These eight-character lyrics made all the audience in front of the TV feel scalp-numb.

"This is the rock music of the [-]s at the same time as the song "Junkyard", it is Dou Wei's song, high

Class animals!!”

"This song sounds confusing! If the junkyard song represents anger, then this song


Stephen Lee shouted into the walkie-talkie as he ran towards the second stage in the rain!

"Catch him, catch Huang Bo, hurry up, go catch him!"

In the heavy rain, seven or eight star chasers rushed to the stage, no matter whether there was music or not, whether it was Huang Bo or not, first

Go up and take off his mask!

"It's Huang Bo! Sure enough, it's Huang Bo. Like Sun Honglei, he stepped onto the stage vigorously. My mother, I am a chicken.

The pimples are all up. "

"Why, didn't they run away?"

"Fuck, the investigation team won't be able to catch them like this

Just when the stars of the investigation team put handcuffs on Huang Bo and captured his arms behind him, Huang Bo still didn't know what to do.

There is the slightest resistance.

He kept struggling to face the microphone with his mouth, and the veins on his neck appeared.

But his voice remained as calm and desperate as possible.

"Forbearance. Anger. Complicated. Hate"

"Jealous. Insidious. Competing. Complaining"

"Where is the happiness, where is the happiness


Huang Bo was arrested, and the lights on the second stage were instantly turned off by the staff who responded.

There was a huge boo from the young people in the audience!!

"Don't let me see it? Ah? What the hell is this? If you don't have the ability to catch it on your own, people don't struggle, so you caught it.

Do you want to turn off the lights?"

"Brother Bo, we support you! If you wait, Su Chen will save you!!"

"Wait, didn't you find it strange? Why didn't the escape team suddenly run away? They just stood and let the investigation team arrest them.

179. Gu Lina's character is confirmed!!

With the lights on the second secondary stage turned off by the staff.

in heavy rain.

Everyone in the second lost group witnessed everything that just happened.

"Balloon or?"

Not far away, a man wearing a clown mask flung his curly hair and walked towards Huang Lei and the others from the grassy slope.

The moment I heard his voice.

Everyone in the second escape group was stunned.

"Su Chen!"

"Brother Su Chen!"

I saw Su Chen coming up from the grassy slope, the smile on the mask blooming: "Long time no see.

Gu Lina rushed forward and hugged Su Chen first: "Brother Su Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, Brother Honglei and Brother Bo...

"They want to play with the investigative team, that's fine."

Su Chen stretched out his right hand and touched Gulina's hair.

Others have been entangled in a question in his mind.

That's the question of who the next person should be given.

At present, in the escape group, the people who have no characters and characters are star fruit, Gulina, and Tong Liya.

As for Liu Wen and Li Jiayi, they already have their own outstanding strengths, but they haven't shined yet.

Just when it's hot.

Through Gulina's hug, he suddenly had a decision.

"How did you know we were here?" Huang Lei was still thinking about what kind of clues Su Chen would leave for them

meet up message.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Chen actually found all six of them from among more than [-] people.

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