He was actually smiling.

When he looked up again, Su Chen had almost found that feeling.

Paranoid, crazy.

That kind of feeling that you can hold all the restlessness of the entire music festival scene in your hands by just saying a word.

at the same time.

Fang Jianguo's earphones received one good news after another.

"Report! Sun Honglei has been arrested!"

"Report! Huang Bo has been arrested!"


With this good news after another, Fang Jianguo's face became more and more gloomy.

His fat fingers tapped on the table.

But his eyes stayed on the screen of forty-eight monitors in front of him and said, "It's too simple."

"Yes, it's too simple." Xia Yan repeated, looking back, no longer staring at the monitor.

Because in her opinion, there is no need to look for Su Chen's figure through something like a monitor.

If he doesn't want to be seen, there's no use looking for him.

If he wants to appear, even if he hides, he can't escape!

"Why? Why did we capture the main force of the escape group so easily?" Fang Jianguo never

For a moment, I hope that I and Xia Yan can be interchanged.

He never imagined that one day he would be at a loss because he was not smart enough.

This is the biggest scene that Su Chen has made since he fled.

However, the arrest did not encounter the slightest difficulty.

The smoother it went, the more worried Fang Jianguo felt.

Seeing Fang Jianguo's expression now, Xia Yan couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to him.

"Mr. Fang, are you wondering why the escape group suddenly gave up all their escape and resistance?"

"No, I was thinking, where is Su Chen." Fang Jianguo's left eyelid twitched slightly.

"We. It's too late for us to figure out everything." Xia Yan said: "Since we can easily catch it

Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and the others.

"That means that we can and can easily catch Su Chen.

"What?" Fang Jianguo raised his head suddenly.

"He deliberately handed the bomb button that killed them into our hands." Xia Yan said: "Although I don't know

What is the button that killed us, but it must have been in his hands. "

"Then we

"Of course you can choose not to arrest Sun Honglei and the others, but Fu Yan said, "As an investigation team, we do not arrest fugitives.

Like talk?"

Xia Yan said: "This is the end of the matter, it's not that we caught the escape team, but they sent it up on purpose, so you can catch it.

Catch it, or catch it if you don't!"

"But as long as we catch them, we have to play Su Chen's game."

Hearing Xia Yan's voice, Fang Jianguo shuddered: "Is this a lunatic, is Su Chen crazy?"

at this time.

The door of the RV was suddenly knocked gently and politely.

Okada Shinichi and Chen Nian sat up straight and looked at each other.

There was a vague sense of foreboding in my heart.


A groaning, funny voice came from outside the door.

"You guys, do you need balloons?".

183. Sorry, isn't it the first time we meet?

With the knock on the door, there were four people sitting in the RV in the monitoring room at the moment.

Except for Xia Yan, everyone else's scalp was numb.

Then the goose bumps first started from the back of the neck, then brushed to the side of the cheek, and the body also appeared layer by layer.


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