The color is like a straight pine tree!!

There were tears in everyone's eyes at this moment.

In the quiet staircase conference room, a few sniffles were heard from time to time.

Being a hero is misunderstood.

But no one ever helped them explain half a sentence.

Until this vicious and vicious clown appeared in the picture, he used his exaggerated performance to fan the world hard.

A slap in the face from all self-righteous people.

Is the truth you see the real truth!!?

In the staircase meeting room.

I don't know who suppressed the hoarseness, and suddenly shouted with a dialect noise: "Everyone

"stand up!"

There was a rattling of chairs.

"salute! !"

Brush! Brush! Brush!

More than [-] senior police officers from all over the country pursed their lips and held their enthusiasm, facing the crazy man on the screen.

The grinning, neurotic "clown" gave a solemn salute!

191. Let's play a most exciting game!!

Of course, Su Chen himself didn't know how the outside world looked at him now.

He doesn't care either.

on the TV screen.

The star fruit that has been eliminated is still in place.

The faces of Gu Lina, Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and even Jiang Yanan were very complicated.

at this point.

Su Chen didn't specifically look for undercover agents, but just in his own plan, he got rid of undercover agents.

Although everyone and star fruit have already established a relationship.

But so what?

Su Chen's decision is not wrong, and starfruit's decision~ is not wrong either.

Huang Lei's throat choked up.

Everything was as he expected, although he didn't know under what circumstances the star fruit would be removed by Su Chen, but

The result is certain.

Huang Lei just didn't expect it to be so fast.

Gu Lina, who was beside the clown, also stared blankly at the star fruit.

Before she met Su Chen, she never knew that there was an undercover beside her, and this undercover was still going all the way.

The star fruit sister who takes great care of her.

"No, it's not real Gu Lina shook her head slowly, tears had already fallen from her face, but

Because of her role as Harley Quinn, she still laughs and leans on the clown.

Tears mixed with rain.

It seems that God is crying for the scene in front of him.

"Did you hear that?" The clown stood in the middle of the lawn, with his hands outstretched, feeling the cheers in the distance.

He looked at Fang Jianguo and Xia Yan and said, "The crowd is cheering, they are shouting, they don't like you."

"Or? Kill me? As long as I'm dead, they'll die."

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up."

The clown rushed to Fang Jianguo, handed the pistol that had just killed the star fruit to Fang Jianguo, and then held his

With both hands, help him point the gun to his head.

"Kill me and you'll end it all."

On the lawn, it was very quiet.

The members of the unknown star pursuit team and the investigation team watched the clown with gnashing teeth, although they did not know

Why didn't Fang Jianguo do it, but they knew that the clown must have pinched the handle or strangled the key.

"Don't kill me?" The clown closed his eyes and waited for Fang Jianguo to shoot.

But more than ten seconds passed, and Fang Jianguo's forehead burst into blue veins, but he still didn't shoot.

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