Only then did Reba know that the boss he had always wanted to catch was actually on the same side as him.

But her identity is undercover!

Reba can't believe it after being played so many times, but she can't believe it either.

Under the arrangement of Stephen Lee, there is now such an arrest.

Huang Lei nodded slowly: "If you decide to become an undercover agent, it means that when Su Chen found you

Waiting, may be merciless to you. "

He threw his paintball gun on the wet turf.

Under the light of the chase light, Huang Lei's hair was sticking to his forehead in embarrassment, and he seemed a little sad.

"You were caught, Su Chen.

Su Chen probably didn't know that I was an undercover agent. You softened a bit, but you definitely didn't sue me.

Tell Liu to ask me to be an undercover agent. "Carambola slowly turned around and walked to Reba.

"As long as you're caught, no one from the escape team will know that I'm an undercover agent.

Reba immediately seized the paintball gun in the hand of star fruit, and then searched.

"When the investigation team confirms my identity, I will still be secretly released."

"The duty is, I can only betray the rest of you one by one." Star Tao said.

"Even in reality."

"When I knew I was a good person, I would never want to continue living my life on the run." So

In the heavy rain, star fruit bowed deeply to Huang Lei.


The muscles on Huang Lei's face twitched, looking at star Tao and giving his final advice: "Su Chen will know, he just now

When I saw us, I didn't mention the undercover thing, just because he was waiting for you to fall into the trap.

182. "Hi? Do you need balloons?"!

"It really is star fruit? Look! I said it right! Star fruit is a real hammer, although it is an identity arrangement, but an undercover is an undercover.


"The relationship of identity finally determines the behavior. I feel deeply!"

"The last sentence that star fruit said really touched my heart, indeed, if all this is true,

So who has the opportunity to be a good person, who would choose to continue to run away?"

"Have you ever had a dream? I once killed someone in a dream, and then dreamed that a lot of police officers came to arrest me, I was really killed

Afraid, the feeling of regret is beyond words. "

"Yes, under the shock of national power, no one really wants to be a fugitive."

Looking at the picture, the dialogue between star fruit and Huang Lei.

This group of people in the escape group has been relying on each other for so long, but these dependencies are actually because of

An identity change that was doomed from the start.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

Does Huang Lei blame carambola?

From the look in his eyes, it can be seen that he did not blame the star fruit.

If the original body "[-]" card was picked up by himself, then I am afraid he will also take this step.

Good people are good people, bad people are bad people.

Is Jingwei really so clear between the two?

Huang Lei's eyes have adapted to the chase light at this moment. He looks at the man standing behind the chase light who has just been searched and taken away.

star fruit.

She certainly won't be very happy.

From the coursing when I got the identity card, to finally developing a relationship with everyone, to having to betray.

Can starfruit's actions really represent what she's thinking?

Tens of thousands of young people at the scene did not know what happened between Huang Lei and star fruit.

They only know that Huang Lei may be an undercover agent, and now both Huang Lei and Yang Tao have been arrested, and everyone's mobile phone is not available.

There is a network and no signal, so I can only watch everything happen in shock.

In just half an hour.

Huang Bo was arrested, Sun Honglei was arrested, star fruit and Huang Lei were arrested.

In an instant, everyone in the escape group seemed to give up their resistance.

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