"Brother Bo is also true, don't turn off the headset at this time, and then these four people will chat there to scare the investigation team.

Haha, Fang Jianguo was frightened enough, but he didn't dare to gamble! "I guess Su Chen and the others probably didn't have a bomb on them at all. Everything was done by "undercover" Huang Boyi.

Zhang mouth said, but the investigation group 25 could not believe it. "

When the audience sees this, all their interests have been seduced.

in the screen.

Su Chen followed the crowded crowd of people at the gate, and the four people including Sun Honglei managed to get in.

Jiang Yanan made a color at Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded.

That's right.

This is Su Chen's plan.

There really isn't a bomb on them.

If you want to make a bomb, you must have raw materials. After they come out of the highway intersection, they have no time to accurately

Prepare bomb-related materials.

But that's where being undercover comes in handy.

Huang Bo said that the escape team has a bomb, and your investigation team makes a choice.

If you don't believe it, you can come and try to arrest people. If you believe it, then honestly send us on the train.

The point is that these four fugitives are still pretending - the deputy has no idea that the investigation team is around -

While deliberately discussing bombing the train station, he looked around with wicked eyes.

In a place like this where surveillance video footage is everywhere.

No matter where this guy Sun Honglei looked, Fang Jianguo felt that his heart was raised in his throat.

Stephen Lee, commander-in-chief of the international investigation team, is now - running towards the train platform - pinching his earphones and saying:"

Everyone quickly boarded the train and took random seats. The railway department of this country has begun to cooperate with us. "

"The sniper was on standby temporarily, and the others, including all the agents, boarded the d342 train within three minutes.

Otherwise it will be discovered by the escape team! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

The other-side of the picture.

Behind Su Chen and others, male and female agents from four or five international teams followed behind the crowd, monitoring Su Chen.

With every move they made, they quickly wanted to board the d342 train ahead of schedule.

Fang Jianguo had just taken the shuttle bus to the vicinity of the train carriage.

He turned to Xia Tong and said, "We've all met the escape team, so you must hide and don't let

The escape team found a clue, Okada Shinichi, you and I go to the train locomotive, be safe there. "

He said solemnly: "There may be a bomb on the other side, but we dare not bet that this time we will have to fight with the international team.

If we cooperate with each other, our every action will become thrilling.

"The first element that needs to be guaranteed is not to be noticed by the other party that we also got on the train, otherwise, in case the train

If the carriage is detonated, that's a big case!"

"On the other hand, we try our best to arrest on the train, if it can't be done, we can only do it after arriving in Yunxia City.

To find ways to!"

Okada Shin took a look-eye watch.

The investigation team followed Su Chen and the people behind them to report in the headphones: "Boss, they will arrive in three minutes.

Reach the platform, you hurry up and hide.

Okada Shin once forgot the passenger passage, and then said anxiously: "But because of the heavy rain, all our stars

The investigation team is all trapped in Shuzhong City!" "Aircraft flights are suspended, highways are blocked, and trains can't catch up, there is no way to make arrangements in advance!"

Okada Shinichi said here.

Fang Jianguo suddenly frowned, as if he had figured out something, he looked back at Xia Tong and asked, "What do you say?

Could this be Su Chen's plan?"


Goosebumps all over appeared on the investigation trio on the train platform at the same time.

"You mean, he already knew that Huang Bo was undercover, so he deliberately used Huang Bo to report news to us?" Xia Tong-


"Yes, it is possible. Otherwise why is it so coincidental?"

"In other words, it is possible that Su Chen knew that we were on a train with him?" Okada Shinichi also became nervous.

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