The clown threw the gun in his hand back to Fang Jianguo.

He reached into the mask and seemed to wipe a tear.

"You!!" Fang Jianguo took the gun subconsciously, but looking at the current state of star fruit, he was extremely angry: "She has already

Jing has stood up, according to the rules of your game, she is a righteous person, although she has made mistakes, she is a righteous person!"

"She betrayed those who trusted her and she is guilty."

The clown raised his head again, put his hand to his ear and said:

"Listen, she stood up for those innocent people at the music festival, but innocent people rejoiced because of her death

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope everyone will make a fortune in the new year, be successful in their studies, and be successful in their studies.

Good luck girl!

In addition, after twelve o'clock, the monthly pass should be refreshed.

The author is here to plead with the readers to hand over the monthly ticket. In January 2020, the monthly ticket list will be ranked first.

The old is ours, okay!!

190. National and even global awe!!

"Fuck!! Is it so fierce? He killed the star fruit immediately after seeing it stand up?"

"Yeah, don't even ask, don't even give star fruit a chance to say a last word?"

"Only good people in this world give bad guys their last chance to speak, a character like the Joker, if he

Let the star fruit continue to talk for a while before dying, is that still a clown?"

"Yes, yes, I also think that Su Chen's shot is no problem. The killing is decisive and neat. I am shocked and happy to see it!"

After seeing this scene at this moment, most of the audience can no longer feel any expressions on their faces.

Even in the other live broadcast room, the three elimination experts who were originally explaining the scene suddenly changed their skills while they were talking.


In the live broadcast room.

The strongest brain, Lin Wenzheng, was looking at the live broadcast and talking eloquently, "I seem to have vaguely felt that Su Chen wants to

What did you express to the world through this sin? Regarding the fact that God used a flood to destroy the world in the Bible, no, no

Do you want!!!"

Bang shot.

Lin Wen's eyes stared, but the second half of the sentence he originally wanted to say was completely forgotten.

In the picture, star fruit's expression is exactly the same as Lin Wen's expression now.

Although she is indeed an undercover agent, although after activating her identity, she has tried to eliminate Su Chen countless times.

go with.

But really when she realized she was dead.

Star fruit's expression is still very stunned.

"Amazing." Liu Guowei helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, stood up from the guest seat, - applauding, - watching

Su Chen shook his head and sighed: "In the 40 years I have been chasing fugitives, I have encountered many of these people-

some heroic characters.

"They are high-spirited and witty, but again, because they are human, they also have their weaknesses.

"After I retired, I recalled the images of these heroes being arrested, without exception, because they were

Sentiment or indecision, but Su Chen took advantage of the clown's identity to erase this shortcoming of his own. "

"If his current identity is Su Chen, and he wants to eliminate star fruit, then the psychological difficulties to overcome are huge.

So he turned into a clown and put all his emotions into this role. For the clown, he

It is the center of this world, so he can judge a person guilty or innocent without any hesitation. "

Li Guoliang also nodded and said, "For Su Chen, there should be three purposes for him to use the clown's identity.

"The first is to find undercover agents and eliminate them mercilessly. For crisis management in their own team, it is worthy of

Call it ruthless and spicy!"

"Second, it is to activate Gu Lina's clown girl status. For now, this purpose should not be achieved."

"The third is to use the role of the lord of evil, the clown, to force the investigation team to continue his (acdj) game, and this

What is the purpose of this game, I have not been able to analyze it so far.

Lin Wen also turned back from the shock at the moment, and said in a deep voice, "We don't know the purpose of his game, but it seems that

Xia Yan, who must be at the scene, must have guessed it vaguely. "

"Have you found it? Since she guessed that Su Chen's role this time is the clown, and he established the rules of the game

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