It's like someone is breathing on the car glass.

This is the first and only time Chen Nian has had direct contact with Su Chen.

He just felt terrified all over.

Is this guy putting pressure on the main force of the investigation team!!

Fang Jianguo took out the paintball pistol from his waist and faced the figure through the window.

Then, as he approached the room at the door of the car, his left hand was already on the car door.

Then I saw that on the windshield, a pair of hands, a pair of adult palms, were slowly pressing on it.

The rain flowed along the outline of the palm, and on its middle finger, the rope of the balloon was still tied.

Fang Jianguo gritted his teeth and slammed open the door of the RV!!

"Don't move! Don't move, put your hands up!"

"Turn around slowly!!"

"Quick! Don't move!

Just when Fang Jianguo opened the door.

Members of the investigative team lurking around, stars holding guns in one hand and the other under the gun-wielding hand

Hold a bright flashlight.

Since that life-and-death chess game incident, Fang Jianguo swore that he would not let Su Chen do anything without making a sound.

was found close to his command post.

He did it.

From that time on, Fang Jianguo would arrange for people to stand around at every temporary command post, in case of any trouble.

If you move, you will be noticed.

At the moment, among a dozen dazzling flashlight beams.

Two figures stood in front of the windshield of the RV where Fang Jianguo was.

From the perspective of Xia Yan and Okada Shin- in the car.

The clown with curly hair held one hand on the glass of the car, and the other hand blocked the light in front of his eyes.

After about three or four seconds.

This guy slowly put down the hand in front of him, hehe laughed.

There was no fear or panic in his tone, as if it were a matter of course.

You speak slowly. "

"Do you want me to turn around slowly at the end of 727? Or do you want me to raise my hand and not move?"

The clown outside the car window turned around, leaning on the hood of the car as if he had no bones, he faced the drifter beside him.

The bright, ponytailed lady hooked her fingers.

"Come and see how ugly these people who pretend to be righteous, but who are afraid of evil and who are going to die.

The clown giggled and licked his lips.

He was about to continue.

But the clown's head was held against the back of the head by the paintball gun.

Fang Jianguo held a gun and said with a complicated expression: "Last time I was on a cruise ship, I said that when I see you next time, I must use it.

A gun is pointed at your head. "

"Sorry, isn't it the first time we met?" The clown turned around, tilted his head, put the gun on his forehead, carefully

Looking at Fang Jianguo: "If you were on a cruise ship last time, you would have seen me.

"Then you won't be alive until now."

He giggled, - he pulled over the beautiful woman with double ponytails and stopped her slender waist with his hands.

"Get to know my woman, let's make a deal with you, welcome?"

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Fang Jianguo tried hard to resist the urge to pull the trigger.

"What deal? What qualifications do you have to make a deal with me?".

184. Interrogate Su Chen and Gulina!!

"Gulina, Sue

Xia Yan looked at the two people outside the windshield.

"He really used the role of the clown, but this time to lead the way for Gulina."

Okada Shinichi stood in the car and watched the clown's reckless performance, and the familiarity in his heart became stronger and stronger.

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