes, and it seems that I have a good sleep!"

"Pfft, when Chen He ran to Room 117 and slammed the door on Okada Shinichi, who would have thought that Su Chen and the others would hide in the same place?

A guest house, what kind of escape is this, immortal?"

It's dark now.

It's been six hours since [-]pm.

The current time is [-]:[-]pm.

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