Guys, what's your IQ?"

Chen Nian smiled: "You may be good at judging what criminals might do next."

"And I'm good at predicting what everyone will do next."

"As I learn more and more about you, my predictions become more accurate."

After finishing speaking, he took the earphones back from Stephen's hands and put them on his ears, and smiled contemptuously: "Still tangled in

In terms of IQ? This question does not seem to be important. "

Stephen looked at Chen Nian's current smile, and he felt a slight horror in his heart.

"Another terrible monster," he thought to himself

143. The identity of the undercover agent is revealed!!

"Monster?" Chen Nian touched his chin, and the other hand kept writing something on the manuscript.

"I'd rather be called a lunatic than a monster."

Around five in the morning -

A white BYD SUV was parked in an uninhabited corner.

The four of the escape group walked down.

"In the urban area, the target of the means of transportation is too large, and it can't be used in the future." Su Chen held the paintball against the tire of the car.

up - gun.

Then Sun Honglei got out of the car with his pants on.

Huang Bo glanced at him with contempt: "Dna planted again?"

"Fart." Sun Honglei glanced at the woman in the car and said, "I don't grow everything. It's really not good to grow.

If you go away, just leave a clean body. """Three Zero Zero"

After getting out of the car.

Su Chen looked around, and then said, "We will only stay here for one day, and tomorrow night, as soon as it gets dark, we will

leave immediately.

"Understood." Jiang Yanan said, "Then what case do you want to commit now?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "The plan has changed, there must be some corners that we don't know much about in the international investigation team.

Color, these people may have their own abilities, so they shouldn't be too careless. "

Jiang Yanan frowned and said with a smile, "When have you been so careless?"

"We are really not careless, Su Chen frowned: "Huang Lei seems to have some problems. "

"They may not know about joining the international investigation team now, so with Huang Lei's strength, I have some

Worry about what troubles will arise. "

After thinking for a long time, Su Chen looked up and said: "Forget it, it's useless to think too much, let's plan, next, we will do our best.

Quickly attracted the attention of the investigation team, leaving Huang Lei and the others room to escape. "

At five in the morning.

The warehouse headquarters was filled with smoke.

Fang Jianguo originally smoked with his right hand, but since his right hand was abolished by Su Chen, he switched to his left hand.

of inconvenience.

"The identity of the undercover agent has come out, and I was notified just now.

Fang Jianguo lit another cigarette and looked at Xia Tong who was sitting quietly across from him.

"I know.

Xia Tong said: "Su Chen would never have imagined that there would be undercover agents beside him."

"It's just" Xia Tong paused: "The undercover agent hasn't received any information yet."

"I've given him information and this undercover agent has always known who he is, but he never revealed it.

come out. "Fang Jianguo nodded.

"Under this situation, the program team finally played this card." Xia Tong was silent for a while and said, "Don't go

Say, let me guess. "

Fang Jianguo made a gesture of invitation.

"Since he can be an undercover agent beside Su Chen, and he is one of the original nine fugitives, then it must not be anything.

unimportant role. "

Xia Tong stood up and walked in the warehouse: "Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and Huang are the three most suspects."

Fang Jianguo slowly shook his head and said, "Neither."

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