"Sorry." Hou Liang looked back at Wang Baoqiang and Chen Weiting who were full of question marks.

Then his slightly grim expression slowly returned to calm.

Hou Liang ignored Xu Tongtong and the others who were still trying to break open the iron door, but walked quietly to the window and watched.

The six figures of the escape group were getting smaller and smaller under the street lamps.

He picked up the walkie-talkie, connected only Fang Jianguo's earphone and said, "Huang Lei was an undercover agent, but he killed Wang

Baoqiang and Chen Weiting.

Fang Jianguo obviously did not expect that the second escape group could get rid of Hou Liang's pursuit.

He didn't even think that Huang Lei was the one who picked up the ID card, but Fatty Fang did not ask Hou Liang the reason for his failure.

Instead, he asked, "Why did he kill Wang Baoqiang and the others?"

"He should be afraid that they will reveal his identity, or that he is afraid that Su Chen will arrange undercover in our group to lead

Let your own identity be violent.

Hou Liang - while talking, - watched the back of 870 leaving the escape group.

Regarding this issue, Hou Liang himself felt strange.

He reached into his chest pocket, took out a betel nut and threw it into his mouth, his teeth rattling.

Fang Jianguo's voice sounded: "He did this, I can't understand, since he was an undercover agent, why did he kill two people?

What? In this way, even if they are undercover, they cannot be whitewashed. ,

"Strange! Can an undercover agent who kills his own people be trusted?"

"He also took the nameplates of the three of us." Hou Liang-biting the betel nut, said: "From today, I may

Can't appear on the bright side, I decided to believe him once, accept his advice and be a shadow.

"Do you think he is credible?" Fang Jianguo asked. "I feel like he should have something to say to me." Hou Liang said, "because he could have killed me too, but

It is he but not.

"Please contact Xu Tongtong and the others." Hou Liang turned over and jumped from the window lightly: "Just say don't smash the door.

Everyone in the house is dead.

After landing, Hou Liang's figure walking on the street was infinitely elongated by the street lights.

"Commander Fang, so no one knows I'm still alive except you and Huang Lei.".

169. I dedicate my life and vows to the people!!

"Brother Huang Lei, how do we know where Brother Su Chen is?"

Under the street light, Gulina put away the gun and asked.

Huang Lei looked around, and at this moment, there were still vehicles passing by on the street from time to time.

"Hiding here, the members of the investigation team who were guarding downstairs before, they didn't catch us, and they will definitely find an investigation next time.

Check the group together.

"If we follow them, we should be able to find Su Chen.

And" Huang Lei continued: "According to Su Chen's character, they will never be unknown.

There will be a lot of cases, we just need to go to a city with them, and then we can contact them in the way we agreed before.

tied to each other.

Liu Wen nodded: "Leave this to me, I have encrypted communication methods. Brother Su Chen has already agreed with me."

Just when the second fleeing team temporarily decided to meet Su Chen ahead of schedule.

Shuzhong City-

Vehicles and Toyotas were gathered at the entrance of the five-star hotel.

Fang Jianguo got out of the car.

Standing at the entrance of the five-star hotel are Chen Nian, Xia Yan, and Victorsky.

Okada Shinichi followed behind Fang Jianguo, and Stephen Lee stood beside him in a suit.

The six strongest members of the investigation team have assembled.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake this time." The old earphones were hung around his neck.

"It's okay, everyone go to the conference room, I want to know what happened in the alleys of Shuzhong City before you,

Xia Yan, you need to give everyone a recap of everything Su Chen said to you, including why he decided to let you go.


None of them disobeyed Fang Jianguo's orders.

The fat and short man in front of him, in the process of arresting these days, has been established in the hearts of everyone——

image of a leader.

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