How could he possibly know

In an instant, Fang Jianguo realized that he had made a serious mistake again.

Su Chen can be called an expert in counter-investigation, so he must be able to handle the investigation.

Since the investigation team can find him by means of - series, he will definitely take the same measures to find him.

to the investigation team.

The previous Su Chen-zhi had no trouble with the investigation team.

That's just because he has other goals, but now, Xia Yan has repeatedly emphasized that Su Chen was provoked,

He was outraged.

However, this is the limitation of human thinking.

Fang Jianguo also thought that Su Chen would use innocent people to bring certain pressure and revenge on the investigation team.

However, who would have thought that he would actually touch the resting place temporarily determined by the investigation team at night!

When he reacted, he immediately shouted:

"Quick! It's Su Chen! Everyone finds a place to cover!!"

After Fang Jianguo finished shouting, he immediately dodged and hid behind the load-bearing column.

At the same time, he winked at the star special team who were also hiding behind the column. Star Wu Jin and Xiang Zuo were two people.

Immediately understand.

The two of them immediately sneaked along the inner corner of the warehouse to the door of the back door of the warehouse.


Except for the foreigner who was still standing in disbelief, feeling the red bullet on his forehead in a daze.

The rest of the international team had also taken cover and hid.

Facing this sudden accident, not only the investigation team and the international team were all a little stupid.

Audiences all over the world are silent at the moment.

The scene of the foreigner's bullshit just now is still vivid in my mind, but in the blink of an eye, the development of the matter shocked everyone.


"I-I-I-Tfak!! Ahhhh! n"!"

"What is this!! The international team just came out! Omg!"

Whether it's the blond-haired foreigner audience or the red-haired foreigner audience, all of them are covering their eyes with wide eyes at this moment.


I almost reached out to hold my jaw that was about to dislocate!

at the same time!

The domestic live broadcast platform was briefly quiet for about five seconds!

Whether it's a comment or a barrage.


Five past four in the morning.

The dormitory building of a well-known university in China.

Since the lights went out at eleven o'clock, the dormitory building has been silent.

Occasionally, one or two cicadas could be heard from the garden of the dormitory building.

But in the dark.

I don't know who, he suddenly rushed out of the corridor in the middle of the night and shouted: "Cool!!!"

Then, the entire dormitory building began to boil.

Not just the boys' dormitory.

Even the girls' dormitory on the opposite side was suddenly plunged into screams.

"Su Chen!! I ask you to plant DNA for me!!"


"Su Chen is awesome! Really Nima relieved, crazy, go back to where the old lady came from! Hahaha!"

"The retribution in this world is too happy. Just now, I was looking at our Fatty Fang from the top, but the next second, the scoop will be opened.

Ha ha ha ha. "

"Go back! Tell you guys with high eyes and low hands, if Fatty Fang can persist in Su Chen's hands for so long, he will

It's already awesome!!"

"It's Su Chen to relieve his anger! Fatty Fang was sure not to endure it just now, but when did Su Chen endure it?"

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