This kind of atmosphere, but I think it's better for me to stay in the surveillance car. "

Fatty Fang looked back at Xia Yan, but did not speak.

Who doesn't want to experience a happy atmosphere, but there are people in this world who enjoy happiness, and there are people who enjoy loneliness.

Before he could comfort Xia Yan, the beautiful girl in front of him suddenly sat up from the lawn and patted the raincoat

With a naughty smile on his face, he said, "Of course, Mr. Fang, I can't let you down too much.

I will try my best to catch Brother Su Chen, maybe next year, I can join him to participate in Strawberry Music

Festival, enjoy this festival as an ordinary person. "

At this moment, on the main stage of the music festival, a tuner just adjusted the microphone and left the stage!!

Then there was a neat cheer from the crowd.

Everyone stretched out their arms, and there must be a rock gesture of "love"!

A man with half-sleeved and shaved hair stepped onto the stage amid cheers.

He glanced shyly at the boiling audience below the stage.

Hands hold the microphone!

"Hello everyone, I am the opening guest of this Strawberry Music Festival."

"Perhaps everyone already knew that."

The man said: "It's not only our group of singers who are on the scene now, there are also singers who have recently become popular all over the world.

Group of people. "

"what! ! !"

"Xu Wei!! Awesome!!"

"He's actually watching the show, and he said it outright! Dammit! Awesome!"

As soon as Xu Wei spoke, the audience under the stage began to scream frantically.

"Today I will not discuss justice nor evil, although I am standing on the stage now, I am also

A fan of that man. "

When Xu Wei said this, he waved his hand to signal the audience to be quiet.

"Although I don't know where he is."

Xu Wei pointed to all the audience in front of him.

"But, I know, he's in your midst!"


The crowd is quiet in the 810 room!!

The audience at the scene knew who Xu Wei was talking about, and who was the group of people that Xu Wei said was popular all over the world.

Also, as everyone knows, these guys are in the mix.

That guy named Su Chen may be by his side!

This immersive excitement left the audience breathless with excitement.

Xu Wei said:

"I have a song I want to give him, this is a song for him!"

Then it was quiet.

Xu Wei took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

A melodious flute started as the opening, and the flute just fell.

Xu Wei opened his eyes and opened his mouth to sing the first lyrics!

"Nothing can stop you!!"

The first sentence of the lyrics was sung out, and the whole stage suddenly burst into gorgeous fireworks!

Then the drummer of the band held the drum stick in both hands and slammed it heavily on the drum surface, and the guitar and electric piano entered at the same time!

As the drummer's every beat hits the heart of everyone at the scene, this exciting and passionate atmosphere continues


In front of the main stage, nearly [-] people sang in unison.

"Your yearning for freedom!"

"Your unconstrained career, your heart has nothing to worry about!!"

This is a song for that man.

Although no one knows where he is now, everyone knows that he is in the crowd.

174. Why, you seem a little nervous about seeing Su Chen?

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