After a long time, he said: "Now everyone stands up and observes three minutes of silence for the deceased comrades in arms.


Without any hesitation, everyone stood up and took off their hats to pay tribute.

"Justice is coming, I will fight from today until I die, I will not compromise, I will not back down, and I will not fight for what I get.

Honor and disgrace, I will do my duty faithfully, live and die in Sri Lanka, I am the sword of national security, I am the guard above the Great Wall, I will

Life and vows are dedicated to the people, today and in the future!"

After three minutes.

Fang Jianguo raised his head: "Complete the ceremony!"

I don't know why, even some foreigners in the investigation team are already boiling with enthusiasm at this moment.

"Xia Yanbi!"


"Report to everyone what you know about Su Chen! And next, their movements!"


Xia Yan walked out of the crowd, ignoring the astonishing eyes of others, and she walked to the front of the conference room step by step.


The lights in the conference room suddenly dimmed.

The projector flickered slightly, and the photos of the entire ten fleeing group members appeared on the projection screen.

I owe a chapter today, everyone, get up early tomorrow to code, sorry.

170. Xia Yan goes out and orders the whole situation!!!

As the lights in the conference room dimmed, the picture on the projection screen grew brighter.

With a laser pointer in her hand, Xia Yan pointed to the photo on the screen and said, "At present, we have learned that Huang Lei and the other escapees

The dead group is coming towards Shuzhong City. "

"There must be secret contact information between them, but we don't know it yet."

"According to Su Chen's previous actions, they should want to make a big circle around Jiangyuan Town. As for them

The specific purpose should be because Su Chen has some personal plans. "

"The current known information is that Huang Bo is not an undercover agent, that is to say, in the escape group, there are other undercover agents.

And Su Chen has already deciphered the secret code between us and the undercover agent, so once they really meet, Su Chen is very

The real undercover agent might be found in the second escape group. "

"According to Su Chen's understanding of human nature and psychology, once he meets the undercover agent, I am [-]% sure that he will

You can immediately find out who the real undercover agent is within five minutes of meeting, and eliminate them directly.

Fang Jianguo interrupted a little and asked: "You mean we must stop in time the progress between the two escape groups.


Xia Yan shook her head and said, "On the contrary, 820, we should create opportunities for them to converge."

"Why?" Chen Nian nestled in the chair, he looked at Xia Yan and asked.

For Chen Nian, besides Su Chen, Xia Yan is also one of the people he is interested in.

"It's very simple, maybe the undercover agent has his own ideas and plans, but in the eyes of me and Su Chen, he definitely can't stand it.

It will be exposed in five minutes, which is unimaginable when the program team arranged the undercover before. "

Xia Yan's eyes are very confident: "So we are counting on undercover to betray Su Chen, which is unlikely.

""Then for us, undercover is a lure, used to lure Su Chen's bait. Su Chen now knows that,

I have to eliminate this undercover agent, because there is no room for others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch. "

"Su Chen wants to know who the undercover is more than us."

Stephen Lee nodded.

When I saw Xia Yan on TV before, because she didn't appear in many scenes, Steve Lee was very concerned about Xia Yan.

understanding is not very clear.

On the country road, when Xia Po set up an ambush for Su Chen, someone from the international team (cjci) had already boarded it.

Airplanes, they began to completely isolate themselves from the outside world's network and live broadcasts.

So Stefani didn't know how terrible Xia Yan was.

Now I have come into contact with Xia Yan in a real scene, just by virtue of the aura emanating from this woman

And the invisible self-confidence, has made Stephen Lee admire her. "From Jiangyuan Town to Shuzhong City, it is only about 500 kilometers by land, that is to say, if

Huang Lei's second escape group starts now, so when they arrive in Shuzhong City, it may be tomorrow

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