It directly caused a heated discussion among all viewers who continued to pay attention to "The Great Escape".

The first announcement mainly introduced the international investigation team that came from not far away this time, and focused on a wave of ridicule

The commander of the international team slapped his face in a second, and he appeared on the stage with the content of gg. Using his official identity, he forced a wave of rhythm.

However, the content of the second announcement made netizens who were worried about the escape group even more uneasy.

"My God, when the show first started, there were people who wondered if there would be ghosts in the escape group.

It's getting more and more exciting, everyone forgot about it, but we forgot, but the show team didn't. "

After thinking about it, I was very scared, and there is indeed an undercover! Who is it? Don't be Brother Honglei.

Just after the program group announced that the undercover identity was activated.

Almost the entire page of Tianya Forum is devoted to discussing and analyzing who is Su Chen's undercover agent.

""In my opinion, Huang Lei is the most likely. Because before Su Chen showed his prominence, Huang Lei was regarded as a recognized member of the entire group.

The old fox, if I were the program group, I'm afraid I would choose him. "

"Haven't you watched it, the program team said "activation"! That is to say, there will definitely be something like a password to escape.

The team's undercover, when the undercover sees the code, will realize that his identity is an undercover. This is called:

"Activate"! Got it-?"

"Yes, yes, that's what it means, otherwise if the undercover agent knew his identity from the very beginning, then he would rely on Su

Chen's IQ will inevitably be exposed.Upstairs. Brother the truth. "

Just when the whole network is hot.

Su Chen and the rest of the fugitive elite group had just escaped from the star pursuit group.

"What did you do just now, why did the other party react so fiercely, and, are those foreigners sure I brought them out?

?" Sun Honglei turned on the lights on the car and checked his body.

After confirming again and again that there were no signs of being shot, he sat down again.

"A shot was fired and one person was eliminated." Su Chen recalled the scene just now and said, "We all thought wrong before, this is

A new batch of new arrivals is not Jiang Yanan's colleagues, but an investigation team sent by the international community. "

"You mean.

"Yes, maybe we have already attracted the attention of some guys in the world, and Sun Honglei shot and killed on the cruise ship.

A foreigner just gave them an excuse to enter the show, and the person I eliminated just now should

This should be the commander of the international investigation team. "

After Su Chen finished speaking.

The entire cabin of the BYD SUV fell into silence.

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to the opponent's commander who has just appeared, and is preparing for the show with the hopes and expectations of all international audiences.

Get your hands dirty.

But he was shot by Su Chen and returned to his mother's house?

That is the commander of the international team. In the eyes of foreigners, he is at least no worse than Fang Jianguo, right?

Just sent it away?


I don't know who laughed first in the car.

Then Sun Honglei also grinned, followed by Huang Bo, and then Su Chen.

Everyone's face is full of excitement.

"These guys originally thought they would be worried when they figured out each other's identity, but what does this smile mean?"

"Handsome, haha, desperados, what they want is lawlessness, I didn't expect that a counter-investigation would be able to get rid of one of the other party.

Important members, I'm laughing too, haha.

at the same time.

The temporary headquarters of the international team in the warehouse.

A dozen people were silent.

This group of people guessed that they knew each other on the plane that came here, so everyone is not so familiar with it yet.

And their commander had just died.

Because the brain was shot directly, so I didn't even have a last word

"John Joe has been sacrificed, which is also a wake-up call for us, and now we have to temporarily elect a new general.

Swing out, who is more suitable for this position. "-

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