The international team in the distance watched Fang Jianguo of the investigation team and they suddenly became busy.

Steve Lee, commander of the International Investigation Team, folded his arms and put one hand on his chin.

Because of the relationship between European and American races, his chin is very long and there is a deep beauty groove.

"Where's Vidowski?" Steve Lee asked.

A foreigner beside him replied: "Victorsky has arranged for a sniper near the train station with our men.

hands, and there are currently all of our spies and agents in the entire train station hall.

This is a very abrupt voice: "It's useless, according to what I know about Su Chen, if he is the kind of

As someone who was easily solved by a sniper, then I also lost the meaning of coming to this show. "

When everyone turned around, they saw Chen Nian, the author of the mystery novel, sitting in the car.

The tip of the pen in his hand has been bitten to pieces.

And all the predictions on the original draft paper have been completely blackened by him.

But Chen Nian didn't notice it, and frowned tightly: "The railway station, why is it a railway station? Su Chen's family

What exactly do you want to do?"

3:47 PM.

Shuzhong Railway Station.

Although the rain is heavy, the traffic flow at the train station is also very high.

Private cars entering and leaving the station were instructed to stop by staff wearing raincoats, and there were tourists who kept coming down.

Passengers and passengers took out their backpacks from the trunk, and then hurried to the train station ticket collection hall.

The rain is still not showing any tendency to decrease.

The square in front of the train station is a semi-circular area, nearly several thousand square meters.

Fang Jianguo was standing on an overpass not far from the train station. He held a walkie-talkie in his hand and was wearing a raincoat.

Light seriously and seriously looked at all the pedestrians who visited Ruo Tianqiao.

"Boss, Su Chen is really too smart, I now understand a little bit why he chose to set off from the train station.

You can see that almost everyone below is wearing raincoats and covering their heads. In this case, it is difficult for us to find them. "

While Su Chen tried his best to hide, all the other staff of the investigation team were also hiding.

Because they suffered a lot from the Lost Team, once the outlaws found the investigation team

The figure, I am afraid that regardless of anything, will immediately attack the investigation team.

But this is also an advantage of the investigative team compared to the international team.

In these days of fighting with Su Chen, they no longer regard themselves as a hunter, but a time

Engraved with weaklings who may be killed by their prey.

At this critical moment, sometimes the weak mentality can often save a life.

"Wow, this atmosphere and this scene, a total of two pursuit teams, nearly [-] or [-] people are all hidden in the vicinity of the railway station.

Near every corner, a large piece, a large piece of temperament! 5.4"

"Tsk tsk tsk, ambush from all sides, hidden murder! I'm excited!"

"Didn't it say that the international investigative team set up a sniper? Where? Why can't I see it?"

"The sniper's position must be quite hidden. If you can see it, the fugitive can also see it, stupid?"

"There are too many people, even if it's raining, if you look at the center of the railway station square, there must be at least hundreds or even nearly a thousand people.

People, and they are all dragging suitcases with raincoats, not to mention how many people are in the railway station hall now!"

Fang Jianguo glanced at his watch, then turned to the little bat and asked, "Has Huang Bo turned off the positioning?" a little far

Lane said: 'Three minutes left, they should be out in three minutes!!'

The update is open, it should be faster today! .

149. They've got in, idiots!!

"I'm suddenly starting to get a little nervous now, this time is different from other times, when the escape team is not knowing what to do.

They entered the encirclement of the investigation team under the right conditions, but this time, Su Chen and the others knew that there were tigers in the mountains and they were heading towards the mountains.

"Yes, yes, is he so sure?"

"To be honest, I still don't understand why he made Huang Bo pretend to be undercover and trace their actions.

Exposed. "

"Seeing that my chicken is hard, no, I'm wrong, it's the chicken that is softer, and I feel that my legs have no strength."

When seeing this, the audience frantically began to be worried by the escape group.

Although they are still very confident in Su Chen's performance over the past few days, it's just that the investigation team and the national

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