"When are you going to tell Fang Jianguo about this?" Xia Yan finally couldn't help asking.

"Clang!" The clown stopped, waving his fingers and said, "The wrong way is to not answer!"

Xia Yan was startled, and then her eyes turned to the paintball gun on the table.

"Would you like to eliminate him now?"

"Do you want! !"

In Xia Yan's heart, a rare start began to struggle.

But in the RV compartment, it wasn't just Su Chen and her.

There are also Gulina, Sun Honglei and Jiang Yanan.

The rest of the escape team were outside, pointing guns at the unarmed members of the investigative team.

Under this suffocating atmosphere, she suddenly picked up the paintball gun, aimed it at her temple, and closed her eyes.

Squeeze the trigger hard!


Or - the crisp sound of a pin strike.

The sound of her heart beating violently made Xia Yan feel a little uncomfortable to breathe.

A total of six question opportunities.

Now there are only three left!

The original five-sixth chance of surviving has now become one-third.

As time goes by!

Even the probability of surviving is decreasing little by little.

Xia Yan is not stupid!

On the contrary, she is extremely smart.

Since the clown has been betting with her, Xia Yan doesn't mind betting with the clown.

You are betting on your own life!

She thought about it just now, what the clown is playing with herself is actually probability.

Since it is a probability, the problem is much simpler.

Because there is nowhere to be tricked.

Whether your IQ is 180, 200, or 340, hold the revolver to your head and turn it off

The odds are always the same.

If Xia Yan was unlucky, she would have died the first time she shot herself.

Then the clown has nothing to do next, so Fang Jianguo can only make a choice immediately.

But if you're lucky, you don't die the first five times you pull the trigger.

In fact, she was wasting the chances and time of the 140 people who survived.

"Tell me now, when are you going to let Fang Jianguo know what choices you are facing?


Xia Yan asked out of breath.

"Of course, Miss Xia Yan." The clown turned around gracefully: "I'm going to tell him now."

Finish saying this.

Joker walked over to the co-pilot's seat and rolled down the window.

Sticking his head out of the window, enjoying the pouring rain, he shouted, "Everyone in the escape group, get in the car now"

Fifteen seconds later.

Tong Liya, Huang Bo, Huang Lei and others, who were dripping with rain, rushed into the carriage from outside.

The members of the investigation team outside, including Fang Jianguo, watched Su Chen's vehicle suddenly turn on its headlights.

Then the engine roared.

They saw the clown leaning out of the car window, waving at them and shouting: "Five minutes! Five minutes of gold

Fang Jianguo touched the water on his face with his left hand and squinted at the clown outside the car window!

"Yo hoo!!"

"My Noah!! You can choose to drive after me, and of course you can choose to save those who don't deserve you right away

Save the people!"

"Ten RVs, one hundred and forty people, the right to bring on board is handed over to you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

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